زودباش پسر,يك علاقه كوچك نشون بده,چه چيزي سبب گم شدن زنبور ها شده؟ | Come on, buddy. Take an interest in science. What could be a reason the bees have vanished? |
.اين هم يك چيز شبيه به اونه .و گم شدن زبورها هم يك نمونشه | It feels kind of similar to that. With the bees disappearing, I mean, I don't know, it feels like a pattern. |
.من مشکلي با گم شدن تو ونيز ندارم | I never minded being lost in Venice. |
فراري، پدرهايي که خرج بچه شونو نميدن فراري از مدرسه ... و دانشگاه، آدمايي که از ماليات دادن در رفتن همه شون هم بدون هيچ ردي گم شدن. | Runaways, deadbeat dads, dropouts, folks hiding from the IRS all vanishing without a trace. |
زنگهاي کشتي مانع نميشه اسکونرز از گم شدن رها کردن سرنوشت از دست ماهيگير به خدا، يه شيطان | Ships bells did not prevent schooners from getting lost, leaving the fate of its fishermen to God, or the devil. |
لعنتي ،زودتر تنهاييت رو بردار و از اينجا گم شو برو | Damn it, you take it and you go on with your work. I'm rarin' to go, sir. |
برو گم شو، گورت رو گم کن. | Scram! Get lost! |
گم شو ، هميشه يه قمار در مورد مواد مخدر وجود داره | Get away. Always the same crap about drugs. |
گم شو ، خجالت بكش. | Go , shame on you. |
حالا گم شو.. .. | What will you do with my name? |
چند وقته پسرت گم شد؟ | How long has your son been missing? |
کي گم شد؟ | How long has she been missing? |
...ببينين، آقاي اسپيد، من تلاش مي کنم تا يک آذيني پيدا کنم، ميتونيم بگيم که اون گم شده | See, Mr. Spade, I'm trying to recover an ornament that, shall we say, has been mislaid. |
...من دارم دنبال يه دختر ميگردم که تقريبا يه هفته اس که از فونيکس گم شده | I've been trying to trace a girl... that's been missing for, oh, about a week now from Phoenix. |
. قرنهاست که ماهيت کتاب پنج مشت مرگبار گم شده | The Essence of the Five Fists manual has been lost for centuries. |
اون خيلي وقته که نيستش ممکنه که گم شده باشه | He's been gone too long to have gotten lost. |
من پيششمام که بگم پسرتون گم شده والدين ناتنيش بقتل رسيدن | Look, l just sat here and told you your son is missing, that the foster-parents have been murdered. |
ما ناقص هستيم، مثل يک کتاب در دو جلد که اولي گم شده است. | We are incomplete, like a book in two volumes of which the first has been lost. |
به يه مرد بد برخوردم و تو تاريکي گم شدم | I met the wrong man. I was lost in darkness. |
من فقط، آه، من گم شدم. | I was just, uh, I got lost. |
اين شبيه اين بود شبيه اين بود که من تو صداي جيغ و داد گم شدم | It was like-- it was like I'd lost my zing. |
پس بخاطر غذا اينجا نيومدم من فقط گم شدم | So I wouldn't come here for it anyway. I was just a bit lost. |
اون دختر گم شده، منم گم شدم من ديگه برنميگردم | What it was...now I have lost! ...and I... I have to pay... |
فکر کردم گم شدی بدو بیا اینجا.. | I thought you were lost. Get your ass over here, let's go! |
اندرسون دو روز بود که گم شده بود" " وقتي ادواردو سليمان "گلفروش اونطرف قبرستون" "چيزي که اون پيدا کرد بعدها مشخص شد که" | Andresen had been missing two days when Eduardo Solomon, florist across the street from the cemetery, found what was later identified as a portion of the victim's leg in the dumpster behind his shop. |