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Meringkus (to do) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of meringkus

Present tense
I do
Past tense
sudah meringkus
I did
Present perfect tense
sudah meringkus
I have done
Future perfect tense
akan sudah meringkus
I will have done
Future recent tense
meringkus nanti
I will do
Future distant tense
meringkus kelak
I am going to do
Present continuous tense
sedang meringkus
I do
Past distant tense
dulu meringkus
I (a long time ago) did
Past recent tense
meringkus tadi
I (recently) did
Past very recent tense
baru saja meringkus
I (just now) did

Examples of meringkus

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Tn. Purvis, bagaimana kau sukses meringkus Pretty Boy Floyd?Mr. Purvis, how did you run down Pretty Boy Floyd?
Dan akan sangat hebat jika kita bisa meringkus mereka.It'll make it that much sweeter when we take them down.
Departemenmu tercatat berhasil meringkus penyandera, itu sangat baik.Your department's record on talking down hostage takers, it's excellent.
Menurut catatanku, Biro-mu menghabiskan lebih banyak uang para pembayar pajak untuk meringkus para penjahat dibanding jumlah penjahat yang kau tangkap.By my tally, your Bureau wants to spend more taxpayers' dollars catching crooks than what the crooks you catch stole in the first place.
Pihak berwenang akhirnya meringkus pemimpin terkenal DL, Hector Menjivar.Authorities have finally brought down the notorious leader of the DL, Hector Menjivar.

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