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Desceller (to unseal) conjugation

11 examples

Conjugation of desceller

Present tense
je descelle
I unseal
tu descelles
you unseal
il/elle/on descelle
he/she/it unseals
nous descellons
we unseal
vous descellez
you all unseal
ils/elles descellent
they unseal
Present perfect tense
j’ai descellé
I unsealed
tu as descellé
you unsealed
il/elle/on a descellé
he/she/it unsealed
nous avons descellé
we unsealed
vous avez descellé
you all unsealed
ils/elles ont descellé
they unsealed
Past impf. tense
je descellais
I was unsealing
tu descellais
you were unsealing
il/elle/on descellait
he/she/it was unsealing
nous descellions
we were unsealing
vous descelliez
you all were unsealing
ils/elles descellaient
they were unsealing
Future tense
je descellerai
I will unseal
tu descelleras
you will unseal
il/elle/on descellera
he/she/it will unseal
nous descellerons
we will unseal
vous descellerez
you all will unseal
ils/elles descelleront
they will unseal
Past perfect tense
j’avais descellé
I had unsealed
tu avais descellé
you had unsealed
il/elle/on avait descellé
he/she/it had unsealed
nous avions descellé
we had unsealed
vous aviez descellé
you all had unsealed
ils/elles avaient descellé
they had unsealed
Past preterite tense
je descellai
I unsealed
tu descellas
you unsealed
il/elle/on descella
he/she/it unsealed
nous descellâmes
we unsealed
vous descellâtes
you all unsealed
ils/elles descellèrent
they unsealed
Past anterior tense
j’eus descellé
I had unsealed
tu eus descellé
you had unsealed
il/elle/on eut descellé
he/she/it had unsealed
nous eûmes descellé
we had unsealed
vous eûtes descellé
you all had unsealed
ils/elles eurent descellé
they had unsealed
Future perfect tense
j’aurai descellé
I will have unsealed
tu auras descellé
you will have unsealed
il/elle/on aura descellé
he/she/it will have unsealed
nous aurons descellé
we will have unsealed
vous aurez descellé
you all will have unsealed
ils/elles auront descellé
they will have unsealed
Present subjunctive tense
que je descelle
that I unseal
que tu descelles
that you unseal
qu’il/elle/on descelle
that he/she/it unseal
que nous descellions
that we unseal
que vous descelliez
that you all unseal
qu’ils/elles descellent
that they unseal
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie descellé
that I have unsealed
que tu aies descellé
that you have unsealed
qu’il/elle/on ait descellé
that he/she/it have unsealed
que nous ayons descellé
that we have unsealed
que vous ayez descellé
that you all have unsealed
qu’ils/elles aient descellé
that they have unsealed
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je descellasse
that I would unseal
que tu descellasses
that you would unseal
qu’il/elle/on descellât
that he/she/it would unseal
que nous descellassions
that we would unseal
que vous descellassiez
that you all would unseal
qu’ils/elles descellassent
that they would unseal
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse descellé
that I had unsealed
que tu eusses descellé
that you had unsealed
qu’il/elle/on eût descellé
that he/she/it had unsealed
que nous eussions descellé
that we had unsealed
que vous eussiez descellé
that you all had unsealed
qu’ils/elles eussent descellé
that they had unsealed
Conditional mood
je descellerais
I would unseal
tu descellerais
you would unseal
il/elle/on descellerait
he/she/it would unseal
nous descellerions
we would unseal
vous descelleriez
you all would unseal
ils/elles descelleraient
they would unseal
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais descellé
I would have unsealed
tu aurais descellé
you would have unsealed
il/elle/on aurait descellé
he/she/it would have unsealed
nous aurions descellé
we would have unsealed
vous auriez descellé
you all would have unsealed
ils/elles auraient descellé
they would have unsealed
Imperative mood
let's unseal!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie descellé
have unsealed
ayons descellé
let's have unsealed
ayez descellé
have unsealed

Examples of desceller

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- ce sont des motifs pour desceller le mandat...- that is grounds to unseal the warrant...
- pour desceller le mandat de perquisition.- to unseal the search warrant.
Alors descellez les, ou je vais les desceller pour vous !Then unseal them, or I'll unseal them for you!
Elle essaie de desceller...She's trying to unseal...
Il faut desceller ce corps.We have to find a way to unseal this body.
J'ordonne que le mandat soit descellé.I am ordering the warrant unsealed.
Je veux dire, je sais qu'elle a descellé ces documents pour mon frère. mais...pourquoi tu abandonnerais autant pour une si petite faveur ?I mean, I know that she unsealed those files for my brother, but... why would you give up so much for such a small favor?
Le dossier de mineur descellé d'un certain Benjamin Ortiz, dit Benny, qui... d'après l'Etat de New York, est connu pour violer des femmes.That's an unsealed juvie record of one Benjamin Ortiz, aka Benny, who... according to the state of New York, has been known to rape women.
Le mandat sera seulement descellé si ils arrêtent Lemond, et après il sera trop tard pour l'aider.The warrant will only be unsealed if they arrest Lemond, and then it'll be too late to help him.
Mh.. (regards) Ecoute, ma mère a descellé les documents de Mark, mais ce n'était pas assez pour eux, pour qu'il soit blanchi.Uh... (sighs) look, my mother did have Mark's files unsealed, but there wasn't enough in them to have him cleared.
Alors descellez les, ou je vais les desceller pour vous !Then unseal them, or I'll unseal them for you!

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