Sacrificar (to sacrifice) conjugation

120 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: put, to put down or euthanize an animal

Conjugation of sacrificar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I sacrifice
you sacrifice
he/she/it sacrifices
we sacrifice
you all sacrifice
they sacrifice
Present perfect tense
he sacrificado
I have sacrificed
has sacrificado
you have sacrificed
ha sacrificado
he/she/it has sacrificed
hemos sacrificado
we have sacrificed
habéis sacrificado
you all have sacrificed
han sacrificado
they have sacrificed
Past preterite tense
I sacrificed
you sacrificed
he/she/it sacrificed
we sacrificed
you all sacrificed
they sacrificed
Future tense
I will sacrifice
you will sacrifice
he/she/it will sacrifice
we will sacrifice
you all will sacrifice
they will sacrifice
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would sacrifice
you would sacrifice
he/she/it would sacrifice
we would sacrifice
you all would sacrifice
they would sacrifice
Past imperfect tense
I used to sacrifice
you used to sacrifice
he/she/it used to sacrifice
we used to sacrifice
you all used to sacrifice
they used to sacrifice
Past perfect tense
había sacrificado
I had sacrificed
habías sacrificado
you had sacrificed
había sacrificado
he/she/it had sacrificed
habíamos sacrificado
we had sacrificed
habíais sacrificado
you all had sacrificed
habían sacrificado
they had sacrificed
Future perfect tense
habré sacrificado
I will have sacrificed
habrás sacrificado
you will have sacrificed
habrá sacrificado
he/she/it will have sacrificed
habremos sacrificado
we will have sacrificed
habréis sacrificado
you all will have sacrificed
habrán sacrificado
they will have sacrificed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I sacrifice
(if/so that) you sacrifice
(if/so that) he/she/it sacrifice
(if/so that) we sacrifice
(if/so that) you all sacrifice
(if/so that) they sacrifice
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya sacrificado
I have sacrificed
hayas sacrificado
you have sacrificed
haya sacrificado
he/she/it has sacrificed
hayamos sacrificado
we have sacrificed
hayáis sacrificado
you all have sacrificed
hayan sacrificado
they have sacrificed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have sacrificed
(if/so that) you have sacrificed
(if/so that) he/she/it have sacrificed
(if/so that) we have sacrificed
(if/so that) you all have sacrificed
(if/so that) they have sacrificed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have sacrificed
(if/so that) you have sacrificed
(if/so that) he/she/it have sacrificed
(if/so that) we have sacrificed
(if/so that) you all have sacrificed
(if/so that) they have sacrificed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera sacrificado
I had sacrificed
hubieras sacrificado
you had sacrificed
hubiera sacrificado
he/she/it had sacrificed
hubiéramos sacrificado
we had sacrificed
hubierais sacrificado
you all had sacrificed
hubieran sacrificado
they had sacrificed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese sacrificado
I had sacrificed
hubieses sacrificado
you had sacrificed
hubiese sacrificado
he/she/it had sacrificed
hubiésemos sacrificado
we had sacrificed
hubieseis sacrificado
you all had sacrificed
hubiesen sacrificado
they had sacrificed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have sacrificed
(if/so that) you will have sacrificed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have sacrificed
(if/so that) we will have sacrificed
(if/so that) you all will have sacrificed
(if/so that) they will have sacrificed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere sacrificado
I will have sacrificed
hubieres sacrificado
you will have sacrificed
hubiere sacrificado
he/she/it will have sacrificed
hubiéremos sacrificado
we will have sacrificed
hubiereis sacrificado
you all will have sacrificed
hubieren sacrificado
they will have sacrificed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's sacrifice!
Imperative negative mood
no sacrifiques
do not sacrifice!
no sacrifique
let him/her/it sacrifice!
no sacrifiquemos
let us not sacrifice!
no sacrifiquéis
do not sacrifice!
no sacrifiquen
do not sacrifice!

Examples of sacrificar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Tienes que sacrificar tu castidad ...""You have to sacrifice your chastity.."
