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Entretener (to entertain) conjugation

96 examples

Conjugation of entretener

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I entertain
you entertain
he/she/it entertains
we entertain
you all entertain
they entertain
Present perfect tense
he entretenido
I have entertained
has entretenido
you have entertained
ha entretenido
he/she/it has entertained
hemos entretenido
we have entertained
habéis entretenido
you all have entertained
han entretenido
they have entertained
Past preterite tense
I entertained
you entertained
he/she/it entertained
we entertained
you all entertained
they entertained
Future tense
I will entertain
you will entertain
he/she/it will entertain
we will entertain
you all will entertain
they will entertain
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would entertain
you would entertain
he/she/it would entertain
we would entertain
you all would entertain
they would entertain
Past imperfect tense
I used to entertain
you used to entertain
he/she/it used to entertain
we used to entertain
you all used to entertain
they used to entertain
Past perfect tense
había entretenido
I had entertained
habías entretenido
you had entertained
había entretenido
he/she/it had entertained
habíamos entretenido
we had entertained
habíais entretenido
you all had entertained
habían entretenido
they had entertained
Future perfect tense
habré entretenido
I will have entertained
habrás entretenido
you will have entertained
habrá entretenido
he/she/it will have entertained
habremos entretenido
we will have entertained
habréis entretenido
you all will have entertained
habrán entretenido
they will have entertained
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I entertain
(if/so that) you entertain
(if/so that) he/she/it entertain
(if/so that) we entertain
(if/so that) you all entertain
(if/so that) they entertain
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya entretenido
I have entertained
hayas entretenido
you have entertained
haya entretenido
he/she/it has entertained
hayamos entretenido
we have entertained
hayáis entretenido
you all have entertained
hayan entretenido
they have entertained
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have entertained
(if/so that) you have entertained
(if/so that) he/she/it have entertained
(if/so that) we have entertained
(if/so that) you all have entertained
(if/so that) they have entertained
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have entertained
(if/so that) you have entertained
(if/so that) he/she/it have entertained
(if/so that) we have entertained
(if/so that) you all have entertained
(if/so that) they have entertained
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera entretenido
I had entertained
hubieras entretenido
you had entertained
hubiera entretenido
he/she/it had entertained
hubiéramos entretenido
we had entertained
hubierais entretenido
you all had entertained
hubieran entretenido
they had entertained
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese entretenido
I had entertained
hubieses entretenido
you had entertained
hubiese entretenido
he/she/it had entertained
hubiésemos entretenido
we had entertained
hubieseis entretenido
you all had entertained
hubiesen entretenido
they had entertained
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have entertained
(if/so that) you will have entertained
(if/so that) he/she/it will have entertained
(if/so that) we will have entertained
(if/so that) you all will have entertained
(if/so that) they will have entertained
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere entretenido
I will have entertained
hubieres entretenido
you will have entertained
hubiere entretenido
he/she/it will have entertained
hubiéremos entretenido
we will have entertained
hubiereis entretenido
you all will have entertained
hubieren entretenido
they will have entertained
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's entertain!
Imperative negative mood
no entretengas
do not entertain!
no entretenga
let him/her/it entertain!
no entretengamos
let us not entertain!
no entretengáis
do not entertain!
no entretengan
do not entertain!

