Contener (to contain) conjugation

94 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: check, restrain, to hold, to control, control, hold, to restrain

Conjugation of contener

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I contain
you contain
he/she/it contains
we contain
you all contain
they contain
Present perfect tense
he contenido
I have contained
has contenido
you have contained
ha contenido
he/she/it has contained
hemos contenido
we have contained
habéis contenido
you all have contained
han contenido
they have contained
Past preterite tense
I contained
you contained
he/she/it contained
we contained
you all contained
they contained
Future tense
I will contain
you will contain
he/she/it will contain
we will contain
you all will contain
they will contain
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would contain
you would contain
he/she/it would contain
we would contain
you all would contain
they would contain
Past imperfect tense
I used to contain
you used to contain
he/she/it used to contain
we used to contain
you all used to contain
they used to contain
Past perfect tense
había contenido
I had contained
habías contenido
you had contained
había contenido
he/she/it had contained
habíamos contenido
we had contained
habíais contenido
you all had contained
habían contenido
they had contained
Future perfect tense
habré contenido
I will have contained
habrás contenido
you will have contained
habrá contenido
he/she/it will have contained
habremos contenido
we will have contained
habréis contenido
you all will have contained
habrán contenido
they will have contained
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I contain
(if/so that) you contain
(if/so that) he/she/it contain
(if/so that) we contain
(if/so that) you all contain
(if/so that) they contain
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya contenido
I have contained
hayas contenido
you have contained
haya contenido
he/she/it has contained
hayamos contenido
we have contained
hayáis contenido
you all have contained
hayan contenido
they have contained
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have contained
(if/so that) you have contained
(if/so that) he/she/it have contained
(if/so that) we have contained
(if/so that) you all have contained
(if/so that) they have contained
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have contained
(if/so that) you have contained
(if/so that) he/she/it have contained
(if/so that) we have contained
(if/so that) you all have contained
(if/so that) they have contained
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera contenido
I had contained
hubieras contenido
you had contained
hubiera contenido
he/she/it had contained
hubiéramos contenido
we had contained
hubierais contenido
you all had contained
hubieran contenido
they had contained
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese contenido
I had contained
hubieses contenido
you had contained
hubiese contenido
he/she/it had contained
hubiésemos contenido
we had contained
hubieseis contenido
you all had contained
hubiesen contenido
they had contained
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have contained
(if/so that) you will have contained
(if/so that) he/she/it will have contained
(if/so that) we will have contained
(if/so that) you all will have contained
(if/so that) they will have contained
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere contenido
I will have contained
hubieres contenido
you will have contained
hubiere contenido
he/she/it will have contained
hubiéremos contenido
we will have contained
hubiereis contenido
you all will have contained
hubieren contenido
they will have contained
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's contain!
Imperative negative mood
no contengas
do not contain!
no contenga
let him/her/it contain!
no contengamos
let us not contain!
no contengáis
do not contain!
no contengan
do not contain!

Examples of contener

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"La Meditación de Massenet, por ejemplo me preocupa que mi sistema nervioso esté mal equipado para contener tan inmenso sentimiento"."Massenet's Meditation, for instance," and I worry that my nervous system "is ill-equipped to contain such immensity of feeling".
"Tuve todo lo que podía hacer para contener la risa.""l had all I could do to contain my laughter."
"Y a pesar de todos los esfuerzos, no conseguimos contener la situación."In spite of extraordinary efforts we were unable to contain ...
- Cada vez que tratamos de contener la radioactividad se escapa, se mueve, se oculta.- Every time we try to contain the radioactivity, it escapes, it moves, it hides.
- Necesitamos una forma de contener esas cosas...- We need a way to contain those things...
- No contengo seres parasitarios.- l contain no parasitical beings.
Tengo tantas ganas de matarte que casi no me contengo.I'd like to kill you so bad, I can barely contain myself.
Honorable felino, si de verdad contienes el espíritu de nuestra amada Debra, entonces, por favor, bebe de la salsera de la izquierda. y si no, entonces bebe de la derecha.Honoured feline, if you truly contain the spirit of our beloved Debra, then please drink from the left saucer and if you do not, then drink of the right.
