We have found multiple words say. Choose the one you are looking for and click on the link in its Dictionary entry column to see its detailed etymology.
Dictionary entry | Language | Definition |
say | English | (Noun Adverb Interjection Verb) One's stated opinion or input into a discussion or decision. For example; let us assume. (colloquial) Used to gain one's attention before making an inquiry or suggestion (impersonal) To have a [...]One's stated opinion or input into a discussion or decision. For example; let us assume. (colloquial) Used to gain one's attention before making an inquiry or suggestion (impersonal) To have a [...] |
say | English | (Noun) A type of fine cloth similar to serge.A type of fine cloth similar to serge. |
say | English | (Noun Verb) Essay; trial; attempt.. Trial by sample; assay; specimen.. Tried quality; temper; proof. To try; to assay.Essay; trial; attempt.. Trial by sample; assay; specimen.. Tried quality; temper; proof. To try; to assay. |
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