Perseguir (to pursue) conjugation

105 examples

Conjugation of perseguir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I pursue
you pursue
he/she/it pursues
we pursue
you all pursue
they pursue
Present perfect tense
he perseguido
I have pursued
has perseguido
you have pursued
ha perseguido
he/she/it has pursued
hemos perseguido
we have pursued
habéis perseguido
you all have pursued
han perseguido
they have pursued
Past preterite tense
I pursued
you pursued
he/she/it pursued
we pursued
you all pursued
they pursued
Future tense
I will pursue
you will pursue
he/she/it will pursue
we will pursue
you all will pursue
they will pursue
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would pursue
you would pursue
he/she/it would pursue
we would pursue
you all would pursue
they would pursue
Past imperfect tense
I used to pursue
you used to pursue
he/she/it used to pursue
we used to pursue
you all used to pursue
they used to pursue
Past perfect tense
había perseguido
I had pursued
habías perseguido
you had pursued
había perseguido
he/she/it had pursued
habíamos perseguido
we had pursued
habíais perseguido
you all had pursued
habían perseguido
they had pursued
Future perfect tense
habré perseguido
I will have pursued
habrás perseguido
you will have pursued
habrá perseguido
he/she/it will have pursued
habremos perseguido
we will have pursued
habréis perseguido
you all will have pursued
habrán perseguido
they will have pursued
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I pursue
(if/so that) you pursue
(if/so that) he/she/it pursue
(if/so that) we pursue
(if/so that) you all pursue
(if/so that) they pursue
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya perseguido
I have pursued
hayas perseguido
you have pursued
haya perseguido
he/she/it has pursued
hayamos perseguido
we have pursued
hayáis perseguido
you all have pursued
hayan perseguido
they have pursued
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have pursued
(if/so that) you have pursued
(if/so that) he/she/it have pursued
(if/so that) we have pursued
(if/so that) you all have pursued
(if/so that) they have pursued
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have pursued
(if/so that) you have pursued
(if/so that) he/she/it have pursued
(if/so that) we have pursued
(if/so that) you all have pursued
(if/so that) they have pursued
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera perseguido
I had pursued
hubieras perseguido
you had pursued
hubiera perseguido
he/she/it had pursued
hubiéramos perseguido
we had pursued
hubierais perseguido
you all had pursued
hubieran perseguido
they had pursued
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese perseguido
I had pursued
hubieses perseguido
you had pursued
hubiese perseguido
he/she/it had pursued
hubiésemos perseguido
we had pursued
hubieseis perseguido
you all had pursued
hubiesen perseguido
they had pursued
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have pursued
(if/so that) you will have pursued
(if/so that) he/she/it will have pursued
(if/so that) we will have pursued
(if/so that) you all will have pursued
(if/so that) they will have pursued
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere perseguido
I will have pursued
hubieres perseguido
you will have pursued
hubiere perseguido
he/she/it will have pursued
hubiéremos perseguido
we will have pursued
hubiereis perseguido
you all will have pursued
hubieren perseguido
they will have pursued
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's pursue!
Imperative negative mood
no persigas
do not pursue!
no persiga
let him/her/it pursue!
no persigamos
let us not pursue!
no persigáis
do not pursue!
no persigan
do not pursue!

Examples of perseguir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Cualquier hombre o mujer que intente perseguir un ideal a su manera, ""No man or woman who tries to pursue an ideal "
"No sé a cuál perseguir."I don't know which one to pursue.
"Representaba una amenaza para la seguridad vial, por eso lo tuve que perseguir. ""posed imminent threat to road safety, so I had to pursue it."
(Locutor) Es el segundo día de las audiciones, y más cocineros caseros de todo el país llegan listo para perseguir sus sueños culinarios.(Announcer) It's day two of the auditions, and more home cooks from across the country arrive ready to pursue their culinary dreams.
(Narrador) 28 años de edad, Esther abandonó su carrera como abogado para perseguir su amor por la cocina.(Narrator) 28-year-old Esther gave up her career as an attorney to pursue her love of cooking.
