Search results for rape

We have found multiple words rape. Choose the one you are looking for and click on the link in its Dictionary entry column to see its detailed etymology.

Dictionary entry Language Definition
rape English (Noun Verb) (now, archaic) The abduction of a woman, especially for sexual purposes. [from 15th c.]. (now, rare) The taking of something by force; seizure, plunder. [from early 14th c.]. (obsolete) [...](now, archaic) The abduction of a woman, especially for sexual purposes. [from 15th c.]. (now, rare) The taking of something by force; seizure, plunder. [from early 14th c.]. (obsolete) [...]
rape English (Noun) (now, historical) One of the six former administrative divisions of Sussex, England. [from 11th c.].(now, historical) One of the six former administrative divisions of Sussex, England. [from 11th c.].
rape English (Noun Adverb Verb) (obsolete) Haste; precipitancy; a precipitate course. [14th-17th c.] (obsolete) Quickly; hastily. [14th-19th c.] (obsolete, intransitive, or, _, reflexive) To make haste; to hasten or hurry. [...](obsolete) Haste; precipitancy; a precipitate course. [14th-17th c.] (obsolete) Quickly; hastily. [14th-19th c.] (obsolete, intransitive, or, _, reflexive) To make haste; to hasten or hurry. [...]
rape English (Noun) Rapeseed, Brassica napus. [late 14th c.].Rapeseed, Brassica napus. [late 14th c.].
rape English (Noun) (obsolete) Fruit plucked in a bunch.. A filter containing the stalks and husks of grapes, used for clarifying wine, vinegar, etc.. The stalks and husks of grapes from which the must has been [...](obsolete) Fruit plucked in a bunch.. A filter containing the stalks and husks of grapes, used for clarifying wine, vinegar, etc.. The stalks and husks of grapes from which the must has been [...]

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