Las amarras contienes minimos rastros de un fluido hidraulicoWrappings contained minute trace of hydraulic fluid.
Puede que no sea capaz de revertir la transformación completa todavía, pero los efectos secundarios, el tiempo perdido, la agresión, - si solo los contienes en lugar de...I might not be able to reverse the full transformation yet, but the side effects, the lost time, the aggression, if you just contain them instead of...
Usted ya no se limita a los objetos físicos Los aspectos o las superficies que contienes en tu interior.You are no longer confined to physical objects aspects or surfaces that contain within them.
Y cuando contienes y manipulas anti-materia, es que eso es posible.And when you contain and harness anti-matter, if... if that's even possible.
"...contiene suficiente concreto..."... contains enough concrete...
"Advertencia, contiene caca de ratón"."Warning, contains mouse poo."
"Aullido" contiene palabras, tomándolas por sí mismas, Su Señoría, que son francamente obscenas."Howl" contains words, taken just by themselves, Your Honor, that are definitely obscene.
"Di-Gel contiene carbonato de calcio, un antiácido eficaz...""Di-Gel contains calcium carbonate, an effective antacid...."
"El paquete Vita Value contiene cada vitamina de la A a la Z"."The Vita Value pack contains all essential vitamins from A to Z."
Bien, supongamos que lo contenemos.We're going under the assumption we've got it contained.
Damas y caballeros, estamos en contenemos y el protocolo de captura!Ladies and gentlemen, we're on contain and capture protocol!
El terreno de Langston no ha sido infectado así que si contenemos el rociado a este cuadrante...Langston's fields haven't been infected yet, so if we contain the spraying to this quadrant...
La contenemos, la aislamos y la neutralizamos.We contain, isolate and neutralize.
Lo contenemos, seguimos adelante.We contain this, we move on.
"Que el mismo espíritu de Dios ha movido, por el sol y las estrellas por las aguas, por los mares y todo lo que contienen por los torbellinos y las tempestades vosotros los demonios, ayudadme en mi tarea.""Which the very spirit of God hath moved, by the sun and by the stars, "by the waters, by the sea and all which they contain, "by the whirlwinds and the tempests,
"Yo también soy un Won." El enérgico arte chino está muy bien pero debes ver los trabajos que contienen el espíritu de nuestros ancestros."l too am a Won." Forceful Chinese art is all very well... but you must see the works that contain the spirit of our ancestors.
"tenemos buenas relaciones con quienes contienen algo de plomo"."we have some fine relations who all contain some lead."
# ¿No sabes que todas las nubes contienen # # muchos peniques del cielo?♪ Don't you know each cloud contains ♪
- Claro porque podemos emplazar sus archivos de personal que ya sabemos que contienen información perjudicial.Sure, because we can just subpoena their personnel records, which we already know contain damaging information.
Escucha, no debes asustarte, ya contuve la situación.Listen, there's no need to panic, I have contained the situation.
Me encontraba cerca y contuve la situación antes de que lo viera alguien másI happened to be nearby and contained the situation before anyone else saw.
Pero lo contuviste.But you contained it.
Tú lo contuviste.You kept it contained.
Aparentemente, alguna vez contuvo caramelos.It apparently once contained inexpensive sweets.
Así se contuvo esta práctica del suicidio, que amenazaba con arruinar la economía de este pueblo, que ya sufría su segundo año de sequía.That is how we contained this practice of suicide, which threatened to ruin the economy of this village, which was already in its second year of drought.
Ben lo contuvo.Ben contained him, so he's fine.
Cada uno de éstos contuvo a una víctima del Sepulturero. Qué acogedor.Each of these contained one of the Grave Digger's victims.
Como contuvo el misíl de Reaper.Like he contained the Reaper's missile.
- La contuvimos.- We contained it.
Bueno, al menos contuvimos al virus.Well, at least we've contained the virus.
Bueno, contuvimos la fuga.Well, we contained the break out.
