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Catar milho (to type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience) conjugation

This verb can also have the following meanings: type, by looking for each key individually and slowly

Conjugation of catar milho

Present tense
cato milho
I type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
catas milho
you type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
cata milho
he/she types on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
catamos milho
we type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
catais milho
you all type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
catam milho
they type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
Present perfect tense
tenho catado milho
I have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
tens catado milho
you have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
tem catado milho
he/she has typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
temos catado milho
we have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
tendes catado milho
you all have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
têm catado milho
they have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
Past preterite tense
catei milho
I typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
cataste milho
you typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
catou milho
he/she typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
catamos milho
we typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
catastes milho
you all typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
cataram milho
they typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
Future tense
catarei milho
I will type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
catarás milho
you will type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
catará milho
he/she will type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
cataremos milho
we will type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
catareis milho
you all will type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
catarão milho
they will type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
Conditional mood
cataria milho
I would type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
catarias milho
you would type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
cataria milho
he/she would type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
cataríamos milho
we would type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
cataríeis milho
you all would type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
catariam milho
they would type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
Past imperfect tense
catava milho
I used to type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
catavas milho
you used to type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
catava milho
he/she used to type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
catávamos milho
we used to type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
catáveis milho
you all used to type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
catavam milho
they used to type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
Past perfect tense
tinha catado milho
I had typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
tinhas catado milho
you had typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
tinha catado milho
he/she had typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
tínhamos catado milho
we had typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
tínheis catado milho
you all had typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
tinham catado milho
they had typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
Future perfect tense
terei catado milho
I will have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
terás catado milho
you will have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
terá catado milho
he/she will have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
teremos catado milho
we will have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
tereis catado milho
you all will have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
terão catado milho
they will have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha catado milho
I have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
tenhas catado milho
you have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
tenha catado milho
he/she has typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
tenhamos catado milho
we have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
tenhais catado milho
you all have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
tenham catado milho
they have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
Future subjunctive tense
catar milho
(if/so that) I will have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
catares milho
(if/so that) you will have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
catar milho
(if/so that) he/she will have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
catarmos milho
(if/so that) we will have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
catardes milho
(if/so that) you all will have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
catarem milho
(if/so that) they will have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver catado milho
I will have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
tiveres catado milho
you will have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
tiver catado milho
he/she will have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
tivermos catado milho
we will have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
tiverdes catado milho
you all will have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
tiverem catado milho
they will have typed on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience
Imperative mood
cata milho
type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience!
cate milho
type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience!
catemos milho
let's type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience!
catai milho
type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience!
catem milho
type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience!
Imperative negative mood
não cates milho
do not type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience!
não cate milho
let him/her/it not type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience!
não catemos milho
let us not type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience!
não cateis milho
do not type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience!
não catem milho
do not type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience!

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