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S’humilier (to humble) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of s’humilier

Present tense
je m’humilie
I humble
tu tu t’humilies
you humble
il/elle/on il/elle/on s’humilie
he/she/it humbles
nous nous nous humilions
we humble
vous vous vous humiliez
you all humble
ils/elles ils/elles s’humilient
they humble
Present perfect tense
je me suis humilié
I humbled
tu t’es humilié
you humbled
il/elle/on s’est humilié
he/she/it humbled
nous nous sommes humiliés
we humbled
vous vous êtes humiliés
you all humbled
ils/elles se sont humiliés
they humbled
Past impf. tense
je m’humiliais
I was humbling
tu tu t’humiliais
you were humbling
il/elle/on il/elle/on s’humiliait
he/she/it was humbling
nous nous nous humiliions
we were humbling
vous vous vous humiliiez
you all were humbling
ils/elles ils/elles s’humiliaient
they were humbling
Future tense
je m’humilierai
I will humble
tu tu t’humilieras
you will humble
il/elle/on il/elle/on s’humiliera
he/she/it will humble
nous nous nous humilierons
we will humble
vous vous vous humilierez
you all will humble
ils/elles ils/elles s’humilieront
they will humble
Past perfect tense
je m’étais humilié
I had humbled
tu t’étais humilié
you had humbled
il/elle/on s’était humilié
he/she/it had humbled
nous nous étions humiliés
we had humbled
vous vous étiez humiliés
you all had humbled
ils/elles s’étaient humiliés
they had humbled
Past preterite tense
je m’humiliai
I humbled
tu tu t’humilias
you humbled
il/elle/on il/elle/on s’humilia
he/she/it humbled
nous nous nous humiliâmes
we humbled
vous vous vous humiliâtes
you all humbled
ils/elles ils/elles s’humilièrent
they humbled
Past anterior tense
je me fus humilié
I had humbled
tu te fus humilié
you had humbled
il/elle/on se fut humilié
he/she/it had humbled
nous nous fûmes humiliés
we had humbled
vous vous fûtes humiliés
you all had humbled
ils/elles se furent humiliés
they had humbled
Future perfect tense
je me serai humilié
I will have humbled
tu te seras humilié
you will have humbled
il/elle/on se sera humilié
he/she/it will have humbled
nous nous serons humiliés
we will have humbled
vous vous serez humiliés
you all will have humbled
ils/elles se seront humiliés
they will have humbled
Present subjunctive tense
que je m’humilie
that I humble
que tu t’humilies
that you humble
qu’il/elle/on s’humilie
that he/she/it humble
que nous nous humiliions
that we humble
que vous vous humiliiez
that you all humble
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  s’humilient
that they humble
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que je me sois humilié
that I have humbled
que tu te sois humilié
that you have humbled
qu’il/elle/on se soit humilié
that he/she/it have humbled
que nous nous soyons humiliés
that we have humbled
que vous vous soyez humiliés
that you all have humbled
qu’ils/elles se soient humiliés
that they have humbled
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je m’humiliasse
that I would humble
que tu t’humiliasses
that you would humble
qu’il/elle/on s’humiliât
that he/she/it would humble
que nous nous humiliassions
that we would humble
que vous vous humiliassiez
that you all would humble
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  s’humiliassent
that they would humble
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que je me fusse humilié
that I had humbled
que tu te fusses humilié
that you had humbled
qu’il/elle/on se fût humilié
that he/she/it had humbled
que nous nous fussions humiliés
that we had humbled
que vous vous fussiez humiliés
that you all had humbled
qu’ils/elles se fussent humiliés
that they had humbled
Conditional mood
je m’humilierais
I would humble
tu tu t’humilierais
you would humble
il/elle/on il/elle/on s’humilierait
he/she/it would humble
nous nous nous humilierions
we would humble
vous vous vous humilieriez
you all would humble
ils/elles ils/elles s’humilieraient
they would humble
Conditional perfect tense
je me serais humilié
I would have humbled
tu te serais humilié
you would have humbled
il/elle/on se serait humilié
he/she/it would have humbled
nous nous serions humiliés
we would have humbled
vous vous seriez humiliés
you all would have humbled
ils/elles se seraient humiliés
they would have humbled
Imperative mood
let's humble!

Examples of s’humilier

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Aucun Sensorite ne devrait être humilié devant une créature humaine !No Sensorite should be humbled before a human creature!
Car celui qui s'élève sera humilié et celui qui s'humilie sera élevé.For whoever exalts himself will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted.
Ce n'est pas bon pour le fils du Pharaon de voir son père humilié par un fils d'esclaves.It's not good for a son of Pharaoh to see his father humbled by a son of slaves.
Cette femme a humilié... couvert de honte... et déshonoré tout le cabinet.This woman has humbled, [Wheezes] shamed and disgraced the entire firm.
En l'espace d'une semaine, Go Daddy, humilié, change sa position sur SOPA.Within a week, a humbled Go Daddy reverses their position on SOPA.

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