Trăda (to betray) conjugation

49 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to reveal, backstab, disclose, reveal

Conjugation of eiti

Present tense
I betray
you betray
he/she/it betrays
we betray
you all betray
they betray
Present perfect tense
am trădat
I have betrayed
ai trădat
you have betrayed
a trădat
he/she/it has betrayed
am trădat
we have betrayed
ați trădat
you all have betrayed
au trădat
they have betrayed
Past preterite tense
I betrayed
you betrayed
he/she/it betrayed
we betrayed
you all betrayed
they betrayed
Future tense
voi trăda
I will betray
vei trăda
you will betray
va trăda
he/she/it will betray
vom trăda
we will betray
veți trăda
you all will betray
vor trăda
they will betray
Conditional mood
aș trăda
I would betray
ai trăda
you would betray
ar trăda
he/she/it would betray
am trăda
we would betray
ați trăda
you all would betray
ar trăda
they would betray
Subjunctive present tense
să trădez
(so that/if) I betray
să trădezi
(so that/if) you betray
să trădeze
(so that/if) he/she/it betray
să trădăm
(so that/if) we betray
să trădați
(so that/if) you all betray
să trădeze
(so that/if) they betray
Subjunctive past tense
să fi trădat
(so that/if) I have betrayed
să fi trădat
(so that/if) you have betrayed
să fi trădat
(so that/if) he/she/it have betrayed
să fi trădat
(so that/if) we have betrayed
să fi trădat
(so that/if) you all have betrayed
să fi trădat
(so that/if) they have betrayed
Past impf. tense
I was betraying
you were betraying
he/she/it was betraying
we were betraying
you all were betraying
they were betraying
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu trăda
do not betray!
nu trădați
do not betray!
Past pluperfect tense
I had betrayed
you had betrayed
he/she/it had betrayed
we had betrayed
you all had betrayed
they had betrayed
Future alternative 1 tense
am să trădez
I am going to betray
ai să trădezi
you are going to betray
are să trădeze
he/she/it is going to betray
avem să trădăm
we are going to betray
aveți să trădați
you all are going to betray
au să trădeze
they are going to betray
Future alternative 2 tense
o să trădez
I am going to betray
o să trădezi
you are going to betray
o să trădeze
he/she/it is going to betray
o să trădăm
we are going to betray
o să trădați
you all are going to betray
o să trădeze
they are going to betray
Future perfect tense
voi fi trădat
I will have betrayed
vei fi trădat
you will have betrayed
va fi trădat
he/she/it will have betrayed
vom fi trădat
we will have betrayed
veți fi trădat
you all will have betrayed
vor fi trădat
they will have betrayed
Future in the past tense
aveam să trădez
I was going to betray
aveai să trădezi
you were going to betray
avea să trădeze
he/she/it was going to betray
aveam să trădăm
we were going to betray
aveați să trădați
you all were going to betray
aveau să trădeze
they were going to betray
Conditional past tense
aș fi trădat
I would have betrayed
ai fi trădat
you would have betrayed
ar fi trădat
he/she/it would have betrayed
am fi trădat
we would have betrayed
ați fi trădat
you all would have betrayed
ar fi trădat
they would have betrayed
Presumptive tense
oi trăda
I might betray
oi trăda
you might betray
o trăda
he/she/it might betray
om trăda
we might betray
oți trăda
you all might betray
or trăda
they might betray
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi trădând
I might be betraying
oi fi trădând
you might be betraying
o fi trădând
he/she/it might be betraying
om fi trădând
we might be betraying
oți fi trădând
you all might be betraying
or fi trădând
they might be betraying
Presumptive past tense
oi fi trădat
I might have betrayed
oi fi trădat
you might have betrayed
o fi trădat
he/she/it might have betrayed
om fi trădat
we might have betrayed
oți fi trădat
you all might have betrayed
or fi trădat
they might have betrayed

