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Suministrar (to provide) conjugation

69 examples

Conjugation of suministrar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I provide
you provide
he/she/it provides
we provide
you all provide
they provide
Present perfect tense
he suministrado
I have provided
has suministrado
you have provided
ha suministrado
he/she/it has provided
hemos suministrado
we have provided
habéis suministrado
you all have provided
han suministrado
they have provided
Past preterite tense
I provided
you provided
he/she/it provided
we provided
you all provided
they provided
Future tense
I will provide
you will provide
he/she/it will provide
we will provide
you all will provide
they will provide
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would provide
you would provide
he/she/it would provide
we would provide
you all would provide
they would provide
Past imperfect tense
I used to provide
you used to provide
he/she/it used to provide
we used to provide
you all used to provide
they used to provide
Past perfect tense
había suministrado
I had provided
habías suministrado
you had provided
había suministrado
he/she/it had provided
habíamos suministrado
we had provided
habíais suministrado
you all had provided
habían suministrado
they had provided
Future perfect tense
habré suministrado
I will have provided
habrás suministrado
you will have provided
habrá suministrado
he/she/it will have provided
habremos suministrado
we will have provided
habréis suministrado
you all will have provided
habrán suministrado
they will have provided
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I provide
(if/so that) you provide
(if/so that) he/she/it provide
(if/so that) we provide
(if/so that) you all provide
(if/so that) they provide
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya suministrado
I have provided
hayas suministrado
you have provided
haya suministrado
he/she/it has provided
hayamos suministrado
we have provided
hayáis suministrado
you all have provided
hayan suministrado
they have provided
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have provided
(if/so that) you have provided
(if/so that) he/she/it have provided
(if/so that) we have provided
(if/so that) you all have provided
(if/so that) they have provided
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have provided
(if/so that) you have provided
(if/so that) he/she/it have provided
(if/so that) we have provided
(if/so that) you all have provided
(if/so that) they have provided
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera suministrado
I had provided
hubieras suministrado
you had provided
hubiera suministrado
he/she/it had provided
hubiéramos suministrado
we had provided
hubierais suministrado
you all had provided
hubieran suministrado
they had provided
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese suministrado
I had provided
hubieses suministrado
you had provided
hubiese suministrado
he/she/it had provided
hubiésemos suministrado
we had provided
hubieseis suministrado
you all had provided
hubiesen suministrado
they had provided
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have provided
(if/so that) you will have provided
(if/so that) he/she/it will have provided
(if/so that) we will have provided
(if/so that) you all will have provided
(if/so that) they will have provided
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere suministrado
I will have provided
hubieres suministrado
you will have provided
hubiere suministrado
he/she/it will have provided
hubiéremos suministrado
we will have provided
hubiereis suministrado
you all will have provided
hubieren suministrado
they will have provided
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's provide!
Imperative negative mood
no suministres
do not provide!
no suministre
let him/her/it provide!
no suministremos
let us not provide!
no suministréis
do not provide!
no suministren
do not provide!

Examples of suministrar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Entonces tendremos que suministrar una explicación creíble por su cancelación.- So we will have to provide a plausible explanation for canceling.
- Y tu tienes que suministrar tu propio equipo de trabajo.- And you have to provide your own work gear.
Así el 11 de octubre el presidente Bush anunció al pueblo de Afganistán que lo bombardearíamos hasta que entreguen a gente sospechosa de actos terroristas a pesar de que rechazamos suministrar cualquier evidencia y nos negamos a entrar en cualquier negociación para extradición y traslado - un claro caso de terrorismo internacional.So on October 11th President Bush announced to the Afghan people that we will keep bombing you until you hand over people who we suspect of terrorist acts although we refuse to provide any evidence and we refuse to enter into any negotiations for extradition and transfer - a clear case of international terrorism.
Comenzamos con una orden ejecutiva para suministrar alimento, dólares a través de la ONU.We're starting with an executive order to provide food, dollars through the U.N.