"y yo estoy dispuesto a sacrificar todo lo que tengo para su preservación ""and i am willing to sacrifice everything but honor for its preservation."
"¿Es adecuado sacrificar las vidas de algunos para salvar a la mayoría?"."Is it appropriate to sacrifice the lives of the few to save the many?"
- A menudo, la clave de la victoria es la elección de la pieza correcta ... ..sacrificar.- Often, the key to victory is choosing the right piece... sacrifice.
- Charlie justo de mi parte pedirte que sacrifiques tu profesión si yo no estoy dispuesto a sacrificar la mía.It's not... Charlie... fair of me to ask you to sacrifice your career if I'm not willing to sacrifice mine.
"Me sacrifico por mis colegas""For my homies I sacrifice"
- Ella se sacrifico.-julia, she sacrificed herself.
- Se sacrifico para salvarme.He sacrificed himself to save me.
- Sí. Y yo me sacrifico por ti.And I sacrifice myself for you.
- ¡Yo me sacrifico!- l sacrifice myself.
"y te sacrificas por una causa justa"."And sacrifice yourself to a charitable cause"
-...porque tú te sacrificas. -¿No es lo mismo que lo hagas tú o yo?because you sacrifice yourself. You or I, is not the same thing?
A veces sacrificas un jugador para salvar el juego.Sometimes you sacrifice a player to save the game.
Abres temprano, sacrificas tu mañana de pádel, todo por mi horario.You open up early, you sacrifice your morning paddle, all for my schedule.
Así que lo sacrificas todo para salvarlos.So you sacrifice everything you have to save them.
"Lo que un hombre sacrifica en una lucha entre naciones una mujer lo sacrifica en la lucha para preservar esa nación."What a man sacrifices in a nations struggle a woman sacrifices in the struggle to preserve that nation."
"No, se sacrifica.""No, he sacrifices himself."
- Una madre se sacrifica por...A mother sacrifices for...
- ¿Es la parte en la que Abraham sacrifica-- Um, it's about where Abraham sacrifices-
.. abandonas a un comando como Karan que sin pensarlo un segundo sacrifica su vida por su país...who without even thinking for a second.. ..sacrifices his life for his country,
"¿Tienes idea... de cuánto sacrificamos por esto?"."Do you have any idea how much we sacrificed for this?"
- Con todo respeto, ya sacrificamos mucho de nuestras raciones, para no matar de hambre a nuestros hijos.With respect, We already sacrifice too muc Of our daily ration So the children May have enough.
- No sacrificamos gente.- We don't sacrifice people.
Ambos sacrificamos mucho para que pudieras convertirte en el héroe que estás destinado a ser.We both sacrificed so you could become the hero you're meant to be.
Así nos sacrificamos.Thus we are sacrificed.
¿Por qué sacrificáis animales durante el Bairam?Why do you sacrifice animals at Bayram?
"Aquéllos que sacrifican libertad por seguridad no merecen ninguna de las dos""Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither."
"Ellos sacrifican hombres a sus dioses.""They sacrifice men to their gods."
- Ya lo sé, pero las amigas se sacrifican unas por las otras...Oh, I know, I'm just, you know, friends should sacrifice for each other,
Ahora, sabemos que no se, we know that they don't sacrifice themselves.
Ahora, se sacrifican figuras de animales hechas de barro.Now animal forms made out of dough are sacrificed
- No, porque las sacrifiqué.- No, because I sacrificed them.
- Sr. Rist, sacrifiqué mucho por mi pais.- Mr. Rist, i have sacrificed much for my country.
Así que sacrifiqué algunas cosas insignificantes tales como mi orgullo y mi amor propio.So I sacrificed some small insignificant things such as my pride and my self-respect.
Capitán, sacrifiqué mi trabajo para venir aquí con mi marido porque su trabajo es crucial para el desarrollo de la guerra.Captain, I sacrificed my job to come here with my husband because his work is crucial to the war effort.
Casi sacrifiqué a nuestro hijo.I almost sacrificed our son.
"Oh Señor, sacrificaste tu carne y tu sangre".O Lord, you sacrificed your flesh and blood
"Que sacrificaste tus derechos, por el honor de tu padre."For his father's honour, they sacrificed their rights.