Examples of entretener

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Nos llegan noticias desde el frente de un divertido periódico diseñado para entretener a las tropas."We hear news from the front of an amusing periodical designed "to entertain the troops.
"The Today Show" originalmente fue creado para entretener prisioneros cuyos CI eran demasiado bajos para ser ejecutados.The Today show was originally designed to entertain prison inmates whose IQs were too low for them to be executed.
# Llegamos para entretener # # terminar por cualquier medio necesario # # terminar por cualquier medio necesario # # estamos en todas partes, millonarios # # multimillonarios, visionarios # # volver a los negocios, vamos a ampliar #♪ Came up in the game to entertain ♪ ♪ Finish it by any means necessary ♪ ♪ Finish it by any meansnecessary♪
# Si los pudiéramos Volver a entretener ## Just another chance to entertain
* Podría pararme a entretener *♪ I'll stand by to entertain ♪
*Me entretengo escogiendo cerebros** I entertain by picking brains *
- ¿Te entretengo?- Am I entertaining you?
A veces entretengo a músicos.Sometimes I entertain musicians.
Ahora mismo lo entretengo, a tope, ¿eh?Right now I entertain, butt, huh?
Al menos, entretengo.At least l'm entertaining.
- Tú entretienes.- You entertain.
Ahora, ¿por qué no vas y entretienes a los invitados con tu guitarrita?Now, why don't you go and entertain the guests with your little guitar?
Cuentas algunos chistes, entretienes a la amiga de Cleo y si alguien empieza a excavar para tratar de conocer mi verdadero yo...You tell some jokes, entertain Cleo's friend and if anyone start digging deep, trying to get to know the real me... ~ We run screaming for the hills.
Le entretienes ahí a tope, que justo me da tiempo a...We entertain there butt, they just I have time to...
Me alegra ver que te entretienes.You know, I'm glad to see that you're entertained.
"Esto es lo que hace un verdadero escritor. Ilumina mientras entretiene. ""Here's what a real writer does - enlightens while he entertains."
"Mira cómo la luna te entretiene.""Look how the moon entertains you."
"Ray entretiene e informa a sus lectores con historias que usan a los deportes para iluminar la condición humana"."Ray entertains and informs his readers with stories that use sports to illuminate the human condition."
- ¿Y si entretiene?- But if it entertains?
Aquí es donde Englander entretiene a los millonarios.This is where Englander entertains the high-rollers.
- No nos entretenemos mucho pero está bien.We don't entertain much but OK. You're very kind.
Así es como nos entretenemos aquí.That is how we entertain ourselves here.
Ella dice que nunca nos entretenemos.She does say we never entertain.
Espera, mira, él - Me alegro de que te entretenemos.Wait, look, he-- I'm glad we're entertaining you.
Vos no me entretenéis.You do not entertain me, Master Sims.
A Denise no le gustan los visitantes que se entretienen.Denise don't like entertaining visitors.
A través de los años, hemos tenido magos que entretienen a nuestros niños.Over the years, we've had magicians come and entertain our children.
Al menos ustedes se entretienen.At least y'all bein' entertained.
Aquí es donde seis hombres apuestos aburridos soberanamente... entretienen y cuidan a las estudiantes femeninas igual de aburridas.Formed by us 6 young beauties, who were bored to tears, to entertain the lovely ladies who are also bored.
Así se entretienen un poco.We could use an entertainer.
- La entretuve.- I entertained her.
Al menos eso es lo que dicen. Y yo entretuve a Dwight con mi historia del bar.And I entertained Dwight to no end with my bar story.
Debe haber sido a Butch a quien entretuve.It must've been Butch I entertained.
En el último aniversario de su muerte, entretuve a más de 200 oficiales.On the last anniversary of his death, I entertained over 200 officers.
Lo entretuve una tarde.- I entertained him one afternoon.
Me entretuviste con tu hermosa música.You've entertained me with your beautiful native music.
Busqueros me entretuvo con cotilleos de Madrid, pero yo estaba impaciente por volver a los jardines del Buen Retiro.Busqueros entertained me with gossip from Madrid, while I was impatiently looking forward to getting back to Buen Retiro.
Con su inventiva e ingenio, la sabia esposa entretuvo a su rey durante mil y una noches.With her inventiveness and wit, the clever wife entertained her king for a thousand and one nights.
Ella me entretuvo con historias y con compañeros de juegos.She entertained me with stories and provided playmates.
Ese es el día en que la Reina entretuvo al Sultán de Kalipur y Frivolous ganó las carreras de Birkenhead.That was the day when the Queen entertained the Sultan of Kallipur and Frivolous won the Birkenhead Stakes.
Eso no es realmente importante, pero durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial ella entretuvo a los soldados y se enamoró perdidamente de su pianista.That's not really important, but during World War II she entertained the soldiers and she fell madly in love with her piano player.
- No, fui a recoger el yeso... y me entretuvieron más de la cuenta.- Not, I went to collect gypsum.. and they entertained me too much.
El Gran McGonigle les demostrará... sus extraordinarias proezas de prestidigitación y magia... que entretuvieron y asombraron a las cortes de Europa.The Great McGonigle will entertain you with his extraordinary feats of legerdemain and conjuring, with which he has entertained and mystified the crowned heads of Europe.
Su tatara-tatara-abuela y bisabuelo... entretuvieron al Rey y la Reina de Inglaterra.Your great-great-grandmother and grandfather entertained the King and Queen of England.
