Se torsionner (to shove off) conjugation


Conjugation of se torsionner

Present tense
je me torsionne
I shove off
tu tu te torsionnes
you shove off
il/elle/on il/elle/on se torsionne
he/she/it shoves off
nous nous nous torsionnons
we shove off
vous vous vous torsionnez
you all shove off
ils/elles ils/elles se torsionnent
they shove off
Present perfect tense
je me suis torsionné
I shoved off
tu t’es torsionné
you shoved off
il/elle/on s’est torsionné
he/she/it shoved off
nous nous sommes torsionnés
we shoved off
vous vous êtes torsionnés
you all shoved off
ils/elles se sont torsionnés
they shoved off
Past impf. tense
je me torsionnais
I was shoving off
tu tu te torsionnais
you were shoving off
il/elle/on il/elle/on se torsionnait
he/she/it was shoving off
nous nous nous torsionnions
we were shoving off
vous vous vous torsionniez
you all were shoving off
ils/elles ils/elles se torsionnaient
they were shoving off
Future tense
je me torsionnerai
I will shove off
tu tu te torsionneras
you will shove off
il/elle/on il/elle/on se torsionnera
he/she/it will shove off
nous nous nous torsionnerons
we will shove off
vous vous vous torsionnerez
you all will shove off
ils/elles ils/elles se torsionneront
they will shove off
Past perfect tense
je m’étais torsionné
I had shoved off
tu t’étais torsionné
you had shoved off
il/elle/on s’était torsionné
he/she/it had shoved off
nous nous étions torsionnés
we had shoved off
vous vous étiez torsionnés
you all had shoved off
ils/elles s’étaient torsionnés
they had shoved off
Past preterite tense
je me torsionnai
I shoved off
tu tu te torsionnas
you shoved off
il/elle/on il/elle/on se torsionna
he/she/it shoved off
nous nous nous torsionnâmes
we shoved off
vous vous vous torsionnâtes
you all shoved off
ils/elles ils/elles se torsionnèrent
they shoved off
Past anterior tense
je me fus torsionné
I had shoved off
tu te fus torsionné
you had shoved off
il/elle/on se fut torsionné
he/she/it had shoved off
nous nous fûmes torsionnés
we had shoved off
vous vous fûtes torsionnés
you all had shoved off
ils/elles se furent torsionnés
they had shoved off
Future perfect tense
je me serai torsionné
I will have shoved off
tu te seras torsionné
you will have shoved off
il/elle/on se sera torsionné
he/she/it will have shoved off
nous nous serons torsionnés
we will have shoved off
vous vous serez torsionnés
you all will have shoved off
ils/elles se seront torsionnés
they will have shoved off
Present subjunctive tense
que je me torsionne
that I shove off
que tu te torsionnes
that you shove off
qu’il/elle/on se torsionne
that he/she/it shove off
que nous nous torsionnions
that we shove off
que vous vous torsionniez
that you all shove off
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  se torsionnent
that they shove off
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que je me sois torsionné
that I have shoved off
que tu te sois torsionné
that you have shoved off
qu’il/elle/on se soit torsionné
that he/she/it have shoved off
que nous nous soyons torsionnés
that we have shoved off
que vous vous soyez torsionnés
that you all have shoved off
qu’ils/elles se soient torsionnés
that they have shoved off
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je me torsionnasse
that I would shove off
que tu te torsionnasses
that you would shove off
qu’il/elle/on se torsionnât
that he/she/it would shove off
que nous nous torsionnassions
that we would shove off
que vous vous torsionnassiez
that you all would shove off
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  se torsionnassent
that they would shove off
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que je me fusse torsionné
that I had shoved off
que tu te fusses torsionné
that you had shoved off
qu’il/elle/on se fût torsionné
that he/she/it had shoved off
que nous nous fussions torsionnés
that we had shoved off
que vous vous fussiez torsionnés
that you all had shoved off
qu’ils/elles se fussent torsionnés
that they had shoved off
Conditional mood
je me torsionnerais
I would shove off
tu tu te torsionnerais
you would shove off
il/elle/on il/elle/on se torsionnerait
he/she/it would shove off
nous nous nous torsionnerions
we would shove off
vous vous vous torsionneriez
you all would shove off
ils/elles ils/elles se torsionneraient
they would shove off
Conditional perfect tense
je me serais torsionné
I would have shoved off
tu te serais torsionné
you would have shoved off
il/elle/on se serait torsionné
he/she/it would have shoved off
nous nous serions torsionnés
we would have shoved off
vous vous seriez torsionnés
you all would have shoved off
ils/elles se seraient torsionnés
they would have shoved off
Imperative mood
shove off!
let's shove off!
shove off!

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