S’autopromotionner (to proclaim himself) conjugation


Conjugation of s’autopromotionner

Present tense
je m’autopromotionne
I proclaim himself
tu tu t’autopromotionnes
you proclaim himself
il/elle/on il/elle/on s’autopromotionne
he/she/it proclaims himself
nous nous nous autopromotionnons
we proclaim himself
vous vous vous autopromotionnez
you all proclaim himself
ils/elles ils/elles s’autopromotionnent
they proclaim himself
Present perfect tense
je me suis autopromotionné
I proclaimed himself
tu t’es autopromotionné
you proclaimed himself
il/elle/on s’est autopromotionné
he/she/it proclaimed himself
nous nous sommes autopromotionnés
we proclaimed himself
vous vous êtes autopromotionnés
you all proclaimed himself
ils/elles se sont autopromotionnés
they proclaimed himself
Past impf. tense
je m’autopromotionnais
I was proclaiming himself
tu tu t’autopromotionnais
you were proclaiming himself
il/elle/on il/elle/on s’autopromotionnait
he/she/it was proclaiming himself
nous nous nous autopromotionnions
we were proclaiming himself
vous vous vous autopromotionniez
you all were proclaiming himself
ils/elles ils/elles s’autopromotionnaient
they were proclaiming himself
Future tense
je m’autopromotionnerai
I will proclaim himself
tu tu t’autopromotionneras
you will proclaim himself
il/elle/on il/elle/on s’autopromotionnera
he/she/it will proclaim himself
nous nous nous autopromotionnerons
we will proclaim himself
vous vous vous autopromotionnerez
you all will proclaim himself
ils/elles ils/elles s’autopromotionneront
they will proclaim himself
Past perfect tense
je m’étais autopromotionné
I had proclaimed himself
tu t’étais autopromotionné
you had proclaimed himself
il/elle/on s’était autopromotionné
he/she/it had proclaimed himself
nous nous étions autopromotionnés
we had proclaimed himself
vous vous étiez autopromotionnés
you all had proclaimed himself
ils/elles s’étaient autopromotionnés
they had proclaimed himself
Past preterite tense
je m’autopromotionnai
I proclaimed himself
tu tu t’autopromotionnas
you proclaimed himself
il/elle/on il/elle/on s’autopromotionna
he/she/it proclaimed himself
nous nous nous autopromotionnâmes
we proclaimed himself
vous vous vous autopromotionnâtes
you all proclaimed himself
ils/elles ils/elles s’autopromotionnèrent
they proclaimed himself
Past anterior tense
je me fus autopromotionné
I had proclaimed himself
tu te fus autopromotionné
you had proclaimed himself
il/elle/on se fut autopromotionné
he/she/it had proclaimed himself
nous nous fûmes autopromotionnés
we had proclaimed himself
vous vous fûtes autopromotionnés
you all had proclaimed himself
ils/elles se furent autopromotionnés
they had proclaimed himself
Future perfect tense
je me serai autopromotionné
I will have proclaimed himself
tu te seras autopromotionné
you will have proclaimed himself
il/elle/on se sera autopromotionné
he/she/it will have proclaimed himself
nous nous serons autopromotionnés
we will have proclaimed himself
vous vous serez autopromotionnés
you all will have proclaimed himself
ils/elles se seront autopromotionnés
they will have proclaimed himself
Present subjunctive tense
que je m’autopromotionne
that I proclaim himself
que tu t’autopromotionnes
that you proclaim himself
qu’il/elle/on s’autopromotionne
that he/she/it proclaim himself
que nous nous autopromotionnions
that we proclaim himself
que vous vous autopromotionniez
that you all proclaim himself
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  s’autopromotionnent
that they proclaim himself
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que je me sois autopromotionné
that I have proclaimed himself
que tu te sois autopromotionné
that you have proclaimed himself
qu’il/elle/on se soit autopromotionné
that he/she/it have proclaimed himself
que nous nous soyons autopromotionnés
that we have proclaimed himself
que vous vous soyez autopromotionnés
that you all have proclaimed himself
qu’ils/elles se soient autopromotionnés
that they have proclaimed himself
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je m’autopromotionnasse
that I would proclaim himself
que tu t’autopromotionnasses
that you would proclaim himself
qu’il/elle/on s’autopromotionnât
that he/she/it would proclaim himself
que nous nous autopromotionnassions
that we would proclaim himself
que vous vous autopromotionnassiez
that you all would proclaim himself
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  s’autopromotionnassent
that they would proclaim himself
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que je me fusse autopromotionné
that I had proclaimed himself
que tu te fusses autopromotionné
that you had proclaimed himself
qu’il/elle/on se fût autopromotionné
that he/she/it had proclaimed himself
que nous nous fussions autopromotionnés
that we had proclaimed himself
que vous vous fussiez autopromotionnés
that you all had proclaimed himself
qu’ils/elles se fussent autopromotionnés
that they had proclaimed himself
Conditional mood
je m’autopromotionnerais
I would proclaim himself
tu tu t’autopromotionnerais
you would proclaim himself
il/elle/on il/elle/on s’autopromotionnerait
he/she/it would proclaim himself
nous nous nous autopromotionnerions
we would proclaim himself
vous vous vous autopromotionneriez
you all would proclaim himself
ils/elles ils/elles s’autopromotionneraient
they would proclaim himself
Conditional perfect tense
je me serais autopromotionné
I would have proclaimed himself
tu te serais autopromotionné
you would have proclaimed himself
il/elle/on se serait autopromotionné
he/she/it would have proclaimed himself
nous nous serions autopromotionnés
we would have proclaimed himself
vous vous seriez autopromotionnés
you all would have proclaimed himself
ils/elles se seraient autopromotionnés
they would have proclaimed himself
Imperative mood
proclaim himself!
let's proclaim himself!
proclaim himself!

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