- No. - Lo sacrificaste.- You sacrificed him.
- Y sacrificaste a tu hermano en el negocio.And sacrificed your brother in the bargain.
-¡No sacrificaste nada! -Si, Lo hice.You haven't sacrificed anything!
"Me puse el ejemplo del Señor Rama y Shravan que sacrificó mucho por sus padres. "'I gave the example of Lord Ram and Shravan who sacrificed so much for his parents.'
(Madre) Él sacrificó a su único hijo!(mother) He sacrificed his only son!
- Creo que... Shane sacrificó a Otis.- I believe that-- that Shane sacrificed Otis.
- Gabriel se sacrificó para que yo pudiera escapar y te encontrara.- Gabriel sacrificed himself so that I could escape and get to you.
- Pero quiero que la gente sepa de que él realmente creía que nos ayudaba y que lo sacrificó todo.But I want people to know that he really did believe he was helping us and he sacrificed everything...
No entiendo por que sacrificasteis vuestra vida y vuestra familia.It isn't clear why is that you sacrificed your life and your family.
# ¿Cuántas dudas sacrificaron?How many doubts, how many sacrificed?
- Bueno, entonces dile que debe respetar a sus mayores, esas personas que sacrificaron por ella.- Well, then tell her she should respect her elders, the people who sacrificed for her.
- y la sacrificaron a su deidad pagana.- And they sacrificed her to their pagan deity.
A través de la historia, hombres se sacrificaron por sus creencias fundamentales.Throughout history, men have sacrificed themselves for their fundamental beliefs.
Alabé a los cuatro soldados estadounidenses... que se sacrificaron como conejillos de indias... para que la humanidad fuera salvada de la fiebre amarilla.I have sung to you tonight the praises of your four American doughboys who sacrificed their lives. volunteered to become human guinea pigs. that mankind might be saved from yellow fever.
- Me sacrificaré por Ti con una canción de agradecimiento."I will sacrifice unto thee... " with a song of thanksgiving...
- Me sacrificaré por Ti..."But I will sacrifice unto thee... "
- Me sacrificaré una vez más.- I will sacrifice myself once more.
Así que sacrificaré una noche de estar ebrio para que mis hermanos puedan vivir de fiesta, ¡otro día!So I will sacrifice one night of a drunken stupor so my brothers can live to party another day! [ALL CHEERING]
Espero que sea un destino que traiga honor a nuestra familia, y, si requiriera mi vida, la sacrificaré de buen grado, para ser un buen sirviente de nuestra nación.I hope it is a destiny that will bring honour to our family. And if it requires my life... I will sacrifice it gladly to be a good servant of our nation.
Al-Zuhari tiene una misión y tiene fe, y sacrificará a cualquiera y todo lo que haga falta para llevar a cabo su meta:Al-Zuhari has a mission and he has faith, and he will sacrifice anyone and everything to achieve his goals:
El ejército sacrificará hasta la última gota de su sangre antes de disparar una sola bala sobre su pueblo.The Army will sacrifice their last drop of blood Before they fire a single bullet on the people.
El la sacrificará.He will sacrifice her.
Franjo Cupac se sacrificará y tomará la garrapata.Franjo Cupac will sacrifice himself and take the tick.
Luego de eso, Klaus, al ser hombre lobo y vampiro al mismo tiempo sacrificará a uno de cada uno. - ¿Y yo en dónde encajo?After that, Klaus, being both werewolf and vampire... will sacrifice one of each.
Estamos seguros de que será de gran ayuda... para el progreso económico y por ello sacrificaremos vuestras tierras.We are sure you will help... For the sake of economic progress you will sacrifice your lands.
Expondremos la corrupción y la hipocresía donde esta exista y nos sacrificaremos, pero solo cuando no exista alternativa pacífica.We will expose corruption and hypocrisy where it lives and we will sacrifice, but only when there is no peaceful alternative.
