Renacer (to be reborn) conjugation

70 examples

Conjugation of renacer

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I am reborn
you are reborn
he/she/it is reborn
we are reborn
you all are reborn
they are reborn
Present perfect tense
he renacido
I have been reborn
has renacido
you have been reborn
ha renacido
he/she/it has been reborn
hemos renacido
we have been reborn
habéis renacido
you all have been reborn
han renacido
they have been reborn
Past preterite tense
I was reborn
you were reborn
he/she/it was reborn
we were reborn
you all were reborn
they were reborn
Future tense
I will be reborn
you will be reborn
he/she/it will be reborn
we will be reborn
you all will be reborn
they will be reborn
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would be reborn
you would be reborn
he/she/it would be reborn
we would be reborn
you all would be reborn
they would be reborn
Past imperfect tense
I used to be reborn
you used to be reborn
he/she/it used to be reborn
we used to be reborn
you all used to be reborn
they used to be reborn
Past perfect tense
había renacido
I had been reborn
habías renacido
you had been reborn
había renacido
he/she/it had been reborn
habíamos renacido
we had been reborn
habíais renacido
you all had been reborn
habían renacido
they had been reborn
Future perfect tense
habré renacido
I will have been reborn
habrás renacido
you will have been reborn
habrá renacido
he/she/it will have been reborn
habremos renacido
we will have been reborn
habréis renacido
you all will have been reborn
habrán renacido
they will have been reborn
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I be reborn
(if/so that) you be reborn
(if/so that) he/she/it be reborn
(if/so that) we be reborn
(if/so that) you all be reborn
(if/so that) they be reborn
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya renacido
I have been reborn
hayas renacido
you have been reborn
haya renacido
he/she/it has been reborn
hayamos renacido
we have been reborn
hayáis renacido
you all have been reborn
hayan renacido
they have been reborn
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have been reborn
(if/so that) you have been reborn
(if/so that) he/she/it have been reborn
(if/so that) we have been reborn
(if/so that) you all have been reborn
(if/so that) they have been reborn
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have been reborn
(if/so that) you have been reborn
(if/so that) he/she/it have been reborn
(if/so that) we have been reborn
(if/so that) you all have been reborn
(if/so that) they have been reborn
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera renacido
I had been reborn
hubieras renacido
you had been reborn
hubiera renacido
he/she/it had been reborn
hubiéramos renacido
we had been reborn
hubierais renacido
you all had been reborn
hubieran renacido
they had been reborn
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese renacido
I had been reborn
hubieses renacido
you had been reborn
hubiese renacido
he/she/it had been reborn
hubiésemos renacido
we had been reborn
hubieseis renacido
you all had been reborn
hubiesen renacido
they had been reborn
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have been reborn
(if/so that) you will have been reborn
(if/so that) he/she/it will have been reborn
(if/so that) we will have been reborn
(if/so that) you all will have been reborn
(if/so that) they will have been reborn
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere renacido
I will have been reborn
hubieres renacido
you will have been reborn
hubiere renacido
he/she/it will have been reborn
hubiéremos renacido
we will have been reborn
hubiereis renacido
you all will have been reborn
hubieren renacido
they will have been reborn
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
be reborn!
be reborn!
let's be reborn!
be reborn!
be reborn!
Imperative negative mood
no renazcas
do not be reborn!
no renazca
let him/her/it be reborn!
no renazcamos
let us not be reborn!
no renazcáis
do not be reborn!
no renazcan
do not be reborn!

