Din id-Direttiva hi bbażata fuq il-prinċipju "aħseb l-ewwel żgħir". | This Directive is based on the "think small first" principle. |
Għall-passi li jmiss, aħseb dwar l-awtorità tiegħek fil-kuntest nazzjonali tagħha: X’inhu li jiddistingwiha minn awtoritajiet oħra fl-istess qasam? | For the next steps, think of your authority in its national context: What distinguishes it from other authorities in the same field? |
Ibda aħseb dwar l-impatt fuq il-kumpanija tiegħek u kun lest għaddħul ta’ lEuro. | Start thinking aboutthe impact on your company and be prepared for the introduction of the Euro. |
Il-Komunikazzjoni mill-Kummissjoni bl-isem “Aħseb l-Ewwel Żgħir” Att dwar in-Negozji ż-Żgħar għall-Ewropa", adottata f’Ġunju 2008 u riveduta fi Frar 2011 tirrikonoxxi r-rwol ċentrali tal-impriżi żgħar u medji (SMEs) fl-ekonomija tal-Unjoni u għandha l-għan li ttejjeb l-approċċ ġenerali għall-intraprenditorija u tankra l-prinċipju “aħseb l-ewwel żgħir” fit-tfassil tal-politika mir-regolamentazzjoni għas-servizz pubbliku. | The Commission Communication entitled "Think Small First – Small Business Act for Europe", adopted in June 2008 and revised in February 2011, recognises the central role played by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Union economy and aims to improve the overall approach to entrepreneurship and to anchor the "think small first" principle in policy-making from regulation to public service. |
Jekk tkun partikolarment interessat l-pożizzjoni oruta, iġbor informazzjoni dwar ilkumpanija jew min iħaddem, aħseb fuq x’jistgħu jkunu jridu jisimgħu mingħandek. | If you are particularly interested in the position oered, collect information about the company or the employer; think about what they would like to hear from you. |
45% minnk a’ t joni bbaż ni ka a zz minnk om t diskrimin a aħsbu li li s t es a jew l-oriġini et a mifrux s ir-razz jista’ na hij jin g ħ persu al-lum.* ad għ al jetà t nies b ’ fis-soċ d i ż a b i li t à | 45% ofyou t of is widespre based on a person’s you think the s |
Jekk qed taħseb biex toħroġ tqila jew ser tredda ’, iddiskutija l- ewwel mat- tabib tiegħek. | If you are thinking of becoming pregnant or breastfeeding discuss it with your doctor first. |
H oħra ta’ l-Ewropa qed jaħsbu dwar fejn se jqattgħu l-btajjel tas-Sajf tagħhom. | As summer approaches and the bathing season is about to start many citizens across Europe are thinking about where they will be spending their summer holidays. |
X’jaħsbu ux’jagħmlu impjegaturi oħra tal-SMEs dwar id-’Diversità’? | This section provides some simple tips and advice about what to do if you are thinking about adopting a more business-like approach to recruitment, employee management and marketing: all part of‘Diversity’. ‘Diversity’. |