Haluan oppia kokkaamaan, haluan oppia nauramaan - ja haluan stepata. | I want to learn to cook, I want to learn to laugh... and I want to tap dance. |
Nyt haluan stepata, etkä voi sanoa, ettei tämä ole steppiä. | Like right now, I want to tap dance, and you, Jess, you cannot tell me that this isn't tap. |
Näytit siltä kuin alkaisit stepata! | You're-you're practically sitting there. You're about like to bust out some kind of tap dance. |
Osaat stepata. | You can tap dance. |
Osaatko stepata? | - You can tap dance? |
- Minä steppaan. | - Yeah, I'm a tap dancer. |
Hän laulaa ja minä steppaan. | Scag, he sings and I tap dance! |