# Les encanta la atención y adoran la forma en que la persigo #♪ They love the focus and love the way I pursue it ♪
* En mi viaje persigo* On my journey I pursue
Algunos días soy barbero, algunos días persigo otros intereses.Some days I'm a barber, some days I pursue other interests.
Cuando veo algo que quiero, lo persigo hasta que lo consigo.When l see something l want, l pursue it until it's mine.
Ella quería que me llamaras... para que yo supiera que si los persigo... respecto a descuentos por donaciones, ellos te pondrían en el estrado.She wanted you to call me so I would know that if I pursue them on discounts for donations, they'll pull you in.
Además, persigues a una mujer casada que no tiene ningún interés en ti.Plus, you pursued a married woman who has no interest in you.
Bueno, puedes decir mucho acerca de ti por las cosas que persigues.Well, you can tell a lot about yourself by the things you pursue.
Desprecias los que te persiguen y persigues a los que te desprecian.You spurn the ones that pursue you and pursue the ones that spurn you.
Es cuando persigues una cosa, pero en realidad estás pensando en otra.It's when you pursue one thing, but you're really thinking about another.
Ese fantasma que persigues. Señor...In your heart still burns that dream, that phantom you pursue.
"Los malvados huyen cuando nadie los persigue"."The wicked flee when no one pursues. "
"Pese a nuestro divorcio, me persigue sin parar.""Despite our divorce, he pursues me wherever I go."
#Unidades de hambre, el odio persigue,# #la miseria nos une, el uno al otro## Hunger drives, hate pursues, misery binds us to one another #
- Mack persigue por dentro.- Mack pursues inside.
- desde el principio. Topside persigue sus beneficios, los militares persiguen sus armas.Topside pursues its profits, the military pursues its weapons.
- ¿Las perseguimos?- Shall we pursue them?
-¿Lo perseguimos?- Do we pursue him?
Algunos perseguimos la perfección y la virtud, y, con suerte, la alcanzamos.Some of us pursue perfection and virtue, And, if we're lucky, we'll catch up to it,
Aparte de no regresar los libros a la biblioteca, pero no perseguimos eso.Apart from not returning library books, but we won't pursue that.
Aquí perseguimos la excelencia, no chicos.Here we pursue excellence, not boys.
"¿Por que me persiguen las sombras?""Why am I pursued by shadows?"
*A medida que persiguen a los niños*♪ As the children they pursue ♪
- Kraang debe eludir a quienes persiguen kraang.- Kraang must evade those that pursue kraang.
- Me persiguen.- I'm being pursued.
- No. Los persiguen.They're being pursued.
- No. Lo perseguí, pero escapó.I pursued, but he got away.
.. Yo los perseguí, los busqué, los acorralé..I have pursued, sought, hunted.
A los que perseguí con mi cámara, acabaran en la pantalla o no, quiero mostrarles mi gratitud y mi admiración.[Malle Narrating] To all those I have pursued with my camera... whether they ended up on the screen or not... I want to express my gratitude and my admiration.
Así que le perseguí a pie, once manzanas.So I pursued him on foot, 11 blocks.
Corrió, yo lo perseguí.He ran, I pursued.
Con lo mal que la perseguiste mejor que no tenga espacio suficiente para revolcarse muriéndose de la risa y contárselo al resto de los castores en el club esta tarde.Pitiful as you pursued it, you better hope he ain't got space enough to roll around holding his sides, bust a gut laughing. Tell all the other woodchucks at the club this afternoon.
Durante el 93 hizo varios robos a mano armada, y le perseguiste a través de West Kowloon.During '93 armed robbery, you pursued Jiang across West Kowloon.
Lo sabías e igual me perseguiste. Porque quieres algo conmigo.You knew it, and you still pursued me... because you want something with me.
Me perseguiste por 25 años.You pursued me for 25 years.
No solo me convenciste, me perseguiste.Only you persuaded me, you pursued me.
