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Consultar (to consult) conjugation

80 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to refer to, to check, check, to look up

Conjugation of consultar

Present tense
I consult
you consult
he/she consults
we consult
you all consult
they consult
Present perfect tense
tenho consultado
I have consulted
tens consultado
you have consulted
tem consultado
he/she has consulted
temos consultado
we have consulted
tendes consultado
you all have consulted
têm consultado
they have consulted
Past preterite tense
I consulted
you consulted
he/she consulted
we consulted
you all consulted
they consulted
Future tense
I will consult
you will consult
he/she will consult
we will consult
you all will consult
they will consult
Conditional mood
I would consult
you would consult
he/she would consult
we would consult
you all would consult
they would consult
Past imperfect tense
I used to consult
you used to consult
he/she used to consult
we used to consult
you all used to consult
they used to consult
Past perfect tense
tinha consultado
I had consulted
tinhas consultado
you had consulted
tinha consultado
he/she had consulted
tínhamos consultado
we had consulted
tínheis consultado
you all had consulted
tinham consultado
they had consulted
Future perfect tense
terei consultado
I will have consulted
terás consultado
you will have consulted
terá consultado
he/she will have consulted
teremos consultado
we will have consulted
tereis consultado
you all will have consulted
terão consultado
they will have consulted
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha consultado
I have consulted
tenhas consultado
you have consulted
tenha consultado
he/she has consulted
tenhamos consultado
we have consulted
tenhais consultado
you all have consulted
tenham consultado
they have consulted
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have consulted
(if/so that) you will have consulted
(if/so that) he/she will have consulted
(if/so that) we will have consulted
(if/so that) you all will have consulted
(if/so that) they will have consulted
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver consultado
I will have consulted
tiveres consultado
you will have consulted
tiver consultado
he/she will have consulted
tivermos consultado
we will have consulted
tiverdes consultado
you all will have consulted
tiverem consultado
they will have consulted
Imperative mood
let's consult!
Imperative negative mood
não consultes
do not consult!
não consulte
let him/her/it not consult!
não consultemos
let us not consult!
não consulteis
do not consult!
não consultem
do not consult!