De hecho, High Star solo está autorizada para suministrar seguridad, ¿correcto?In fact, High Star is only authorized to provide security, correct?
Afortunadamente, tu vengativa violencia me ha provisto de un nuevo suministro de almas.Fortunately, your vengeful rampage has provided me with a fresh supply of souls.
Cuando me pediste mi propio suministro de agua para Sona cuando la tubería falló ¿no te la di?When you asked me for your own personal supply of water when the plumbing went down, did I not provide it?
La Anglo-West African quiere el contrato para un gasoducto en Costa de Marfil que proveería el 30% del suministro mundial, evitando cualquier dependencia de Oriente Medio, y el Gobierno de Su Majestad pagaría el gasoducto con dinero del contribuyente.Ruth? AngIo-West African is bidding for a pipeline contract across the Ivory Coast which could provide 30% of the world's supplies, bypassing any reliance on the middle East, and Her Majesty's Government is paying for the pipeline with taxpayer's money.
Nuestra fuerza es nuestro sufrimiento, y vosotros nos proporcionáis un suministro interminable.Our strength is our suffering, and you provide us with an endless supply.
Porque le proporciona un suministro inagotable de víctimas.Because it provides an endless supply of victims.
El tipo B, donde suministrasType B, you provide
Adentro hay un generador que suministra energía a todos los robots.Inside is a power grid which provides energy To all droids.
Del tipo que suministra combustible a India y Pakistán.The type that provides fuel for nuclear weapons in India and Pakistan.
El Dr. Ferrari la suministra.Dr. Ferrari provides that.
El Gran Cañón suministra los registros más completos de la historia geológica que puedan hallarse en todo el planeta.The Grand Canyon provides records more complete ... geological history ... that can be found around the planet.
El Grupo Cole ha privatizado 15 hospitales en siete años cada uno de ellos suministra ahora o suministrará el más alto nivel de cuidado médico a su comunidad.The Cole Group has privatized 15 public hospitals in seven years each of which now provides, or will soon provide the highest standard of medical care to their communities.
Así que te suministramos unos artículos indispensables, como...So we've provided you with a few necessities, such as...
Lo lamento, pero no puedo hablarle del tratamiento que le suministramos - al señor McCombs.I'm sorry, but I can't tell you about the treatment we provided
Si les suministramos unos pocos emisores adicionales, y unidades de almacenamiento de memoria tendrán más de lo que necesitan.If we provide them with a few additional emitters and memory storage units, they'll have more than they need.
Si suministramos a las escuelas y a los maestros todo que necesitan y flexibilidad para experimentar con enfoques nuevos, creo que los estudiantes americanos pueden ser los números uno del mundo, en matemáticas y ciencias, en diez años.If we provide the school systems and teachers with everything they need and the flexibility to experiment with fresh new approaches, I think that American students can be number one in the world in math and science in ten years.
Yo no comulgo con ellas... y ninguna de nosotras las toma, pero sí que las suministramos.Now, I don't hold with 'em, and don't none of us use 'em, but we do provide.
"O les proveemos un tapete de oro", en otras palabras, si suministran un oleoducto a través de Afganistán y aseguran la seguridad de ese oleoducto, y entonces hay trato,"Either we would provide you with a carpet of gold", in other words, if you supply a pipeline across Afghanistan, you ensure the security of the country you guard that pipeline, then we can do a deal with you,
Cuatro incendios no suministran los suficientes datos para crear una zona de acción.Aah. Um, four fires doesn't provide enough data to create a hot zone, so I thought...
En contraste, operarios de las empresas contratadas que suministran el hardware para Echelon tienen acceso a todas las instalaciones, aún de seguridad, para estimular nuevas tecnologías.By contrast, employees of the private contractor corporations... That provide the hardware for Echelon... Are allowed inside secure facilities after abnormal scrutiny...