Bueno, las bajas son en millones, pero contuvimos la radiación y La Jolla será construida de nuevo.Well, the casualties are in the millions, but we contained the radiation and La Jolla will rebuild.
Entramos en el edificio, y luego contuvimos, aislamos y neutralizamos la amenaza.We entered the building, then we contained, isolated and neutralized the threat.
El Gobernador de California y el Presidente... respondieron al problema inmediatamente y lo contuvieron.The governor of California and the president responded and contained it.
Tú crees que contuvieron la infección, que no existe ningún viajero.You think the infection's been contained, that there's no hitchhiker.
Ya contuvieron el fuego.They've got the fire contained.
Me contendré.I will contain myself.
"Todo sistema axiomático contendrá verdades--"Every axiomatic system will contain truths..."
Apuesto a que el 90% de ellos que contienen un ingrediente de maíz o de soja, y la mayoría del tiempo contendrá tanto.I'll bet you 90% of them would contain either a corn or soybean ingredient, and most of the time will contain both.
Asi si mañana toma una foto de algun campo o algo anonimo Esto contendrá estas bellezas.Then I would like to put on his left hand as many Italian images as I can so that if tomorrow he takes a picture of a field or something anonymous this will contain those beauties.
Con lo que, el lunes, el primer cargamento de la compañía Shelby contendrá mil carburadores Riley.So, on Monday, the first Shelby company crates will contain a thousand Riley carburettors.
Cuando vuelva a casa esta noche esa cartera contendrá un sobre grande, azul con un lacre de cera rojo con un león tumbado.When he comes home tonight this box will contain a long, blue envelope sealed in red wax with a crouching lion stamped on it.
- Lo contendremos.- We will contain this... - Contain it?
- Esta cámara y estas cavernas los contendrán.- This chamber and these caverns will contain them.
74 de esas magdalenas contendrán gotas de sedante que yo personalmente habré hecho con té de camomila, antihistamínicos y tranquilizantes de caballo de categoría farmacéutica.74 of those cupcakes will contain knockout drops that I've personally made from chamomile tea, antihistamines, and pharmaceutical grade horse tranquilizers. The 75th cupcake is the one maw maw will eat.
Con suerte, algunas manchas contendrán esperma.With luck some of the spots will contain sperm.
Los excrementos de rata no contendrán sólo rastros inorgánicos, sino restos digeridos de la víctima.Rat excrement will contain not only inorganic clues, but digested remains from the victim.
Muy pronto lo contendrán todo.Very soon they will contain everything.
Entonces el disco contendría pistas de la historia del espíritu.Then the disc would contain clues as to the spirit's story.
Si ésta fuera mi biblioteca genética contendría todo lo que mi cuerpo sabe hacer sin haberlo aprendido.If this were my gene library it would contain everything my body knows how to do without being taught.
contendría paradojas.It would contain paradoxes.
- Pensé que los pueblos más grandes contendrían mentes más grandes.I thought bigger towns would contain bigger minds.
Los cráneos más grandes contendrían cerebros más grandes y avanzados comparándolos con los nuestros.The larger skulls would contain larger, more advanced brains compared to ours.
Y que sus organos contendrían Altas cantidades de droga sin metabolizar.And that his organs would contain high amounts of unmetabolized drug
""asi que puedes esperar que mi proxima carta contenga mucho dinero."so you can expect my next letter to contain lots of money.
"Mientras que yo soy yo, tú eres tú, mientras el mundo nos contenga a los dos.""While I am I, you are you, so long as the world contains us both."
'Señor Neelix, por favor contenga su exuberancia' y 'Señor Neelix, no tengo deseos de divertirme'."Mr. Neelix, please contain your exuberance." And, uh, "Mr. Neelix, I have no desire for fun."
- Lleva su bolso. Es más que probable que contenga una billetera, un móvil, un portátil.Which more than likely contains a wallet, cell phone, laptop.
- Puede que contenga oro.- That might contain gold.