Nos sacrificaremos, lucharemos, si, solo entonces seremos triunfadores.we will sacrifice, we will struggle, yes, but only then will we triumph. And we will triumph!
y sus líderes los sacrificarán, y nosotros no sacrificaremos a los nuestros.And their leaders will sacrifice them, and we won't sacrifice ours.
¡Nos sacrificaremos!We will sacrifice!
Aquellos que crean en el fuego eterno del infierno sacrificarán su sangre para ti.They who believe in eternal hell fire will sacrifice their blood to you.
Millones se sacrificarán por mi palabra.Millions will sacrifice themselves for my word
No pueden permitirse perder el pedido australiano y sacrificarán los trabajadores que sean con tal de entregarla a tiempo.They can't afford to lose the Australian order and they will sacrifice as many workers as it takes to get it in on time.
Nosotros somos los que se sacrificarán.We're the ones who will sacrifice.
Sus amigos los sacrificarán a ustedes, pero que su insensatez no afecte al niño.Your friends will sacrifice you, but they won't cause a young boy to be hurt by acting foolish.
- No, pero me sacrificaría.- No, but you would sacrifice me.
A fin de impedir incurrir en su ira, la gente sacrificaría sus niños a él quemándolos vivos.In order to keep from incurring his wrath, the people would sacrifice their children to him by burning them alive.
Ahora, han prometido que si no encuentran otro anfitrión en un tiempo razonable el simbionte se sacrificaría antes de permanecer en un anfitrión involuntario.They promised that if no other host was found within a reasonable amount of time, the symbiote would sacrifice itself rather than stay in an unwilling host.
Aqualad se sacrificaría a sí mismo, un error que acaba de costarnos a nuestro líder.Aqualad would sacrifice himself, a mistake that just cost us our leader.
Dadas las circunstancias creo que Roz sacrificaría el pudor con tal de tenerte con ella.Given the circumstances, I think roz would sacrifice modesty To have you with her.
- por la que sacrificarías todo mi futuro.You would sacrifice my entire future.
Así que sacrificarías a uno por el otro...So you would sacrifice one for the other...
Así que sacrificarías tu vida e ir a la cárcel con tal de arruinarme el caso.So you would sacrifice your life in prison just to undermine my case.
Es más que suficiente saber que te sacrificarías cuando te lo pedíIt is more than enough to know that you would sacrifice it when I asked.
He visto que tu sacrificarías todo.I have seen that you would sacrifice everything.
Créame, si las cosas llegaran a ese punto nos sacrificaríamos y usaríamos el veneno si lo tuviéramos.Believe me. If it came down to it, we would sacrifice ourselves, and use the poison on our enemy if we had some.
Dijimos que sacrificaríamos nuestros niños.We said we would sacrifice our children.
Es la cámara donde los Sith sacrificarían a los Jedi.It is the chamber where the Sith would sacrifice Jedi.
Eso lo sentí cuando llegaron... pero cuando miré profundamente en su mente... me di cuenta de que nos sacrificarían a todos si fuera necesario... para destruir a Nirrti.l did sense that when you first arrived, but when l looked deeper into your mind, l realised that you would sacrifice us all if necessary to destroy Nirrti.
Levanten la mano quiénes sacrificarían 10 años de su vida por ir a Marte.All right, Put up your hand if you would sacrifice ten years of your life to go to Mars,
Pero muchos menos sacrificarían su vida por otro.But even fewer would sacrifice their life for another.
Pero no sacrificarían sus principios por un amigo.But neither of them would sacrifice their principles for a friend.
"Cuando sacrifique mi cuerpo, entonces, serás Khuki.When I sacrifice my body, then, you're actually Khuki.
- ¿Y que sacrifique su felicidad?To sacrifice her happiness?
Antes que pregunte a alguno de ustedes. que sacrifique tres meses de su vida por mi.Before I ask any of you to sacrifice three months of your life for me,
Basta con que uno sacrifique su vida por el otro.One of you has to be willing to sacrifice their life for the other
Como prueba de fe, Dios le pide a Abraham que sacrifique a su hijo. Pero al final Dios le perdona la vida al hijo porque su padre tenía tanta fe.As a test of faith, god asks abraham to sacrifice his only child, but in the end, god spares the kid because his father had so much faith.