- Así que persiguió a padre, se conformó con Bash y ahora está intentando endulzarme con regalos e invitaciones.- So, she pursued Father, settled for Bash, and now she's trying to butter me up with gifts and invitations.
- Gavin me persiguió.Gavin pursued me.
- Nadie lo persiguió.- Nobody pursued it.
- ¿Quiere decir que él la persiguió?You mean he pursued her?
Canalizó esa fortuna en una escuela de informática llamada Greendale, donde persiguió obsesivamente un nuevo proyecto, una máquina que pudiese procesar los sentimientos.He funneled that wealth into a computer school called Greendale, where he obsessively pursued a new project, a machine that can process feelings.
El 14 de Marzo del 2006, tú y tu compañero Wong, perseguisteis a un ladrón por el bosque.On March 14th 2006, you and your partner Wong pursued a thief into this forest.
- Los Toupins los persiguieron hasta el Bosque.- The Toupins pursued them to the Forest.
A Frank Sinatra lo persiguieron igual, pero él parecía capaz de matener a la gente a raya.Frank Sinatra, he was pursued the same way, but he seemed to be a person who could put people at bay.
Así que le persiguieron antes que a Paige Dahl.So he was pursued before Paige Dahl.
Detective, ¿quién fue el primer sospechoso que persiguieron?Detective, who was this first suspect you pursued?
En el aire, los combatientes de la "audacia" Alemanes persiguieron a los cóndores.In air, the huntings of the "Audacity" they had pursued the condores German.
E incluso si Sarah ha escapado a Francia con el niño, la perseguiré.And even if Sarah is run off to France with the boy, I will pursue her.
Les prometo que perseguiré y descubriré al que lo hizo al que no hizo su trabajo, al responsable de esta tragedia.l promise that l will pursue and reveal... who it was did not do their job... who is responsible for this... tragedy.
Los perseguiré.I will pursue them.
No perseguiré a más mujeres.Not I will pursue more women.
Tanto como sea Rey, perseguiré a los responsables y les haré pagar.As long as I am King, I will pursue all those responsible and make them pay.
- Ese avión nos perseguirá.This plane will pursue us.
Dice que ahora el demonio es su enemigo y que le perseguirá.He says the demon is your enemy now and he will pursue you.
El poema dice que por mucho que creamos que somo individuos libres, estamos, en realidad, siempre gobernados por Dios y Dios nos perseguirá hasta el fin y se adueñará de nuestra alma.The poem says that however much we think we are free individuals, we are, in reality, always running from God and he will pursue us till the end, and possess our souls.
Ese hombre te perseguirá por el resto de tu vida.That man will pursue you for the rest of your life!
Hera lo perseguirá con todo lo que tiene.Hera will pursue him with everything she has.
Atravesaremos con nuestras espadas su negro corazón, le perseguiremos hasta las madrigueras que infesta.We will drive our swords through his black heart. We will pursue him into the rat holes that he infests.
La perseguiremos y asimilaremos.We will pursue and assimilate.
Lo perseguiremos atraparemos y encerraremos.We will pursue, - capture and incarcerate.
Por nuestra parte, te prometemos la corona y perseguiremos, mataremos y arrancaremos de raíz a los opuestos a esta resolución.On our part we pledge you the crown and that we will pursue and slay and root out all who oppose this resolution.
Ahora le perseguirán hasta el final.Now they will pursue you to the end.
Ballenas jorobadas macho perseguirán cualquier hembra, incluso si ellas están todavía criando por lo que no podrán quedar embarazadas.Male humpbacks will pursue any females, even if they are still nursing and so can't get pregnant.
Ellos me perseguirán.They will pursue me.
Le perseguirán hasta los confines de la tierra, llevadas por la ira y el dolor de esos que se han equivocado.They will pursue him to the ends of the earth, driven by the anger and hurt of those that have been wronged.
Mira, incluso si cabalgas más allá de las puertas, los guardias te perseguirán.Look even if you ride beyond the gates, The guards will pursue.
Solo un loco lo perseguiría.Only an insane person would pursue it.
