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Crucifier (to crucify) conjugation

20 examples

Conjugation of crucifier

Present tense
je crucifie
I crucify
tu crucifies
you crucify
il/elle/on crucifie
he/she/it crucifies
nous crucifions
we crucify
vous crucifiez
you all crucify
ils/elles crucifient
they crucify
Present perfect tense
j’ai crucifié
I crucified
tu as crucifié
you crucified
il/elle/on a crucifié
he/she/it crucified
nous avons crucifié
we crucified
vous avez crucifié
you all crucified
ils/elles ont crucifié
they crucified
Past impf. tense
je crucifiais
I was crucifying
tu crucifiais
you were crucifying
il/elle/on crucifiait
he/she/it was crucifying
nous crucifiions
we were crucifying
vous crucifiiez
you all were crucifying
ils/elles crucifiaient
they were crucifying
Future tense
je crucifierai
I will crucify
tu crucifieras
you will crucify
il/elle/on crucifiera
he/she/it will crucify
nous crucifierons
we will crucify
vous crucifierez
you all will crucify
ils/elles crucifieront
they will crucify
Past perfect tense
j’avais crucifié
I had crucified
tu avais crucifié
you had crucified
il/elle/on avait crucifié
he/she/it had crucified
nous avions crucifié
we had crucified
vous aviez crucifié
you all had crucified
ils/elles avaient crucifié
they had crucified
Past preterite tense
je crucifiai
I crucified
tu crucifias
you crucified
il/elle/on crucifia
he/she/it crucified
nous crucifiâmes
we crucified
vous crucifiâtes
you all crucified
ils/elles crucifièrent
they crucified
Past anterior tense
j’eus crucifié
I had crucified
tu eus crucifié
you had crucified
il/elle/on eut crucifié
he/she/it had crucified
nous eûmes crucifié
we had crucified
vous eûtes crucifié
you all had crucified
ils/elles eurent crucifié
they had crucified
Future perfect tense
j’aurai crucifié
I will have crucified
tu auras crucifié
you will have crucified
il/elle/on aura crucifié
he/she/it will have crucified
nous aurons crucifié
we will have crucified
vous aurez crucifié
you all will have crucified
ils/elles auront crucifié
they will have crucified
Present subjunctive tense
que je crucifie
that I crucify
que tu crucifies
that you crucify
qu’il/elle/on crucifie
that he/she/it crucify
que nous crucifiions
that we crucify
que vous crucifiiez
that you all crucify
qu’ils/elles crucifient
that they crucify
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie crucifié
that I have crucified
que tu aies crucifié
that you have crucified
qu’il/elle/on ait crucifié
that he/she/it have crucified
que nous ayons crucifié
that we have crucified
que vous ayez crucifié
that you all have crucified
qu’ils/elles aient crucifié
that they have crucified
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je crucifiasse
that I would crucify
que tu crucifiasses
that you would crucify
qu’il/elle/on crucifiât
that he/she/it would crucify
que nous crucifiassions
that we would crucify
que vous crucifiassiez
that you all would crucify
qu’ils/elles crucifiassent
that they would crucify
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse crucifié
that I had crucified
que tu eusses crucifié
that you had crucified
qu’il/elle/on eût crucifié
that he/she/it had crucified
que nous eussions crucifié
that we had crucified
que vous eussiez crucifié
that you all had crucified
qu’ils/elles eussent crucifié
that they had crucified
Conditional mood
je crucifierais
I would crucify
tu crucifierais
you would crucify
il/elle/on crucifierait
he/she/it would crucify
nous crucifierions
we would crucify
vous crucifieriez
you all would crucify
ils/elles crucifieraient
they would crucify
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais crucifié
I would have crucified
tu aurais crucifié
you would have crucified
il/elle/on aurait crucifié
he/she/it would have crucified
nous aurions crucifié
we would have crucified
vous auriez crucifié
you all would have crucified
ils/elles auraient crucifié
they would have crucified
Imperative mood
let's crucify!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie crucifié
have crucified
ayons crucifié
let's have crucified
ayez crucifié
have crucified

Examples of crucifier

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Si ça continue, ils vont me crucifier." Et vous aussi."The way things are going, they're gonna crucify me." And you, baby.
- Arrête de me crucifier, tu veux?Would you please stop crucifying me with this?
- Ils vont vous crucifier.They will crucify you.
- Je dois aider à crucifier mon ami ?You want me to help crucify my friend?
- Je ne les laisserai pas te crucifier !- I won't let them crucify you!
"Femme, vois ici les sept saints mots de Jésus crucifié, écrits sur ce parchemin consacré.""Woman, see here the seven holy words of Jesus crucified, written on consecrated parchment."
"Le seigneur Jésus-Christ, notre Sauveur crucifié et ressuscité, nous a donné, maintenant, son corps et son sang par lesquels il a donné satisfaction de tous nos péchés.Our crucified, resurrected Saviour, Lord Jesus Christ, who has now given us His sacred body and blood and absolved us of all our sins.
"celui qui fut crucifié comme homme,"him who was crucified as a man...
"ll faut que je sois crucifié."I have to be crucified.
- Conçu du Saint-esprit... né de la Vierge Marie, Il souffrit sous Ponce Pilate. A été crucifié, est mort et a été enseveli. Est descendu aux Enfers.-Conceived by the Holy Ghost born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified, died and was buried.
- Je le crucifie.- I'm crucifying him.
Alors crucifie-le !# So crucify him!
De faire régner la paix, alors crucifie-le¶ To keep the peace so crucify him
Et maintenant, qui crucifie l'autre ?Well, you know, now, who's crucifying who?
Hob, crucifie-les tous.Hob, crucify them all.
- Vous me crucifiez.- Oh! You're crucifying me.
César est notre seul roi, crucifiez-le¶ We have no king but Caesar, crucify him
Vous essayez quelque chose de différent... crucifiez-moi.You try something different ... crucify me.
Vous me crucifiez.You're crucifying me!
Il a franchi un palier en crucifiant sa dernière victime, perçant des trous dans ses mains et ses pieds.He's now escalated to crucifying his latest victim, driving holes into his hands and feet.

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