Zăcea (to lie) conjugation

42 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: etc, of, character defects, of abstracts such as emotions

Conjugation of eiti

Present tense
I lie
you lie
he/she/it lies
we lie
you all lie
they lie
Present perfect tense
am zăcut
I have lied
ai zăcut
you have lied
a zăcut
he/she/it has lied
am zăcut
we have lied
ați zăcut
you all have lied
au zăcut
they have lied
Past preterite tense
I lied
you lied
he/she/it lied
we lied
you all lied
they lied
Future tense
voi zăcea
I will lie
vei zăcea
you will lie
va zăcea
he/she/it will lie
vom zăcea
we will lie
veți zăcea
you all will lie
vor zăcea
they will lie
Conditional mood
aș zăcea
I would lie
ai zăcea
you would lie
ar zăcea
he/she/it would lie
am zăcea
we would lie
ați zăcea
you all would lie
ar zăcea
they would lie
Subjunctive present tense
să zac
(so that/if) I lie
să zaci
(so that/if) you lie
să zacă
(so that/if) he/she/it lie
să zăcem
(so that/if) we lie
să zăceți
(so that/if) you all lie
să zacă
(so that/if) they lie
Subjunctive past tense
să fi zăcut
(so that/if) I have lied
să fi zăcut
(so that/if) you have lied
să fi zăcut
(so that/if) he/she/it have lied
să fi zăcut
(so that/if) we have lied
să fi zăcut
(so that/if) you all have lied
să fi zăcut
(so that/if) they have lied
Past impf. tense
I was lying
you were lying
he/she/it was lying
we were lying
you all were lying
they were lying
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu zăcea
do not lie!
nu zăceți
do not lie!
Past pluperfect tense
I had lied
you had lied
he/she/it had lied
we had lied
you all had lied
they had lied
Future alternative 1 tense
am să zac
I am going to lie
ai să zaci
you are going to lie
are să zacă
he/she/it is going to lie
avem să zăcem
we are going to lie
aveți să zăceți
you all are going to lie
au să zacă
they are going to lie
Future alternative 2 tense
o să zac
I am going to lie
o să zaci
you are going to lie
o să zacă
he/she/it is going to lie
o să zăcem
we are going to lie
o să zăceți
you all are going to lie
o să zacă
they are going to lie
Future perfect tense
voi fi zăcut
I will have lied
vei fi zăcut
you will have lied
va fi zăcut
he/she/it will have lied
vom fi zăcut
we will have lied
veți fi zăcut
you all will have lied
vor fi zăcut
they will have lied
Future in the past tense
aveam să zac
I was going to lie
aveai să zaci
you were going to lie
avea să zacă
he/she/it was going to lie
aveam să zăcem
we were going to lie
aveați să zăceți
you all were going to lie
aveau să zacă
they were going to lie
Conditional past tense
aș fi zăcut
I would have lied
ai fi zăcut
you would have lied
ar fi zăcut
he/she/it would have lied
am fi zăcut
we would have lied
ați fi zăcut
you all would have lied
ar fi zăcut
they would have lied
Presumptive tense
oi zăcea
I might lie
oi zăcea
you might lie
o zăcea
he/she/it might lie
om zăcea
we might lie
oți zăcea
you all might lie
or zăcea
they might lie
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi zăcând
I might be lying
oi fi zăcând
you might be lying
o fi zăcând
he/she/it might be lying
om fi zăcând
we might be lying
oți fi zăcând
you all might be lying
or fi zăcând
they might be lying
Presumptive past tense
oi fi zăcut
I might have lied
oi fi zăcut
you might have lied
o fi zăcut
he/she/it might have lied
om fi zăcut
we might have lied
oți fi zăcut
you all might have lied
or fi zăcut
they might have lied

