Difundir (to spread) conjugation

83 examples

Conjugation of difundir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I spread
you spread
he/she/it spreads
we spread
you all spread
they spread
Present perfect tense
he difundido
I have spread
has difundido
you have spread
ha difundido
he/she/it has spread
hemos difundido
we have spread
habéis difundido
you all have spread
han difundido
they have spread
Past preterite tense
I spread
you spread
he/she/it spread
we spread
you all spread
they spread
Future tense
I will spread
you will spread
he/she/it will spread
we will spread
you all will spread
they will spread
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would spread
you would spread
he/she/it would spread
we would spread
you all would spread
they would spread
Past imperfect tense
I used to spread
you used to spread
he/she/it used to spread
we used to spread
you all used to spread
they used to spread
Past perfect tense
había difundido
I had spread
habías difundido
you had spread
había difundido
he/she/it had spread
habíamos difundido
we had spread
habíais difundido
you all had spread
habían difundido
they had spread
Future perfect tense
habré difundido
I will have spread
habrás difundido
you will have spread
habrá difundido
he/she/it will have spread
habremos difundido
we will have spread
habréis difundido
you all will have spread
habrán difundido
they will have spread
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I spread
(if/so that) you spread
(if/so that) he/she/it spread
(if/so that) we spread
(if/so that) you all spread
(if/so that) they spread
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya difundido
I have spread
hayas difundido
you have spread
haya difundido
he/she/it has spread
hayamos difundido
we have spread
hayáis difundido
you all have spread
hayan difundido
they have spread
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have spread
(if/so that) you have spread
(if/so that) he/she/it have spread
(if/so that) we have spread
(if/so that) you all have spread
(if/so that) they have spread
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have spread
(if/so that) you have spread
(if/so that) he/she/it have spread
(if/so that) we have spread
(if/so that) you all have spread
(if/so that) they have spread
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera difundido
I had spread
hubieras difundido
you had spread
hubiera difundido
he/she/it had spread
hubiéramos difundido
we had spread
hubierais difundido
you all had spread
hubieran difundido
they had spread
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese difundido
I had spread
hubieses difundido
you had spread
hubiese difundido
he/she/it had spread
hubiésemos difundido
we had spread
hubieseis difundido
you all had spread
hubiesen difundido
they had spread
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have spread
(if/so that) you will have spread
(if/so that) he/she/it will have spread
(if/so that) we will have spread
(if/so that) you all will have spread
(if/so that) they will have spread
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere difundido
I will have spread
hubieres difundido
you will have spread
hubiere difundido
he/she/it will have spread
hubiéremos difundido
we will have spread
hubiereis difundido
you all will have spread
hubieren difundido
they will have spread
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's spread!
Imperative negative mood
no difundas
do not spread!
no difunda
let him/her/it spread!
no difundamos
let us not spread!
no difundáis
do not spread!
no difundan
do not spread!

Examples of difundir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- - Richard me pidió a difundir mi mermelada.- Richard asked me to spread my jam.
- Estoy tratando de difundir el evangelio de este.- I'm trying to spread the gospel.
- No me digas qué difundir.Don't tell me what to spread.
- No quiero difundir el pánico o la alarma.- I don't want to spread any panic or alarm.
- Phil, el único razón por la que celebramos esta impía Watusi era difundir el acervo genético.- Phil, the only reason we entered into this unholy Watusi was to spread out the gene pool.
Solo difundo la palabra como tú con tus vlogs Mike.I'm just spreading the word like you do with your Vlogs, Mike.
Solo difundo la palabra de mi calamitosa caída y subsecuente... renacimiento a la luz del Señor, Raylan.Just spreading the word of my calamitous fall and subsequent rebirth in the light of the Lord, Raylan.
- ¿Por qué difundes estupidez?- Why you spreading foolishness?
Diablos, ¡si difundes algo que no es verdad!Damn you, if you spread something that's not true!
O es un mecanismo de defensa que difundes tu mismo para que ninguna perdida te aguijonee de verdad.Or is this a coping mechanism, where you just spread yourself so thin that no one loss really stings that badly?
Porque lo difundes en el primer lugar que me gustó.Because you spread it around in the first place that I liked him. No, I didn't.
Tú sólo difundes rumores.You just spread rumours.
Adrianna, mira, no sé qué clase de loca difunde rumores - sobre la gente.Adrianna, look, I don't know what kind of a crazy person spreads rumors about people.
Alguien toma un poco de informacion falsa la difunde y antes de que te des cuenta, un panico se ha creado.Someone picks up a strand of false information, spreads it around, and before you know it, a panic is created.