Examples of trăda

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
! Nu pot cred că ne-ar trăda așa?I can't believe you would betray us like that?
"Aşa vor muri toţi cei care-l vor trăda pe Giuliano".So die all who betray Giuliano
"Aşa vor muri toţi cei care-l vor trăda pe Giuliano"So die all who betray Giuliano
"Chuck, îţi vei trăda tara "sau te vei întoarce împotriva prietenului şi partenerului tău, John Casey, pentru că a furat pastila?""Chuck, will you betray your country or will you turn in your friend and partner, Casey, for stealing the pill?"
"Căpitanul Flint va trăda pe oricine pentru a obţine ce-şi doreşte.""Captain Flint will betray anyone to get what he wants."
"Aş muri de 1.000 de ori decât să-mi trădez ţară sau tovarăşii.""I would die 1000 deaths before betraying my comrades or my country."
"Tatăl tău greşea, am fost să-l "văd pe Neal, dar mai curând mor decât să trădez."I know what your father thought when he caught me going to see Neal,but I would rather die than betray your father."
- Ce patrie am ca s-o trădez ?- What country have I to betray?
- Căpitane Russell nu pot să-mi trădez religia pentru atăta lucru.Captain Russell l cannot betray my religion in order to do my duty.
- Eu, să te trădez?- You wouldn't betray me like that.
"Dacă mă trădezi, vei muri"?Huh? "If you betray me, you're gonna die"?
- Crezi că-l trădezi pe Chris, nu?You believe you have to betray Chris?
- Cum ai putut să mă trădezi astfel?- How could you betray me like this?
- Cum ai putut să mă trădezi aşa?-How could you betray me like this?
- Cum ai putut să ne trădezi?- How could you betray us?
"Prin necredinţă şi confuzie, trădează spiritualitatea" "şi vidul moral care zace în inima celui aşa-zis liber-cugetător."In its godlessness and disorder it betrays the spiritual and moral vacuum that lies at the heart of so-called free thinking.
"Pământ al cânturilor", zise bardul ostaş, "când toată lumea te trădează~ "Land of song," said the warrior bard ~ ~ "Though all the world betrays thee ~
"Răsuflarea mă trădează""Breath betrays me"
,Dacă unul din noi trădează" -Haide.If one of them betrays the principles of the accrual...
- Ei bine Atunci când vei ajunge mai in varsta, Bobby, corpul tău te trădează Dacă ești dur pe ea sau nu.- Well when you get older, Bobby, your body betrays you whether you're rough on it or not.
"Pentru a avea speranţe, trebuie să ne trădăm patriile.""If there is to be hope, we must all betray our countries."
"Pentru uşurarea mea eternă şi după un an petrecut în acest loc singuratic am găsit în sfârşit un loc potrivit pentru încărcătura mea fortificat de natură împotriva violării accidentale sau deliberată chiar şi a celora care ne vor forţa limba să-i trădăm încrederea."To my everlasting relief and after a year's toil in this lonely place have I finally stumbled upon a suitable place for my cargo fortified by nature against the encroachments accidental or deliberate even of those who would force our tongues to betray its trust.
Apucătura Satanei, chemându-ne... Cerându-ne să-L trădăm pe Dumnezeu pentru plăceri pământeşti.Satan's grasp, calling us, asking us to betray God for earthly pleasures.
Cu toţii suntem în doliu pentru moartea conducătorului nostru, dar în această durere, să nu trădăm judecata dreaptă şi să nu încurajăm o inchiziţie.We all mourn the loss of our leader, but in our grief, let us not betray our betterjudgment and partake in an inquisition.
Când ne trădăm unii pe alţii... Când ne trădăm unii pe alţii, calea către recuperare e mai puţin clară.when we betray each other when we betray each other the path of recovery is last clear
Acum două minute, ai spus ai simțit trădați.Two minutes ago, you said you felt betrayed.
Ea a simțit trădați.She felt betrayed.
Ei bine, în cazul în care obiectivul dvs. a fost pentru a face sa ma simt trădați și extrem de subapreciat, atunci, da, ai făcut bine.Well, if your goal was to make me feel betrayed and utterly underappreciated, then, yes, you did okay.
Nu, dar te pune două persoane dragi în poziții să se simtă trădați.No, but you're putting two people you care about in positions to feel betrayed.
Oameni ca asta clipă, atunci când se simt trădați.Men like that snap when they feel betrayed.
Îl trădam.I was betraying him.
Mike, îţi trădai prietenii!Mike, you were betraying your friends.
În timp ce tu îl trădai, eu am fost de partea lui.I AM faithful. While you were betraying him, I was at his side.
Am simţit că îl trădasem.I felt I had betrayed him.
Două ore mai târziu, am realizat că şeful meu mă trădase.2 hours later, l realized my manager had betrayed me.
M-am grăbit să cred că Irina ne trădase încă o dată pe Sydney şi pe mine.Perhaps I was too quick to assume Irina had betrayed me and Sydney again.
N-am putut s-o fac să-mi dea detalii, dar mi-a spus că prietena ei o trădase.I couldn't get her to give me the details, but she said that Katrina had betrayed her.
Omul care-mi arătase pe ce drum s-o apuc, mă trădase duşmanului.The very man who had shown me the way to take had betrayed me to the enemy.
Mai erau doar urmele paşilor unui om care reuşise în sfârşit să-i pedepsească pe cei care îl trădaseră.There were just the footsteps of a man who had finally punished those who had betrayed him.
! Fiindcă ne-ai trădat.Because you betrayed us.
! M-ai trădat!You betrayed me.
"... Dar a fost trădat.""...but he was betrayed."
"Ai trădat vreodată o altă zeită pentru un purtător de fulgere?" Bine, numărul 30."Have you ever betrayed another goddess for a lightning-bearer?" Okay, number 30.
"Am trădat mariajul nostru."I betrayed our marriage.
A fost alături de ea tot drumul în timp ce se convingea că ceea ce a făcut... trădând omul pe care îl iubea, jucându-şi rolul în masacru... că totul a fost cumva pentru binele societăţii Enarane.I was with her every step of the way as she convinced herself that what she did-- betraying the man she loved, playing her part in the massacre-- that it was all somehow for the good of Enaran society.
Am stat acolo trădând asta cu zâmbete largi pe fetele noastre.We sat there betraying it with big smiles on our faces
Cu ce prilej v-a spus psihologul dv. acest lucru, trădând confidenţialitatea pacientului în cazul lui Scott Little?What occasioned your therapist to tell you this, betraying Scott Little's patient confidentiality?
Dar o bucată mică de poleilaă a rămas în interior, trădând metoda folosită.But a tiny piece of the silver paper remained inside, betraying your method.
Prin Tennessee vă învaţă să ieşiţi în faţă trădând încrederea celor cu care aveţi de-a face?Now, down Tennessee, your people teach you the way to get ahead is betraying the confidence of folk you got dealings with?

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