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Explica (to explain) conjugation

50 examples

Conjugation of explica

Present tense
I explain
you explain
he/she/it explains
we explain
you all explain
they explain
Present perfect tense
am explicat
I have explained
ai explicat
you have explained
a explicat
he/she/it has explained
am explicat
we have explained
ați explicat
you all have explained
au explicat
they have explained
Past preterite tense
I explained
you explained
he/she/it explained
we explained
you all explained
they explained
Future tense
voi explica
I will explain
vei explica
you will explain
va explica
he/she/it will explain
vom explica
we will explain
veți explica
you all will explain
vor explica
they will explain
Conditional mood
aș explica
I would explain
ai explica
you would explain
ar explica
he/she/it would explain
am explica
we would explain
ați explica
you all would explain
ar explica
they would explain
Subjunctive present tense
să explic
(so that/if) I explain
să explici
(so that/if) you explain
să explice
(so that/if) he/she/it explain
să explicăm
(so that/if) we explain
să explicați
(so that/if) you all explain
să explice
(so that/if) they explain
Subjunctive past tense
să fi explicat
(so that/if) I have explained
să fi explicat
(so that/if) you have explained
să fi explicat
(so that/if) he/she/it have explained
să fi explicat
(so that/if) we have explained
să fi explicat
(so that/if) you all have explained
să fi explicat
(so that/if) they have explained
Past impf. tense
I was explaining
you were explaining
he/she/it was explaining
we were explaining
you all were explaining
they were explaining
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu explica
do not explain!
nu explicați
do not explain!
Past pluperfect tense
I had explained
you had explained
he/she/it had explained
we had explained
you all had explained
they had explained
Future alternative 1 tense
am să explic
I am going to explain
ai să explici
you are going to explain
are să explice
he/she/it is going to explain
avem să explicăm
we are going to explain
aveți să explicați
you all are going to explain
au să explice
they are going to explain
Future alternative 2 tense
o să explic
I am going to explain
o să explici
you are going to explain
o să explice
he/she/it is going to explain
o să explicăm
we are going to explain
o să explicați
you all are going to explain
o să explice
they are going to explain
Future perfect tense
voi fi explicat
I will have explained
vei fi explicat
you will have explained
va fi explicat
he/she/it will have explained
vom fi explicat
we will have explained
veți fi explicat
you all will have explained
vor fi explicat
they will have explained
Future in the past tense
aveam să explic
I was going to explain
aveai să explici
you were going to explain
avea să explice
he/she/it was going to explain
aveam să explicăm
we were going to explain
aveați să explicați
you all were going to explain
aveau să explice
they were going to explain
Conditional past tense
aș fi explicat
I would have explained
ai fi explicat
you would have explained
ar fi explicat
he/she/it would have explained
am fi explicat
we would have explained
ați fi explicat
you all would have explained
ar fi explicat
they would have explained
Presumptive tense
oi explica
I might explain
oi explica
you might explain
o explica
he/she/it might explain
om explica
we might explain
oți explica
you all might explain
or explica
they might explain
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi explicând
I might be explaining
oi fi explicând
you might be explaining
o fi explicând
he/she/it might be explaining
om fi explicând
we might be explaining
oți fi explicând
you all might be explaining
or fi explicând
they might be explaining
Presumptive past tense
oi fi explicat
I might have explained
oi fi explicat
you might have explained
o fi explicat
he/she/it might have explained
om fi explicat
we might have explained
oți fi explicat
you all might have explained
or fi explicat
they might have explained