Examples of consultar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
" Antes de implementar a semana das 35 horas... a direção deseja consultar todos os membros do pessoal." Before implementing the 35 hours a wee... the bureau wishes to consult with the whole personnel.
- Eles vão à ilha de Kasgar... consultar o sábio grego, Melanthius.- But how? He has taken them to the isle of Casgar to consult the great sage, Melanthius.
- Isso foi há algum tempo. Queria consultar a Molly sobre a música, mas... Agora que está aqui, talvez possa perguntar-lhe a si, sargento-mor.Um... well, i wanted to consult with molly about the music, but... well, now that you're here, maybe i can ask you, sergeant major?
- Não tinhas de me consultar sobre isso. - Tinha, sim.- You didn't have to consult me about it.
- Preciso consultar...- We need to consult with our...
"Casu consulto. ""Casu consulto".
- Eu consulto-te.I consult you.
Eu consulto o FBI.I'll consult with the FBI.
Eu consulto para Mackenzie Distillers.I consult for Mackenzie Distillers.
"Este é o problema com as consultas cirúrgicas"Here's the problem with a surgical consult.
- Não haverá consultas.- There will be no goddamn consulting.
- Não! Nunca consultas um médico por causa do coração.Never consult a doctor by a heart problem.
- Vai fazer consultas.- Go do consults.
15 minutos, 180 dólares, 4 consultas por hora são 720 dólares por hora.15 minutes, $180, 4 consults an hour, $720 each hour.
- O FBI consulta...The FBI consults...
Além disso não confio num homem que consulta Deus antes de me consultar.Besides, I trust no man who consults God... before he consults me.
Antes de tomar uma decisão, a consulta com a múmia da minha mãe.Before making a decision, he consults with my mother's mummy.
Até consulta o manual dos fuzileiros antes de montar na mulher, só para garantir que o faz num estilo militar ordenado e competente.He even consults the Marine Corps manual before he mounts his old lady just to insure he performs in an orderly, proficient, military manner.
Diz a mulher que consulta uma vidente.Says the woman who consults a psychic.
Jack, Julie e eu, e os sócios que consultamos, estamos preparados pra arriscar US$ 2 por ação.Jack, Julie and l, and our partners who have been consulted, are prepared to risk $2 a share.
Nós consultamos uma imunologista.We consulted an immunologist.
Parece que consultamos médiunsIt sounds like we consulted the psychic network
Precisamente porque pensamos nós os consultamos.Precisely because of that, we're consulting you.
- Deveriam ter-me consultado antes de levá-lo a cabo.- You should have consulted me before you went ahead.
- Devias ter consultado o Presidente antes.You should have consulted the president first.
- Devias ter-nos consultado.- You should have consulted us.
- Devias-me ter consultado.- I should've been consulted.
- Eu devia ter sido consultado.- I should have been consulted.
- Não consultam amadores.- they consult me. - The police don't consult amateurs.
Eles consultam um perito, particularmente um que tenha tratado a criança.They consult an expert, particularly one who has treated the child.
Frequentemente os estudantes consultam professores de outros departamentos.Students often consult professors outside of their department.
Nem consultam um urologista, quando constroem estes lugares?Don't they consult with a urologist when they build one of these places?
Os antigos profetas eram conselheiros do rei eram porcos grotescos que consultam reis por suborno.The ancient prophets were advisors to the King. Grotesque swines! Their consults came with a swine.
- De insulina comum, dois litros de salina, e consultei a Endocrinologia.- You should give 10 units- - Of regular insulin two liters of saline, and I consulted Endocrine.
...Nunca consultei um psicólogo antes.Never consulted a psychic before.
Antes de começarmos, consultei o Peixe da Sorte e...Before we started, I consulted the fortune fish, and...
Aquelas pétalas de rosa que encontraste fizeram-me lembrar de um caso que consultei em Pendleton.Hey. So those rose petals you found reminded me of a case I consulted on at Pendleton.
E o gemólogo que consultei disse que valem no mínimo 75 mil dólares. - Porquê diamantes brutos?I consulted with said they'd be worth at least $75,000.
Ele não é um doador, e tu nem sequer consultaste a família.He... he has no donor card, and you haven't even consulted with the family.
Já consultaste algum psicólogo antes?And have you ever consulted a psychic before?
Já consultaste um médico a esse respeito?Have you consulted a doctor about that?
Mas consultaste com o presidente?But have you consulted the president?
Ok, aqui tens uma lista de cirurgiões de reconstrução, que consultaste.Okay, here's the list of the reconstructive surgeons that you consulted with.
- Já alguma vez consultou as cartas?- Have you ever consulted cards before?
A Nikita consultou-me, sobre uma abordagem.Nikita consulted with me about an approach.
Abraham Lincoln consultou-se com os inteligentes cidadãos de Illinois, - para engendrar a sua resposta.Abraham Lincoln consulted with the smart citizens of Illinois to plot his answer.
Ainda bem que ele me consultou antes de dizer os vapores.Fortunately he consulted me before giving it steam.
Alguém o consultou?Has anybody consulted him?
E quando acabaram com as clarabóias, consultaram as bússolas... o que os levou a explorar o nosso grande vale, e o céu sobre ele.And after they were done with the cellars they consulted their compasses which led them to explore our big valley and the sky above it.
Eles consultaram-nos há meses atrás depois do terceiro assassinato.They consulted us months ago after the third murder.
Já o consultaram sobre este assunto, Holmes?Have you been consulted on the subject Holmes?
O Peter e a Katarina nunca se consultaram consigo?Peter and Katarina never consulted with you?
O que pode fazer? Já consultaram todos os sábios, médicos, sacerdotes, astrólogos!What can you do when they've consulted all the wise men, doctors, priests, astrologers?
Não consultará o seu Comandante de Campo nem o Chefe do Directorado de Ilegais.You will consult neither your Camp Kommandant nor the head of the Illegals Directorate.
" Se inchaço ocorre , consulte um médico. ""If swelling occurs, consult a physician."
- Espero que nos consulte.-I trust you'll consult with us.
Antes de ingerir, consulte o seu médico.Before ingesting, consult your physician.
E se vende bens públicos aos indianos, consulte a Sec. das Rel.And if you're going to sell the family silver to the Indians, consult the bloody Foreign Secretary!
Ele têm o mais alto nível de segurança de qualquer empresa que consulte a A.S.N. e o Ministério da Defesa.He has the highest security Clearance of any academic That consults for nsa and the department of defense.
Sugiro que consultes um dicionário on-line para o significado da palavra.Oh, I suggest that you consult an online dictionary for the meaning of the word.
Os restantes consultem as vossas agências.The rest of you, consult with your agencies.
Para ver quem são os que contam quanto ao serviço comunitário. Por favor, consultem a lista junto ao gabinete principal.To see which ones count toward mandated community service, please consult the list outside the main office.
Planeei cavalgar hoje, então, se quiserem falar mais sobre as vossas teorias, sugiro que consultem os meus advogados.I was planning on going riding today, so if you want to talk more about your theories, I suggest you consult my attorneys.
Por isso, se forem feitas algumas acusações contra eles, consultem-me antes de...So please, if any charges are leveled against them... - consult me, before...
Sois o Rei, por isso, suponho que possais dispensar pessoas como quiserdes, mas, por favor, consultai-me quando for uma ama minha.You're the king, so I suppose you can dismiss people as you please, but I wish when it's one of our nannies you'd consult me first.
Cam está vendo o seu histórico médico e consultando com alguns pediatras.Any news? Cam's still looking in his records, consulting with some pediatricians.
Estava apenas consultando.You were merely consulting. As was I.
Estou ligando do aeroporto, e consultando meu mapa, vejo que você e sua mulher vivem perto do aeroporto.I'm calling from the airport, and consulting my map, I see that you and your wife live near the airport.
- Não planeiem sem me consultarem.- Don't make a plan without consulting me.
Aqui o chefe Gallagher está disponível para o consultarem.Chief Gallagher here will be available for consultation.
Não é suposto consultarem-nos?Aren't they supposed to consult?
O acordo foi feito sem me consultarem!That deal was done without consulting me!
Precisamos conversar. Ligaram-me esta manhã para me consultarem sobre, uma mulher e dois filhos que foram assassinados nas suas próprias camas.I was called in this morning to consult on a wife and two children who had been murdered in their beds.
Acho tão adorável que não tomes uma decisão sem consultares o teu horóscopo.I find it so adorable that you can't make a decision without consulting your horoscope.
Bem, dado que decidiste ir ensinar para África sem me consultares, só recebes um simples pequeno-almoço de panquecas com nada a sorrir para ti.Oh, well, since you decided to go teach in Africa without consulting me, all you get is a plain pancake breakfast with nothing smiling at you.
Charlie, contrataste para produzir o meu programa, sem me consultares...Charlie, have you hired to run my show, without consulting me...
E fizeste isso sem me consultares.And you did that without consulting with me.
E não faças mais nada sem me consultares primeiro.And don't make another move without consulting me first.
Andámos à procura de alguns médicos para nos consultarmos.We're looking for a couple of docs to consult.
Até consultarmos o ouija.Nothing! Until we consult the ouija.

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