"Aunque sacrifiques tu vida por mi aun soy un buen negocio para tí.""Even if you sacrifice your life for me still it's a good deal for you."
"Cosette, te suplico que no sacrifiques tu vida... por el egoísmo de este hombre."Cosette, I beg of you not to sacrifice your life... "to this man's selfishness.
- Charlie justo de mi parte pedirte que sacrifiques tu profesión si yo no estoy dispuesto a sacrificar la mía.It's not... Charlie... fair of me to ask you to sacrifice your career if I'm not willing to sacrifice mine.
- Entonces, no la sacrifiques conmigo.- Don't sacrifice it with me.
- Jug, no es frecuente... que te pida que te sacrifiques.- It's still hard. - Jug, it isn't often that the team has called on you for sacrifice.
Dios, que es el verdadero padre, nos pide hoy con más fuerza que le adoremos, que nos sacrifiquemos por Él y que jamás perdamos la fe en su amor y en su bondad infinita.God, our true father, asks of us today, more strongly than ever, that we adore Him and sacrifice ourselves for Him and that we never lose faith in His love.
Esto llama a una celebración, sacrifiquemos a Coneji y comámonos su carneThis just calls for a celebration! Let's sacrifice Rabbity and eat his flesh!
Ni siquiera nos dejarán usar el baño aún así, ¿se supone que les besemos el culo y nos sacrifiquemos por ellas?They wouldn't even let us use the bathroom, yet, we're supposed to kiss their asses, and sacrifice ourselves for them?
No. No una vez que sacrifiquemos Al Que Trae a los Espectros a sus amos.Not once we've sacrificed the Wraithbringer to his masters.
Una vez que sacrifiquemos a la reina y le traspasemos la Fuerza Viva a la Gran Madre ella se encargará del Jedi.Once we sacrifice the Queen and transfer the living Force to the Great Mother, she will deal with the Jedi.
Por favor, no sacrifiquéis a un animal.Please don't sacrifice an animal.
"Sólo los que se sacrifiquen ellos mismos, "seguirán los pasos de Kuain Jen, "para regresar como un Dios".That that if it sacrifices and to read Kwan Yin's prayer it will follow their steps to the hell and he/she will return as a god.
"¿Realmente queremos que nuestros jóvenes se sacrifiquen para para qué?"Do we really wanna have our young people sacrificed for for what?"
A menos que sacrifiquen a la princesa que tan tontamente comparan con los dioses.Unless you sacrifice the princess you so foolishly compare to the gods.
El M16 no va a entregarme a Scotland Yard... pero puede que te sacrifiquen a ti.MI6 won't hand me over to Scotland yard, but they might sacrifice you.
El zar marino exige que le sacrifiquen seres humanos.The King of the Sea demands a human sacrifice.
"Entonces alguien tendrá que ser sacrificado en esta ocasión también....then someone will have to be sacrificed this time as well.
"Mírenme, me hubiera sacrificado."Look at me and all I've sacrificed.
"Sabed que os he sacrificado al abad Vilecourt..."I'll, let you know that I sacrificed Abbot Vilecourt...
"tan bien que estamos casados o que voy a ser sacrificado el próximo martes, ja, ja!""so either we're married or l'm going to be sacrificed next Tuesday, ha ha!"
- Bob... - ¡Una chica que ha sacrificado su carrera!- Bob... - A girl who sacrificed her career!
"Mi querida Desirée, te has pasado luchando valientemente estos años... sacrificando todo por el fruto de nuestro amor.""My dearest Desiree, alone and brave you have toiled on all these years" "sacrificing all for the pledge of our love. "
- Gente con buen corazón - Puedes creer que se están sacrificando, pero no es así todo esto es una bendición, y es así como somos.(Moore) People with a good heart... (man #12) You feel like you're sacrificing, but you get a blessing from doing this.
- Se está sacrificando a sí mismo.- He's sacrificing himself.
- ¿Qué estás sacrificando? - A ti.- What are you sacrificing? porque nos estamos sacrificando...!because we are sacrificing ourselves!

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