Los arándanos suministran casi lo mismo, sin mencionar que los pequeños bastardos son muy sabrosos.The blueberries provide damn near the same. Not to mention, the little bastards are tasty as hell.
Nuestros escudos suministran suficiente protección contra descargas de la nebulosa.Our shields provide sufficient protection against nebula discharge.
El anticongelante te hizo enfermar, yo sólo te lo suministré.The antifreeze made you sick. I just provided it to you.
Yo lo escribí. o al menos yo suministré la mala hierba que suministréOr at least I provided the weed that provided the tryst that provided the inspiration.
Yo suministré a la policía los registros dentales falsos para nuestro héroe... que combinaban con el desgraciado que quemamos en la furgoneta.I provided the police with fake dental records for our hero that matched the poor schmuck we burnt up in the van.
"Apreciamos de veras lo que hiciste ya que suministraste un modelo positivo de rol para nuestro hijo.""We really appreciate what you did because you provided a positive role model for our son."
Tú suministraste la información requerida.You provided the requested information.
Tú, Janet, suministraste el herbicida usado para envenenar el vino.You, Janet, provided the deadly herbicide that ultimately poisoned the wine.
- Bueno, suministró a la Policía información muy útil.- Well, he... provided the Constabulary with some very useful information.
Al Rose suministró con generosidad refrescos para la ocasión de su propio bolsillo.Al Rose has very generously provided some refreshments for this occasion out of his own pocket.
Al no saber quién suministró las armas... la investigación al CMM y sus posibles lazos... no llevó a nada.Without knowing who provided the weapons the investigation into the MBC, with their suspected ties, was dropped
Algunos inspectores estaban tan... Alcalde abrumados, preocupados por lo que veían que realmente necesitaron terapia y se les suministró.Some of the inspectors were so... uh, overwhelmed-- distressed by what they saw that they needed actually counseling and counseling was provided.
Cuando dejamos la funeraria, el departamento de policía de Suffolk nos suministróWhen we left the funeral home, the Suffolk Police Department provided
- Cuando los Nazis llegaron al poder aprobaron leyes forzando a los Judíos a registrar sus propiedades les suministraron "listas de Compras" virtuales.- When the Nazis came into power, they passed laws forcing Jews to register property, it provided them virtual "shopping lists."
Cuanto más energía suministraron, mayor cantidad de dinero perdieron.Ôhe more energy they provided, the more money they lost and faster and faster.
Los bancos de datos de la nave de guerra suministraron hechos histórico pero, aún así, yo no poseía recuerdos de mipropiopasado,por loquecomencéa reconsiderar mi lugar en el presentey mepregunté, "¿Podría ser como los demás?"The warship's data banks provided historical fact, but, still, I possessed no memory of my own past, so I began to reconsider my place in the present and wondered, "could I be like the others?"
Pero Ford, General Motors, Firestone y otras compañías estadounidenses suministraron a los fascistas camiones, neumáticos y máquinas herramientas.But Ford, General Motors, Firestone and other U.S. businesses provided the fascists with trucks, tires and machine tools.
Debe alertarme de sus intenciones... y yo le suministraré las instrucciones... para la forma de pago.You are simply to alert me to your intentions, at which point I will provide instructions regarding method of payment.
El Sr. Lee le suministrará opio exclusivamente para vendérselo a los blancos en el campamento.Mr Lee will provide opium to you exclusively... for sale to whites in the camp.
El panel solar suministrará sólo la electricidad suficiente ... de modo que pueda poder de mi equipo y escribir en mi blog.The solar panel will provide just enough electricity... so that I can power my computer and write my blog.
La central nos suministrará esa energía... hasta que rompamos el umbilical, que es cuando nos cambiaremos al ZPM.The station will provide us with that power up until we snap the umbilical. Then we'Il switch over to the ZPM.
Les suministrará una coartada a toda prueba en cuanto a su ubicación durante los próximos 60 segundos.It will provide you with an airtight alibi as to your whereabouts... during the next 60 seconds.
