Example in Finnish | Translation in English |
Dillon on Torontosta. Eikä hän ole dandy, mitä sitten tarkoittaakin. | Okay, first of all, he's from Toronto, and he's no dandy, whatever that means. |
Ja tämä on hänen dandy seuralaisensa, Frank Sinatra. | And this is her dandy host, Frank Sinatra. |
Miksi emme yankee doodle dandy, tiedättekö, irroita piuhoja. | Why don't we yankee doodle dandy, you know pull the plug. |
Varsinainen dandy. | Quite the dandy. |
Yankee doodle dandy! | Yeah! A Yankee doodle dandy. |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Russian | денди,франт, франтик, щёголь |