- Onko meidänkin oltava lunneja? | Do we have to be puffins as well? |
Aiotko tapella kuin mies vai heitellä minua lunneilla? | Are you gonna fight like a man or just throw puffins at me? |
Ja näin lunnin. | And I came across a puffin. |
Laitan teillekin lunnin grilliin. | - I'll throw another puffin on the griddle for you. - No, thanks. |
Grillattua lunnia? Perjantaina? Grillattua lunnia? | Griddled puffin? |
- Juttelen Wajin lunnille. | - A puffin party? - I'm talking to Waj's puffin. |
-Ja se lunni... -Masturboi. | And this puffin was... |
Barryn lunni on muuttunut punaiseksi ja piileksii merirosvohatun alla. | Barry's puffin's turned all red and is hiding under the pirate hat. |
Ei nyt, arktinen lunni. | Not now, arctic puffin. |
Hän jätti naiselle vain tämän lunni-korvakorun. | All he left her with is... Is this... A puffin earring. |
Olen lunni. | I is a puffin. |