Si Frikasklasalde decidiera mudarse a Cleveland Trasker les suministrará la pericia necesaria para reducir sus costos actuales en un tercio.If Frikaskjasalde should decide to relocate to Cleveland Trasker will provide the expertise necessary to cut your current costs by one-third.
Ellos nos suministrarán armas y munición.They will provide us with arms and ammunition, guns.
Los sioux suministrarán todas esas cosas para ellos, Charles, una vez que este plan haya sido aprobado.All things the Sioux will provide for themselves, Charles, once this plan has passed.
Usado como material base en electrónicos, 4TO. FINAL DE FÍSICA suministraría mayor protección contra descargas de corriente y olas magnéticas.Used as the basis material for electronics, it would provide increased protection against power surges, magnetic waves.
Ahora todos esos imbéciles adictos de la calle, buscan como locos alguien que les suministre.Now these fools on the streets are all craving For somebody to provide them a fix.
Data, suministre una manta a cada hombre, mujer y niño antes de que anochezca.Mr. Data, have the replicators provide a blanket for every man, woman and child before nightfall.
Imagínese un mundo donde una sola empresa suministre un servicio.Think of a world in which one company provided every service.
Le ruego me suministre explicaciones más exhaustivas.I'd be obliged, if you could provide a more concrete explanation.
Usted quiere que yo suministre el empleo y quiere hacer que sea imposible para mí ofrecer empleo.You want me to provide the jobs and you wanna make it impossible for me to have any jobs to provide.
¿Pretende que suministremos educación?Do you expext us to provide teaching?
"Hierve mi agua" requiere que visiten una de tres pueblos aislados y les suministren los medios para cocinar.Boil my wear will provide them with a means of cooking.
Quizá te suministren la verdad que necesitas.Maybe they'll provide the truth you need.
Y que nos suministren algunas luces.And maybe provide a few working lights.
...es suministrado por el ejército de los EEUU...--provided by U.S. military--
Así que... La Justice League al fin ha suministrado escáneres... a todos los gobiernos del planeta para acabar con... esos asquerosos pequeños alienígenas que se hacen pasar por humanos reales.So... the Justice League finally provided scanners... to every government on Earth to root out... those filthy little aliens posing as real human beings.
Creemos que un dispositivo de sublimación de estas instalaciones ha sido suministrado a unos conocidos fugitivos.We believe a sublimation device from this facility was provided to known fugitives.
Desafortunadamente, el flujo de datos suministrado por vuestro amigo se quedó corto de información.Unfortunately, the data stream provided by your friend was a little short on information.
El siguiente mensaje es un anuncio público suministrado por el ejercito de los EE. UU. para advertir a los sobrevivientes...The following is a public announcement provided by the U.S. military in an attempt to warn survivors...
A cualquier sitio donde puedan vender su droga y sus armas. Siempre que lo hagan, los cárteles mexicano y colombiano les seguirán suministrando sus productos.As long as they do, Mexican and Colombian cartels will keep providing them with product.
Bueno, hasta su reciente pérdida de la noción de la realidad, su misión ha estado suministrando información muy valiosa sobre el comercio de heroína afgana.Well, until his recent departure from reality, his mission had been providing valuable information on the Afghan heroin trade.
Cualquier vida que dependa de la luz solar se extinguirá rápidamente a medida que el universo continúa envejeciendo porque habrá cada vez menos y menos fuentes de energía suministrando vida de una estrella.Any life that depends on sunlight will rapidly go extinct... as the universe continues to age... and as there are fewer and fewer sources of life-providing energy... from a host star.
El tío que me contrató estaba haciendo millones suministrando esas provisiones.The guy who hired me was making millions providing those supplies.
Estaba reemplazando un micrófono defectuoso que nos había estado suministrando mucha información de fondo útil.I was replacing a defective bug that had been providing us with a Iot of useful secondary intelligence.

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