Examples of zăcea

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
Ai stat acolo curăţând scoicile în faţa noastră, iar prietena ta zăcea moartă la morgă.I didn't lie. You sat there, shucking oysters in our faces, while your girlfriend lay dead in the morgue.
Atunci Michael va sta pe tron in seara asta, iar regele va zăcea în puscărie sau în mormânt.Then Michael sits on the throne tonight. And the king lies in prison or his grave.
Aş zăcea neobservatI could lie on your floor unnoticed Till my body had turned to
Că eu nu voi putea zăcea lângă tine când îmi va sosi Încheierea.That I will not lie beside you when my Resolution comes.
Că nu vei zăcea alături de mama mea.And you will not lie beside my mother.
"Aici zac rămăşiţele dlui. Fritz."Here lie the remains of Mr. Fritz.
"Banii, zac la picioarele curtezanelor din bordeluri.""the money, it lies at the feet of harlots in brothels"
"Dar nimeni nu ştie unde zac visele mele.""but no one knows where my dreams lie"
"Dedesubtul ţărânei negre a Passchendaele, încă zac 100.000 de trupuri negăsite"."Beneath the dark soil of Passchendaele, 100,000 bodies still lie unaccounted for.
"Este cea pe treptele careia visele mele zac spulberate."Is the one on whose doorsteps, my dreams lie shattered.
- Oricum o să zaci întins la podea.- You're gonna lie down anyway.
-zaci toata ziua in cort, acum ai facut-o.- You lie in your tent, now you make it.
Acum zaci în pat singur Persoana ta e o făcăturăAt night you lie in bed lonely Your persona's a facade
Adică tu zaci aici şi crezi că o să fac una ca asta?Don't you lie here and think I can do that.
Ai avut ceva sânge în tine să zaci acolo şi să iei decizii despre viitorul nostru, fără mine.I may still love you, but I'd leave you. Well, you have got a lot of balls to lie there and make decisions without me about our future.
"...zace nedezvăluită.""... lies unrevealed."
"Acolo, în sălile aflate în ruină, craniul singuratic" "zace în tristeţea sa...""There, in ruined halls, the lonely crane lies in its mourning..."
"Aici zace Buckland de pe Renown," "căpitanul care a fost prins trăgând un pui de somn".'Here lies Buckland of the Renown, the captain who was caught napping.'
"Aici zace Clarence B Parkinson."Here lies Clarence B. Parkinson.
"Aici zace Edmund Viperă Neagră şi e al dracului de nervos."Here lies Edmund Blackadder, and he's bloody annoyed.
"Nu trebuie să mai zăcem aşa cum am zăcut"Shall we not lie as we have lain
Mai bine să fim cu mortul care, pentru noi şi pacea noastră, păcii l-am trimis, decât, munciţi de cuget, să zăcem în nebunia ce răgaz nu ştie.Better be with the dead, Whom we, to gain our peace, have sent to peace, than on the torture of the mind to lie in restless ecstasy.
Nu putem pur şi simplu să zăcem aici toată ziua.We can't just lie around here all day.
"Au început să mă lovească cu picioarele în timp ce zăceam acolo.""They kicked me as I was lying there.
A căzut din vitrină chiar lângă locul unde zăceam.It fell out of the display cabinet right next to where I was lying.
Ai sedus-o în timp ce eu zăceam într-un spital militar, întrebându-mă dacă mai pot merge vreodată, iar acum aştepţi loialitate din partea mea?You seduced her while I was lying in a military hospital wondering if I would ever walk again, and now you expect some sort of loyalty from me?
Chiar săptămâna trecută zăceam supărat şi m-am trezit suspinând:Just last week, I was lying in bed and I woke up sobbing.
Considerând că zăceam pe şosea când a oprit maşina.Considering I was lying in the road when he stopped his car.
Am visat că zăceai moartă undeva.I dreamed you were lying dead somewhere.
Când zăceai aici acoperită de praf, tot de vroiam era să te protejez.When you were lying here, sprawled in the dust, all I wanted to do was protect you.
Dacă te lovea un camion Şi zăceai în şanţ murind Şi aveai timp să cânţi un cântecIf you was hit by a truck and you were lying out in that gutter dying... and you had time to sing one song, huh, one song... people would remember before you're dirt... one song that would let
În timp ce zăceai inconştient în spital azi după-masă, doctorii mei s-au ocupat de tine.While you were lying unconscious in the hospital this afternoon, my doctors worked on you.
A spus că zăceau acolo jos când a ajuns acasă.He said they were lying there when he got home.
Apropo, când au găsit oamenii, zăceau pe jos tremurând, în stare de prostraţie.By the way, when they people were found, they were lying on the floor, shivering and catatonic.
Copiii... zăceau pe jos, nemişcaţi...The kids were lying there and they were so still.
Deja zăceau acolo când am ajuns eu.They were lying there when I came.
El a spus că deja zăceau întinşi jos când a ajuns acasă.He said they were lying here when he got home.
"Când l-am văzut pe Russell zăcând acolo,""The moment I saw Russell lying there,
"În momentul când l-am văzut pe Russell zăcând acolo, m-am gândit: "O, Doamne,"The moment I saw Russell lying there, I thought Oh, my God,
- Cred că ţi-a fost foarte greu când l-ai găsit zăcând pe jos, în birou.It must have been awful when you found him lying on the office floor.
- Când am văzut-o zăcând acolo, pentru prima dată, mi-am dorit să fac ceva care să salveze vieţi.Looking at her lying there... For the first time i wanted to design something That would save a life.
- De ce nu-l faci să arate mai realist ...adică zăcând.Why don't you make it realistic and draw him lying down?

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