Así es como difunde el mensaje.That's how he spreads his message.
Entretanto Tesler difunde erróneamente la noticia del fallecimiento de Tron.As Tessler spreads the myth of Tron's demise...
Esto se difunde de ciudad en ciudad, necesitamos llegar a un sitio donde el brote no haya llegado.This whole thing spreads from city to city, we need to go somewhere the spread won't take hold.
Ahora difundimos su palabra.Now we spread his word.
Al igual que antes de hacerlo, lo difundimos nosotros mismos Extendamos nuestras alas...See, just like before doing it, we spread ourselves they spread their wings...
Creo que difundimos en un principio a través de IRC, que es Internet Relay Chat.I think we spread it initially through IRC, which is Internet Relay Chat.
La difundimos anónimamente.We spread it anonymously.
Mientras difundimos la palabra.While we're spreading the word.
- Estas cosas se difunden.- These things spread.
Alemania y Bélgica son países pequeños, la gente vive una al lado de la otra y por eso las ideas filosóficas se difunden con mayor rapidez.Look, Germany and Belgium are small countries, their people live close by, and, therefore, philosophical ideas are spreading around faster.
Aquellos que difunden falsos rumores sobre los demás.Those who spread false rumors about others.
Así que la gente era realmente otra que difunden la historia, no yo.So it was really other people who spread the story, not me.
Calumnias que difunden mis competidores.Lies spread by my competitors.
Desaparecí y yo mismo difundí el rumor sobre Sangre. ¿Por qué?I disappeared and spread the Daggermouth rumour myself.
¿Cómo puede afirmar que difundí información falsa sobre Katyn?How can you say I spread false information about Katyn?
JD dijo que tu difundiste el rumor de que eras un comisario de policía jubilado.JD was saying that you spread a rumor.. ...that you are a retired police commissioner.
Tú difundiste la palabra de Urashima.You spread the word about Urashima.
"Rápidamente se difundió la noticia del hallazgo-- "De los cuerpos de los oficiales polacos, incluidos mi esposo.News spread very fast of finding... bodies of Polish officers, including my husband's...
- y se difundió de esa manera?- and it spread from there?
Ahora sé quién difundió el rumor de Ia muerte de Kira.That's who spread rumors of Kira's death.
Alguien difundió el rumor de queSomeone spread a rumor that
Blair difundió falsos rumores, chantajeó la escuela,Blair spread false rumors, blackmailed the school,
En su correspondencia con él lo defendieron frente a los aliados de Newton y difundieron su cálculo por toda Europa.They corresponded with him, stood up for him against Newton's allies, and spread his calculus throughout Europe.
Estaban en conflicto con la vecina Iwamoto por los derechos del agua... por eso difundieron los rumores y evitaron reunirse con la gente.Some were in dispute with the nearby Iwamoto domain over water rights, that's why they spread rumors and avoided meeting people.
Las historias sobre Candyman se difundieron entre los negros del sur.Stories of the Candyman spread througout the black population of the South.
Lo difundieron muy poco, no pueden arriesgarse a dejar que el público sepa que Mathis está afuera.They're spread so thin, they can't even risk letting the public know that Mathis is out.
Los aldeanos difundieron el rumor de que Rana estaba en prisión.The villagers spread the rumor that Rana is in prison.
Yo difundiré el Kung Fu Shaolin en Japón.I will spread ShaoIin Kung Fu in Japan.
¿ Y difundirás mi filosofía como yo quiero que la difundan?And you will spread my philosophy in the way I meant it to be spread?
Desde los EE. UU. Se difundirá al resto del mundo.From America it will spread to the rest of the world.
La hepatitis V se difundirá como un reguero de pólvora.Hep V will spread like wildfire.
Mira, al final, se difundirá y tú y Elena os tendréis que mudar.See, eventually, word will spread, and you and Elena will have to move away.
Puede que los últimos veinticinco años demuestren ser el amanecer de una paz eterna que se difundirá por todo el universo.May the past twenty-five years prove that they are the dawn of an everlasting peace which will spread throughout the universe.
Si fracasas, este video se difundirá en Internet como un virus.If you fail, this video will spread across the Internet like a virus.
Lo difundirán y recordarán.They will spread it and remember.
Sus escritos difundirán ese conocimiento en Europa y por todo el mundo.His writings will spread this knowledge to Europe and around the globe.
Sus hombres difundirán el evangelio dondequiera que hallen al enemigo.I'm sure your men will spread the gospel wherever they encounter the enemy.
