Search results for hag

We have found multiple words hag. Choose the one you are looking for and click on the link in its Dictionary entry column to see its detailed etymology.

Dictionary entry Language Definition
hag English (Noun) (obsolete) An appearance of light and fire on a horse's mane or a man's hair.. (pejorative) An ugly old woman.. A fury; a she-monster.. A hagdon or shearwater; one of various sea birds of the [...](obsolete) An appearance of light and fire on a horse's mane or a man's hair.. (pejorative) An ugly old woman.. A fury; a she-monster.. A hagdon or shearwater; one of various sea birds of the [...]
hag English (Noun) A quagmire; mossy ground where peat or turf has been cut.. A small wood, or part of a wood or copse, which is marked off or enclosed for felling, or which has been felled.A quagmire; mossy ground where peat or turf has been cut.. A small wood, or part of a wood or copse, which is marked off or enclosed for felling, or which has been felled.
hag English (Verb) (transitive) To harass; to weary with vexation.(transitive) To harass; to weary with vexation.

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