Search results for fang

We have found multiple words fang. Choose the one you are looking for and click on the link in its Dictionary entry column to see its detailed etymology.

Dictionary entry Language Definition
fang English (Verb) (transitive, dialectal) To receive or adopt into spiritual relation, as in baptism; be godfather or godmother to.. (transitive, dialectal, or, archaic) To catch, capture; seize; grip; clutch; [...](transitive, dialectal) To receive or adopt into spiritual relation, as in baptism; be godfather or godmother to.. (transitive, dialectal, or, archaic) To catch, capture; seize; grip; clutch; [...]
fang English (Noun Verb) (mining) A channel cut in the rock, or a pipe of wood, used for conveying air.. (nautical) The coil or bend of a rope; (by extension) a noose; a trap.. (nautical) The valve of a pump box.. (now, [...](mining) A channel cut in the rock, or a pipe of wood, used for conveying air.. (nautical) The coil or bend of a rope; (by extension) a noose; a trap.. (nautical) The valve of a pump box.. (now, [...]
fang English (Noun Verb) (in snakes) a long pointed tooth for injecting venom. A long, pointed canine tooth used for biting and tearing flesh (rare) To strike or attack with the fangs.. To enable to catch or tear; to [...](in snakes) a long pointed tooth for injecting venom. A long, pointed canine tooth used for biting and tearing flesh (rare) To strike or attack with the fangs.. To enable to catch or tear; to [...]

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