Между etymology


Russian word между comes from Proto-Indo-European *me (In the middle of, near, by, around, with.), Proto-Indo-European *medʰ-yeh₂, Proto-Indo-European *medʰyos, Proto-Indo-European *medʰyo-

Etymology of между

Detailed word origin of между

Dictionary entry Language Definition
*me Proto-Indo-European (ine) In the middle of, near, by, around, with.
*medʰ-yeh₂ Proto-Indo-European (ine)
*medʰyos Proto-Indo-European (ine)
*medʰyo- Proto-Indo-European (ine)
*meth₂- Proto-Indo-European (ine)
*médʰyos Proto-Indo-European (ine) Middle.
*medjas Proto-Balto-Slavic (ine-bsl-pro)
*meďa Proto-Slavic (sla-pro) Border, boundary, balk.
*meďu Proto-Slavic (sla-pro) (with instrumental) between, among.
междоу Church Slavic (chu) Among. Between.
между Russian (ru) (with instrumental, rarely, with genitive) between, among.

Words with the same origin as между

Descendants of *me