Examples of explica

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
! Nu pot explica asta acum, dar suntem în pericol!I can't explain it right now, but we're in danger!
" Le voi arăta doar la Paris și vă voi explica și ea va înțelege . "- I'll explain and she'll understand.
"Această casetă va explica ce un bileţel nu poate. ""this tape will explain what this note cannot."
"Ai vreodată emoţii pe care nu le poţi explica?"(CLEARS THROAT) "Do you ever have emotions that you can't explain?
"Am sperat ca va gasi capitanul o modalitate buna de a le explica."I hoped the captain would find a good way to explain it.
! Acuma nu pot. Îţi explic eu.I can't go now, I'll explain later.
! Te rog! N-am timp să-ţi explic.- Please, I don't have time to explain.
" Cum am să le explic""How do l explain to them?"
"Am să-ţi explic mai târziu, scumpi.""I'll explain later, hon."
"Apoi am incercat să-i explic, dar n-a inteles.""Later, I tried to explain but he didn't understand.
" Ce zici să-mi explici de ce că ar trebui să aveți un telefon nou,"How 'bout you explain to me why I should get you a new phone,
"Ce vrei să spui cu asta?" "Poţi să-mi explici?"Can you explain?
"Frate DeStept", dacă eSti aSa al naibii de deStept, de ce nu ne explici Si nouă ce s-a întâmplat?Smart Brother, if you so damn smart,... Why don't you explain what just happened?
"Nu te deranja să explici, acesta e un caz simplu pentru mine."Don't bother to explain, this is a simple case for me.
"Poţi să-mi explici ce s-a întâmplat?"He goes, "Can you please explain what happened?" And I said, "Your Honor, look.
! Asta explică totul.That explains it.
"Aşa se explică de ce nu-i toată la cap."It explains why she's such a nut."
"Boyle explică faptul că au mâncat homari la prima ocazie de Ziua Recunoştinţei.""Boyle explains that they ate lobsters at the first Thanksgiving."
"O baltă." Asta se explică!"A watery hollow." That explains it!
- ...ceea ce îi explică puterea.- ...which explains her power.
! - Nu te enerva, îţi explicăm.Before you get mad, just give us a chance to explain.
"Când am început să le explicăm limitele maşinii, doar 50 au vrut să mai semneze.""By the time we explained all the limitations of the car to them only 50 would sign up."
# Uneori folosim un cântec să continuăm povestea # # si să-ti explicăm. #♪ Sometimes we use a song to move a story along ♪ ♪ and explain it to you whoo!
- Am fi putut să-i explicăm totul Căpitanului Archer încă de la început.We could've explained everything to Captain Archer. That's not how Krell wanted things done.
- Am încercat să-i explicăm.We tried to explain to her.
"Când i-am explicat că nu pot pleca fără nişte probe concludente,""When I explained that I couldn't "and wouldn't leave town "without some compelling evidence beyond her dreams,
"Dar, din câte îmi amintesc eu, nu a explicat şi motivele "care-l împingeau să comită o astfel de crimă."But, unless my memory fails me, he never explained why he intended to carry out this criminal deed".
"Deci, în acea noapte, James si eu "Visat-te un test mai multe "Şi, apoi, în bar, l-am explicat Hammond. "'So that night, James and I 'dreamed up one more test 'and then, in the bar, we explained it to Hammond.'
"Dramatic... câștigul său de greutate poate fi explicat numai"His dramatic... weight gain can only be explained
"După ce am explicat Jeremy că am cumpărat un camion basculantă,'After I had explained to Jeremy that he'd bought a tipper lorry,
- Puteți să ne explicați?- Please explain.
Acum vrei să explicați astea?Now you wanna explain these?
Atunci cum vă explicați ceea ce tocmai am văzut-o?- I'm not. Then how do you explain what I just saw?
Atunci vă rugăm să explicați să-mi ce este acest ... pentru că ceea ce văd este un fiu neascultarea tatălui său ... astfel încât el poate sancționa în jurul cu o fată discutabil.Oh, no? Then please explain to me what this is... because what I see is a son disobeying his father... so he can trounce around with some questionable girl.
Baieti, cum vă explicați ce sa intamplat pe pod?- Oh. Guys, how do you explain what happened on the bridge?
- Le explicam...- I was explaining your--
-Le explicam că apa din puţul nostru nu e la fel ca cea din fântâna lor.I was explaining that the water from our well, isn't the same as the one in your fountain.
-Tocmai explicam...- I was explaining...
Cand ii explicam cum se desfasoara ritualul casatoriei... parea ca tot universul sarbatorea.We've given them our word. When I was explaining the marriage rites to him... it felt as if the whole Universe was celebrating.
Doar îţi explicam despre rochie, şi am să plec acum.It's just I was explaining about the dress, and I'm gonna go now.
- Ne explicai cum puteai să ne salvezi ferma.- You were explaining how you could...
Chiar în timp ce explicai, tot corpul meu era atent la săgeata.Even while you were explaining it, my whole body was listening for that arrow.
Cu asta ai venit când explicai procesul de apel?That come up when you were explaining the appeals process?
Dar îi explicai despre el şi m-am gândit că intenţionai să-mi spui mie.But you were explaining about him, And I thought you intended to tell me.
Ne explicai de ce ar trebui să te lăsăm în viaţă.- I'd rather just get 'er done. - I believe you were at the point where you - were explaining why you should live.
- ... explicând scopul simulării de aseară....by explaining the purpose of last night's training exercises.
- Cea în care îmi ceri scuze şi te îngrijeşti de inima mea rănită explicând de ce nu eşti de vină că ţi-ai deschis gura.-The one where you apologize to me and tend to my wounded heart explaining why you're not to blame for opening up your big mouth.
- Este la o conferinţă de presă, explicând de ce maşina lui Guy Boussard a explodat în centrul oraşului.She did a press briefing explaining why Guy Boussard's car blew up in the middle of downtown.
100 de ore de educaţie parentală şi vreau scuze pe blogul fiicei dvs explicând de ce a fost greşit să posteze poza aceea... E ridicol.100 hours of court-ordered parental education, and I want an apology on your daughter's blog explaining why posting that photo was wrong... that's ridiculous.
A- bine, al 2-lea e-mail pe care l-am trimis, explicând că primul e-mail a fost o greșeală și că ar trebui să il ștergeți?Um- well, did you get the second email that I sent, explaining that the first email was a mistake and that you should delete it?

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