Examples of renacer

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Incluso si tengo que renacer,""Even if I were to be reborn,"
-Voy a renacer... -¡No!- I'm going to be reborn...
A veces en la muerte, respiración se dibuja a una nueva vida, y un espíritu muere para renacer.Sometimes in death, breath is drawn to new life, and a spirit dies to be reborn.
Ahora los invito a renacer como uno de nosotros.I now invite you to be reborn as one of us.
Anularte, con el fin de renacer.You have to humble yourself, in order to be reborn.
Renazco en tí como renaces en mí.I am reborn in you as you are reborn in me.
Brasil renace con un espíritu desarmado.Brazil is reborn with an unarmed spirit.
De repente el fantasma de Paga renuncia... y deja que Fond se encargue del cuerpo de Jieb,... y ella renace de nuevo.Suddenly Ghost Paga gives up and lets Fond take over Jieb's body and she is reborn again.
Dionisio renace a cada primavera... y ahí, crea y esparce la alegría.Dionysus is reborn every spring... and there it creates and it spreads happiness.
En nueve meses, el ciudadano muerto renace.In nine months, a citizen who died is reborn.
Es Ulises quien sueña en la costa... quien nunca logra volver con su mujer-cabra, la bella Penélope... quien renace en cada puerto, y tiene una mujer en cada isla:It's Ulysses who dreams on the shore, who never manages to return to his goat-wife Penelope, who is reborn in every port, has a woman in every island:
"A través de ella, renacemos. ""Through it, we are reborn."
"renacemos.""We are reborn."
Todos los días morimos y renacemos de nuevo.Everyday we die and are reborn again.
Con Julie Schwartz, docenas de personajes renacen... con orígenes de ciencia ficción.Under Julie Schwartz, dozens of characters are reborn and given science-fiction origins.
Cuando las valquirias renacen, sus recuerdos vuelven lenta y desperdigadamente.When Valkyries are reborn, their memories come back slow and scattered.
Los astros explotan y renacen, cada generación con elementos más pesados que la anterior.Stars explode and are reborn, each generation with more heavy elements than the last.
Para darme la vida de nuevo hoy, mis padres renacen entonces yo soy la persona más afortunado en el mundo.To give me life again today, if my parents are reborn then I am the luckiest person in the world.
Su cualidad más importante es que cuando lo necesitan mudan su piel y renacen.Their most important quality... that when they need to, they shed their skin and are reborn.
Estaba muerto, pero renací.I was dead but was reborn.
Ha sido... desde el momento que renací.It has been... since the moment I was reborn.
He pecado en el pasado, pero cuando te conocí, esa persona... ese que hizo todas esas cosas terribles, murió... y yo renací.I have sinned in the past, but when I met you, that person, that one that did all those terrible things, he died, and I was reborn.
James Moriarty, un genio del crimen, él ha muerto yo asumí su rol, él murió, y yo renací.James Moriarty, the so-called Napoleon of crime? That man died at Reichenbach Falls. He died, and I was reborn.
Kyoko Kasai murió, y en ese momento, yo renací como Inoshika Ocho.Kyoko Kasai died. And at that time, I was reborn as Inoshika Ocho,
- Pero renaciste.- But you were reborn.
Moriste luchando contra el mal en la guerra Entonces renaciste como un Luz Blanca para luchar contra el mal otra vezYou died fighting evil in the war, then you were reborn as a Whitelighter to fight evil again.
Charlotte, la princesa episcopal, renació como judía... dejando atrás a la vieja Charlotte.Charlotte, the Episcopalian princess was reborn a Jew. Leaving the old Charlotte behind.
Chosun desapareció y renació como un Japón unido.Chosun disappeared and was reborn as a united Japan
Con una ceremonia sencilla en el lugar donde renació la maldición.A simple ceremony in the place where the curse was reborn.
Han pasado dos años desde que Dochi renació.It's been 2 years since Dochi was reborn.
Jerjes renació...Xerxes was reborn... a god.
Mis sentidos renacieron.My senses were reborn.
Vida tras vida, renacieron...Lifetime after lifetime, they were reborn...
"Lo mejor de esto es que, cuando me muera renaceré en el paraíso.""The best part of it is that when I die, "I will be reborn in paradise.
Y cuando lo haga, renaceré.And when he does, I will be reborn.
Aquí es donde aterrizaste y donde renacerás.This is where you landed. And were you will be reborn.