¿Es esa una meta que el Vice Presidente perseguiría como Comandante en Jefe?Is that a course that the vice president would pursue as commander in chief?
Él perseguiría sus fascinaciones con increíble determinación.He would pursue his fascinations with just incredible determination.
"El malvado huye aunque nadie lo persiga"."The wicked flee where no man pursueth."
- Dile a Cabeza de Perro que los persiga.- Tell Dog Head to pursue
Ahora no hay oportunidad de que persiga algo excepto la fotografía ahora que su madre le ha dado su primer gran, empujón de apoyo.There is no chance now he'll pursue anything but photography now that his mom has given him his first big, supportive push.
Al huir de tu demonio, haces que te persiga.To run from your demon is to have him pursue you.
Avisa a la flota de que persiga al Sho'lva. ¿Mi señor?- Signal the fleet to pursue the shol'va.
"No persigas al pasado""Do not pursue the past."
"No persigas el pasado."Do not pursue the past.
Bien, pero no la persigas... ¿románticamente?Okay, but just don't pursue her romantically?
Bueno, no persigas este y es casi cero.Well, don't pursue this and it's almost zero.
Digo... que quiero que persigas tus sueños...I'm saying... That I want you to pursue your dreams... (The pretenders' "brass in pocket" playing)
El Dalek Supremo ha ordenado que les persigamos por toda la eternidad.The Dalek supreme has ordered they are to be pursued through all eternity. We did it!
No, ellos quieren que persigamos esto.No, they want us to pursue this.
Se quedan atrás, en caso de que persigamos a alguien.Are left behind if we pursue someone.
Y el hecho es que, donde sea que vayamos, sea cual sea la aventura que persigamos, nunca estarás a salvo conmigo.And the fact is, wherever we go, whatever adventure we pursue, you'll never be safe with me.
No es necesario que los persigáis.No need to pursue.
- Es decir, este es un salón de clase y sólo intentamos crear un ambiente seguro para que los estudiantes persigan su musa intelectual.I mean this is a classroom and, you know, we just try to create a safe environment for students to pursue their intellectual muse.
A ella le gusta que la persigan.She likes to be pursued.
Cuando te persigan las preocupaciones AleluyaWhen cares pursue ya Hallelujah
Debemos ir al sur, a lo mas profundo del desierto... donde los demonios Harkonnen no nos persigan.We must go south into the deep desert where the demon Harkonnen will not pursue us.
El mal será expulsado... y se le darán 500 pasos... antes de que las fuerzas del bien lo persigan.The evil will be cast out... and given 500 paces... before the forces of good will pursue them.
"Cinco muertos, trescientas cabezas robadas, perseguid y matad a los indios", stop."Five dead, 300 head rustled, pursue and kill Indians," stop.
Sino perseguid siempre lo que está bien."But always pursue what is good."
"Como Caín, largamente perseguido, su tristeza es profunda."Like Cain, long pursued, his sadness is profound
"Exit, perseguido por un oso," que sabes, de que obra de Shakespeare?"Exit, pursued by a bear," you know, from that Shakespeare play?
"Sale, perseguido por un..."- "Exit, pursued by a..."
"Salida, perseguido por un oso"?"Exit, pursued by a bear"?
"Si administración ha perseguido una política de que ha encarcelado a los disidentes, oprimido..."Your administration has pursued a policy of what?" "Constructive engagement toward China, a Communist country that has imprisoned dissidents? Oppressed its blah, blah, blah.
"Un portavoz de la policía dijo que estaban persiguiendo..."WOMAN: A police spokesman said they were pursuing...
'Y lo extraño es que algunos físicos están aun persiguiendo la idea...' 'que podría ser más que una dimensión.'The strange thing is... some physicists are even pursuing the idea... that there might be more than one time dimension.
- ¿Esa réplica continúa persiguiendo a su blanco?- Is the replicant still pursuing its target?
- ¿Nos están persiguiendo?- Are they pursuing us?
- ¿Quién la está persiguiendo?Uh, who is it that's pursuing you?

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