Tratantes, difundirán su conocimiento de igual manera a todos los residentes.Attendings,you will spread your wealth of knowledge equally among all of the residents.
Tus lecciones se difundirán.The lessons of Hercules will spread.
"¿No es posible que esto se deba a alguien que difunda crueles rumores?""Doesn't it prove that it's just someone spreading vicious rumors?"
Claro, porque no quieres que se difunda la noticia que usas humectante para sacar a relucir tu "resplandor femenino".Right, because you wouldn't want word spreading that you're "deep moisturizing to bring out your feminine glow."
Cualquiera que difunda falsos rumores o ideas desmoralizantes será ejecutado en el acto una vez confrontado.Any individuals who spread false rumours or demoralizing ideas, will be killed on sight once confronted.
Cuando Dan lo difunda verán que no soy un ...When Dan spreading, summer I'm not a...
Decidme, ¿contratáis gente para que difunda los cuentos de vuestras conquistas románticas?Tell me, do you hire men to spread the tales of your romantic conquests?
# Te encerraron en la cárcel, # sí, te encerraron, # porque tienen miedo # de que hables y difundas la palabra, # pero no se puede encerrar la verdad. La verdad será escuchada.# They locked you up in the stockades, # yeah they locked you up # 'cause they're afraid, # that you would rap and spread the word, # but you can't jail truth, it will be heard.
- Entonces, no difundas esos rumores...- So, that rumors don't spread...
- Necesito que difundas la palabra de que hay un nuevo sheriff en el pueblo.- Amy. - I need you to spread the word that there's a new sheriff in town.
- No difundas propaganda, les estarías dando ventaja.- Don't spread propaganda, you're just playing into their hands.
- No lo difundas...- Don't spread it around...
Si es que está pasando algo, antes de que difundamos mentiras.let's find out what's goin' on first, huh, if there is something going on, before we start spreading around lots of lies?
Vengamos, difundamos la palabra.Come on, let's spread the word.
Vámonos de aquí y difundamos la palabra. ¡MARMITE!Let's get out there and spread the word. MARMITE!
"Salgan al mundo y difundan el Evangelio porque aquel que cree y es bautizado será salvado."Go, ye, unto all the world and spread the gospel, for he who believes and is baptized will be saved.
- Ya he llamado a todo el mundo y diles que lo difundan.- I've already called everyone and told them to spread the word.
Corran la voz, difundan estas palabras.Popeye, go forth. Take these words and spread them:
Corre la voz por la ciudad, y diles que lo difundan.We go out and talk to all and ask them to spread the word.
Cuando los periódicos publiquen su historia y la difundan por todo el país, ningún tribunal del mundo podrá negarse a que suba al estrado.When the papers print her story... and spread it in headlines across the country, no court on earth can refuse to put her on the stand.
Difundid, difundid la noticiaSpread, spread, spread the news
"Por cierto Rajiv, yo no he difundido el rumor""By the way Rajiv, I did not spread the rumors"
- Marion lo ha difundido por el pueblo.- Marion has spread it all over town.
Afortunadamente, la noticia no se ha difundido al público en general y me gustaría que siguiera así.Fortunately, the news hasn't spread to the general public. And I'd like to keep it that way.
Al parecer, y no sé cómo, el juego ha sido difundido.Apparently, and I don't know how, but the game has spread.
Algunas teorias de conspiración se han difundido tanto que la gente no sabe qué creer.Some conspiracy theories have became so widespread that people don't know what to believe.
- Nuestro funcionamiento... vamos de estado en estado, difundiendo nuestro mensaje, un sentimentaloide mensaje de esperanza para niños enfermos...Our operation... we go from state to state, spreading our message, a sometimes gooey baked message of hope to sick children...
A los esfuerzos de un hombre que salió allí, que estaba allí en el frío, que estuvo allí día y noche, hablando y difundiendo la palabra.To the efforts of one man who went out there, who went out there in the cold, who was out there day and night, speaking the word, spreading the word.
Además, solo como aviso... los chicos están difundiendo rumores sobre ti tirándote a alguien bajo el arca.Oh, also, just as a heads up kids are spreading rumors about you diddling someone under the ark.
Adentro, el cardenal O'Connor está ocupado difundiendo sus mentiras y rumores sobre la posición de lesbianas y gays.Inside, Cardinal O'Connor is busy spreading his lies and rumors about the position of lesbians and gays.
Ahora mismo, el cotilleo sobre todo esto ya se está difundiendo.Right now, word's already spreading about all this.
Pero difundís la palabra de Dios.But you spread the Word of the Lord.

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