Necesito que contengas a los guerreros muertos que salen de ese Cinvat.I need you to contain the dead warriors that come out of that Cinvat.
Para hacer que te contengas.To make you contain yourself.
"Pero el material estelar tomó conciencia." Habiendo dicho esto, no es imposible que contengamos el contenido de nuestro origen, literalmente, dentro de nosotros y que haya una forma de recuperar esa información.Having said this, it is not impossible that we contain the knowledge of our origins literally within us, and that there's a way to retrieve that information.
Es desagradable pero tan pronto como contengamos la situación volveremos a la normalidad.It's unpleasant, but as soon as we've contained the situation, it'll be business as usual.
Nadie está a salvo del virus hasta que lo contengamos.No one is safe from the virus until we have contained here.
Una vez que contengamos al virus, podemos enviar tropas.Once we contain the virus, we can send troops.
Volvamos con los kurdos y contengamos este cáncer lo mejor que podamos.Let's back the Kurds and contain this cancer as best we can.
"El Gobierno decidió no exigir advertencias en productos que contengan cafeína, porque si los resultados fueran refutados el gobierno perdería credibilidad."The government chose not to require warnings on products containing caffeine because if the findings were refuted, the government would lose credibility.
A menos que esos archivos contengan algo interesante... tendrán que esperar.Unless those files contain something about his daughter, it's gonna have to wait.
A menos que, por supuesto, contengan pendientes de diamantes grandes.Unless, of course, they contain big diamond earrings.
Ahora abre tu mente a todas las palabras del universo... que contengan la letra "E".And now I want you to open your mind... to all the words in the universe that contain the letter E.
Bengalas y humo. Aseguren y contengan la escena.Secure and contain the scenario.
Por favor, contén tu emoción.Please contain your excitement.
Tank, contén la situación.Tank, contain the situation.
¡Wordy, contén a esta gente!Wordy, contain these people!
Alteza, contened vuestra pasión por mí.Highness, contain your passion for me.
Sintozoides, contened a los humanos.Synthezoids, contain the humans.
"El amor no puede ser contenido. "El ordenado envase del deseo se rompe en pedazos,Love cannot be contained, the neat packaging of desire splits us under
"El tiempo presente y el tiempo pasado... Están quizá presentes en el tiempo futuro... Y el tiempo futuro está contenido en el tiempo pasado."Time present and time past are both perhaps present in time future, and time future contained in time past.
"Querido Doctor, esta bolsa y su contenido que he descubierto en el sótano, es una colección de varios objetos, de significado incomprensible.""My dear Doctor, contained in this bag, which I discovered in the cellar, "is a collection of sundry items of baffling meaning.
(Radio) El peligro persiste en el caluroso oeste... (Radio) Incluso con la cuarta parte del incendio contenido, la mayor parte sigue ardiendo fuera de control.(Radio) Danger persists in the hot West. (Radio) Even if almost a quarter of the fire is contained, much of it is still burning out of control.
- Eh, bueno, lo contrario a lo que paso en Minamata fue contenido correctamente- Ah, well, the upside of what happened in Minamata is it was fairly contained.
Acaban de notificarme de que un misil crucero, fue lanzado conteniendo una ojiva nuclear.I've been told a cruise missile was launched containing a nuclear warhead.
Ahora, el Sr. Harper nos dijo que le entregó un sobre conteniendo cartas que Taylor escribió después de abandonar Fernwood.Now, Mr. Harper told us that he handed you a manila envelope containing letters tahat Taylor wrote him after she left Fernwood.
Al momento, el más grande misterio que abruma a las autoridades es cómo pudo el bandido escaparse con éxito del hipódromo con un bolso tan abultado conteniendo dinero.At this time, the most baffling mystery that still plagues the authorities... is just how the bandit managed to successfully get away from the track... with the bulky duffel bag containing the money.
Algunas experiencias son universales, conteniendo ambas la oscuridad y la luz.Some experiences are universal, containing both the dark and the light.
Almacenan carbono, conteniendo más que todo la atmósfera de la Tierra.They store carbon, containing more than all the Earth's atmosphere.

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