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Revivre (to live again) conjugation

13 examples

Conjugation of revivre

Present tense
je revis
I live again
tu revis
you live again
il/elle/on revit
he/she/it lives again
nous revivons
we live again
vous revivez
you all live again
ils/elles revivent
they live again
Present perfect tense
j’ai revécu
I lived again
tu as revécu
you lived again
il/elle/on a revécu
he/she/it lived again
nous avons revécu
we lived again
vous avez revécu
you all lived again
ils/elles ont revécu
they lived again
Past impf. tense
je revivais
I was living again
tu revivais
you were living again
il/elle/on revivait
he/she/it was living again
nous revivions
we were living again
vous reviviez
you all were living again
ils/elles revivaient
they were living again
Future tense
je revivrai
I will live again
tu revivras
you will live again
il/elle/on revivra
he/she/it will live again
nous revivrons
we will live again
vous revivrez
you all will live again
ils/elles revivront
they will live again
Past perfect tense
j’avais revécu
I had lived again
tu avais revécu
you had lived again
il/elle/on avait revécu
he/she/it had lived again
nous avions revécu
we had lived again
vous aviez revécu
you all had lived again
ils/elles avaient revécu
they had lived again
Past preterite tense
je revécus
I lived again
tu revécus
you lived again
il/elle/on revécut
he/she/it lived again
nous revécûmes
we lived again
vous revécûtes
you all lived again
ils/elles revécurent
they lived again
Past anterior tense
j’eus revécu
I had lived again
tu eus revécu
you had lived again
il/elle/on eut revécu
he/she/it had lived again
nous eûmes revécu
we had lived again
vous eûtes revécu
you all had lived again
ils/elles eurent revécu
they had lived again
Future perfect tense
j’aurai revécu
I will have lived again
tu auras revécu
you will have lived again
il/elle/on aura revécu
he/she/it will have lived again
nous aurons revécu
we will have lived again
vous aurez revécu
you all will have lived again
ils/elles auront revécu
they will have lived again
Present subjunctive tense
que je revive
that I live again
que tu revives
that you live again
qu’il/elle/on revive
that he/she/it live again
que nous revivions
that we live again
que vous reviviez
that you all live again
qu’ils/elles revivent
that they live again
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie revécu
that I have lived again
que tu aies revécu
that you have lived again
qu’il/elle/on ait revécu
that he/she/it have lived again
que nous ayons revécu
that we have lived again
que vous ayez revécu
that you all have lived again
qu’ils/elles aient revécu
that they have lived again
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je revécusse
that I would live again
que tu revécusses
that you would live again
qu’il/elle/on revécût
that he/she/it would live again
que nous revécussions
that we would live again
que vous revécussiez
that you all would live again
qu’ils/elles revécussent
that they would live again
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse revécu
that I had lived again
que tu eusses revécu
that you had lived again
qu’il/elle/on eût revécu
that he/she/it had lived again
que nous eussions revécu
that we had lived again
que vous eussiez revécu
that you all had lived again
qu’ils/elles eussent revécu
that they had lived again
Conditional mood
je revivrais
I would live again
tu revivrais
you would live again
il/elle/on revivrait
he/she/it would live again
nous revivrions
we would live again
vous revivriez
you all would live again
ils/elles revivraient
they would live again
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais revécu
I would have lived again
tu aurais revécu
you would have lived again
il/elle/on aurait revécu
he/she/it would have lived again
nous aurions revécu
we would have lived again
vous auriez revécu
you all would have lived again
ils/elles auraient revécu
they would have lived again
Imperative mood
live again!
let's live again!
live again!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie revécu
have lived again
ayons revécu
let's have lived again
ayez revécu
have lived again

Examples of revivre

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Je me sens revivre.""I feel alive again."
'Les os desséchés peuvent revivre', dit-il. 'Car celui qui a créé l'homme peut aussi le faire revenir des morts.'Dead ones can live again, he says because he who created man can also make man return from the dead, he says
(Gazouillis d'oiseaux) Mon fils... pourrait revivre ?(Birds chirping) My son... could live again?
- de revivre passe par la machine.- to live again is through it.
-Et il est temps pour moi de mourir, pour un instant... -Et pour revivre encore.It's time for me to be dead for a little while... and then live again.
Au moins il a revécu.At least he lived again.
J'ai revécu pour te perdre une secondes fois.I have lived again to lose you twice.
Ah, je revis !Now I'm alive again!
Finalement, je revis...I am alive again.
J'étais mort, mais à présent, je revis.I was dead... but now I live again.
Maintenant je revis...I'm alive again!
Mais je revis au moins.At least I'm alive again.
Maintenant vous revivez.Now, you live again.

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