Cuando explote, tú renacerás.And when it explodes, you will be reborn.
¡Y pronto renacerás!And soon you will be reborn!
"Su sangre muy antigua en él renacerá y su siglo de bronce en oro cambiará.""His very old breed will be reborn on him, and he'll turn his bronze age into a gold one."
Ayer, después de nuestra memorable discusión, me permití esbozar un borrador de una especie de mensaje a la futura civilización que alguna vez, tengo la esperanza, renacerá sobre las actuales ruinas.Yesterday, after we'd had an argument, I went ahead and written a draft message for a future civilization which I hope will be reborn some day.
Bajor renacerá.Bajor will be reborn.
Colinas Remotas renacerá como una isla... verde, en floración y llena de vida.Faraway Downs will be reborn as an island- green and flowering and fat with life.
De nosotros Valusia renacerá fuerte.From our loins, VaIusia will be reborn red-bIooded and strong.
-Porque renaceremos"Because we will be reborn."
Esta noche nos alimentaremos de la sangre de nuestros enemigos, y si morimos, renaceremos, y nos volveremos a alimentar.Tonight we will feed on the blood of our enemies, and if we die, we will be reborn, and we will feed again.
En una casta más alta como humanos y los criminales como intocables pero aquellos que hacen meritos sacrificando 1.000 cabras renacerán en el cieloInto a higher caste. Like humans evildoers will be reborn as Untouchables, but merit makers, by sacrificing 1,000 goats, will be reborn in heaven.
Los hombres renacerán como CyberHombres pero perecerán bajo eliminación máxima.Men will be reborn as Cybermen, but you will perish upon maximum deletion.
Los hombres renacerán como CyberHombres pero ustedes perecerán bajo eliminación máxima.Man will be reborn as Cyberman but you will perish under maximum deletion.
Y los niños del lago renacerán.And the children of the lake will be reborn.
Europa renacería.Europe would be reborn.
No había profetizado antes de morir, que la libertad renacería un día bajo la forma de una mujer...Before she died, she prophesied that freedom would be reborn one day in the form of a woman ...
Sabia que renacería...- I knew he would be reborn
Dios quiera que renazca como hombre.God willing she'll be reborn as a man.
Ha llegado la hora de que Mastermold renazca.The time has come for Mastermold to be reborn.
Lo pongo debajo de su cabeza para que renazca como una persona con cola de caballo y no como un perro con rabo.I'm putting it under his head... so he'll be reborn as a person with a ponytail... and not as a dog with a tail.
Que renazca y se purifique en tu nombre.Let him be reborn and repurified in Thy name.
Quiero que beba del espíritu de este lugar y que renazca como un poderoso ave fénix.I want her to drink in the spirit of this place and be reborn anew like a mighty phoenix!
Es para que tú renazcas.It's so that you can be reborn.
Las estrellas mueren para darnos vida. Y nosotros morimos para que las estrellas renazcan.Stars die so that we can live and we die so that stars can be reborn.
Venid y renaced.Come and be reborn.
- ¡Estoy hablando acerca de Dios, mamá! ¡He renacido!- I'm talking about God mom, I've been reborn.
Ahí fue cuando descubrí que mi novia había renacido en este siglo.That is when I discovered my bride had been reborn in this century.
Bueno, Caine cree que es la manera de Dios de decirles que han renacido.Well, Caine believes that's God's way of telling them they've been reborn.
Creo que ha renacido en otra persona y esa persona tratara de matarme.I believe that he has been reborn in other person And that person tried to kill me.
EUSF ha renacido.U - SAG's been reborn.
Bueno, eso son sus células muriéndose y renaciendo.Well, that's his cells dying and being reborn.
Hoy estos viejos textos están siendo estudiados... sistemáticamente y sus artes de combate estan renaciendo.Today these old texts are once again being systematically studied and the ancient fighting skills are being reborn.
Japón está renaciendo.Japan is being reborn.
Las almas minbari estaban renaciendo... en parte o completamente en cuerpos humanos.Minbari souls are being reborn... in part or in full in human bodies.
Parte de ti está muriendo, pero parte de ti se está renaciendo.Part of you is dying, but part of you is being reborn.

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