Teniente, estas son las bailarinas que entretuvieron a Troy Flynn y sus amigos anoche.Lieutenant, these are the dancers that entertained Troy Flynn and his friends last night.
¿Qué hay de tus perros, que nos entretuvieron bien esta noche?How about your dogs, who entertained us so well, this evening?
Por lo tanto, durante la primera media hora yo la entretendré personalmente.Therefore, for the first half hour I will entertain her personally.
Yo entretendré a...I will entertain... .
A las diez y media, el presidente entretendrá a la Sra. Franklin cenando en el Avon.2230 hours, chairman will entertain Lady Franklin for dinner at the Avon.
Creo que esto te entretendrá.I think this will entertain you.
El maestro Oscar nos entretendrá con un pot-pourri de éxitos recientes.Maestro Oscar will entertain us with a medley of current hits.
El tópico que iremos a discutir aquí hoy... entretendrá a la gente... de acuerdo con el Sr. Sharma, todo está bien en casa cuando...The topic that we are going to discuss here today will entertain the people... According to Mr. sharma, everything is fine at home when...
La chica te entretendrá.The girl will entertain you.
Esta noche los entretendremos en el corazón de su gran ciudad.Tonight we will entertain you in the heart of your fair city.
Los entretendremos con acrobacias.We will entertain them with acrobats.
..entretendrán a todos...will entertain everyone.
Nonoko, Nagisa and Kaoru los entretendrán.Nonoko, Nagisa and Kaoru will entertain you.
Sé lo que me entretendría ahora mismo.I know what would entertain me right now.
- Me alegro de que te entretenga porque ahora probablemente te va a despedir.He amuses me. I'm glad he entertains you, because he's gonna fire you now probably.
- Me alegro de que te entretenga.- I'm glad I entertain you.
- No necesitamos que nos entretenga.We don't need entertaining.
- No, dejare que mi familia te entretenga unos minutos.- No, let my family entertain you for a couple of minutes.
Cómprate algo que calme el dolor o te entretenga.Buy something that can numb the pain or otherwise entertain you.
Algo para que te entretengas hasta que lleguen.Something to entertain you until they come.
Aquí tienes algunos videos para que te entretengas durante vuelo.Here's some in-flight entertainment.
Baby Doll, quiero que entretengas a este caballero en la casa.Baby Doll, I want you to entertain this gentleman in the house.
Cuando se pone así, Necesito que me entretengas, cosa que tu no harás una vez estés a 2.000 millas de distanciaWhen it gets like this, I need you to entertain me, which you will not do once you're 2,000 miles away.
Dolly, te dejo que entretengas a nuestra ave de paso.Oh, Dolly, I leave you now to entertain our brilliant bird of passage.
Carlo quiere que los entretengamos.Carlo wants us to entertain them.
Nuestros invitados esperan que les entretengamos.Our guests are expecting to be entertained.
Ven, Odie, entretengamos a la tropa.Come on, Odie, let's entertain the troops.
Ya sabes, en caso de que nos entretengamos.You know, in case we entertain.
Espero que la entretengáis como es debido en mi ausencia, señor.I trust you'll be able to entertain our guest properly while I am gone? .
"Que no me hagan pensar, sólo quiero que me entretengan"."Don't make me think, I just wanna be entertained."
- ¡Listos para que nos entretengan!- Ready for some kind of entertainment!
-No necesitamos que nos entretengan.-We don't need to be entertained.
Al que se encargue le gusta que lo entretengan.I think whoever runs things likes to be entertained.
Así que les proporcionamos entretenimientos... juegos de azar que les exciten, emocionen y entretengan.Games of chance that excite and thrill and entertain. Twisted that it may be,
Doyle, encárgate de Loretta, y tú entretén a los chicos.Uh, Doyle, you take Loretta on, and you entertain the kids.
Educa, entretén, inspira.Educate, entertain, inspire.
J, entretén a este tío.J, entertain this guy.
Loker, trae tu guitarra, entretén a las tropas.Loker, get your guitar, entertain the troops.
Mientras tanto, entretén al Sr. Gaudin.Meanwhile, you go entertain Mr. Gaudin.
- Feliz, derramad un lágrima, entretened.- Happy, shed a tear, entertained.
Niños, entretened a los invitados mientras preparo los camarones.Children, entertain our guests while I fix some shrimp for lunch.
"En la época de lluvias, estuve en el palacio, donde fui entretenido por músicos y chicas danzantes."During the rainy season, I stayed in my palace, where I was entertained by musicians and dancing girls.
*Que me mantiene entretenido con un cordel*(singing) Keeps me entertained with string.
- Bien, espero haberle entretenido - ¿Entretenido?- Well, I hope you've been entertained? - Entertained?
- Bob estará entretenido.Bob will be entertained.
- Es entretenido y educativo.- I think kids'd like it. - They'd be entertained and get information.
- Estás entreteniendo surfeadores?- You're entertaining surfers?
- He estado entreteniendo a Hugh.~ I've been entertaining Hugh.
- Nos están entreteniendo.They're entertaining us.
A esta pequeña sala venían a relajarse Dirk, Stig, Nasty, Barry y Leppo cuando no estaban entreteniendo a las otras ratas que cenaban arriba.It was to this small back room that Dirk, Stig, Nasty, Barry and Leppo came to relax when they weren't upstairs entertaining the other rats dining in the other Rat Keller
Ah, y si ven un guante largo y blanco en la puerta, significa que estoy entreteniendo a una princesa, en cuyo caso, se pueden ir a los sillones del vestíbulo.Oh, and if you see a long, white glove on the door, it means I'm entertaining a princess, in which case, you should just crash on the couches in the lobby. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Estosson chicosjóvenes y los entretenés.These are little kids, and you're entertaining 'em.

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