Encadenar (to chain) conjugation

83 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to immobilize, to brace, to connect, to bind together, brace, immobilize, bind

Conjugation of encadenar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I chain
you chain
he/she/it chains
we chain
you all chain
they chain
Present perfect tense
he encadenado
I have chained
has encadenado
you have chained
ha encadenado
he/she/it has chained
hemos encadenado
we have chained
habéis encadenado
you all have chained
han encadenado
they have chained
Past preterite tense
I chained
you chained
he/she/it chained
we chained
you all chained
they chained
Future tense
I will chain
you will chain
he/she/it will chain
we will chain
you all will chain
they will chain
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would chain
you would chain
he/she/it would chain
we would chain
you all would chain
they would chain
Past imperfect tense
I used to chain
you used to chain
he/she/it used to chain
we used to chain
you all used to chain
they used to chain
Past perfect tense
había encadenado
I had chained
habías encadenado
you had chained
había encadenado
he/she/it had chained
habíamos encadenado
we had chained
habíais encadenado
you all had chained
habían encadenado
they had chained
Future perfect tense
habré encadenado
I will have chained
habrás encadenado
you will have chained
habrá encadenado
he/she/it will have chained
habremos encadenado
we will have chained
habréis encadenado
you all will have chained
habrán encadenado
they will have chained
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I chain
(if/so that) you chain
(if/so that) he/she/it chain
(if/so that) we chain
(if/so that) you all chain
(if/so that) they chain
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya encadenado
I have chained
hayas encadenado
you have chained
haya encadenado
he/she/it has chained
hayamos encadenado
we have chained
hayáis encadenado
you all have chained
hayan encadenado
they have chained
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have chained
(if/so that) you have chained
(if/so that) he/she/it have chained
(if/so that) we have chained
(if/so that) you all have chained
(if/so that) they have chained
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have chained
(if/so that) you have chained
(if/so that) he/she/it have chained
(if/so that) we have chained
(if/so that) you all have chained
(if/so that) they have chained
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera encadenado
I had chained
hubieras encadenado
you had chained
hubiera encadenado
he/she/it had chained
hubiéramos encadenado
we had chained
hubierais encadenado
you all had chained
hubieran encadenado
they had chained
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese encadenado
I had chained
hubieses encadenado
you had chained
hubiese encadenado
he/she/it had chained
hubiésemos encadenado
we had chained
hubieseis encadenado
you all had chained
hubiesen encadenado
they had chained
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have chained
(if/so that) you will have chained
(if/so that) he/she/it will have chained
(if/so that) we will have chained
(if/so that) you all will have chained
(if/so that) they will have chained
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere encadenado
I will have chained
hubieres encadenado
you will have chained
hubiere encadenado
he/she/it will have chained
hubiéremos encadenado
we will have chained
hubiereis encadenado
you all will have chained
hubieren encadenado
they will have chained
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's chain!
Imperative negative mood
no encadenes
do not chain!
no encadene
let him/her/it chain!
no encadenemos
let us not chain!
no encadenéis
do not chain!
no encadenen
do not chain!

Examples of encadenar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
De todos modos, deberíais encadenar a vuestro perro. - ¿Para qué?Anyway, you might want to chain up your dog. What was that for?
Era el lugar perfecto para encadenar a Amadori.It was the perfect place to chain up Amadori.
Esposas tácticas, con doble bisagra el mismo modelo que usted usaba para encadenar su hijo a su escritorio.Tactical handcuffs, dual-hinged, the same make you used to chain your son to his desk.
Estas escrituras cuentan la historia de un señor de la guerra sanguinario Quien uso magia negra para encadenar el clan de los feroces guerreros a su voluntad hace 3.000 años.These writings tell the story of a bloodthirsty warlord who used dark magic to chain a clan of fierce warriors to his will 3,000 years ago.
Me detuve lo suficiente para encadenar esa puerta.I stopped long enough to chain that door.
-¿Por qué me encadeno?- Why am I chained up?
Creo que si te encadeno al catre, podría traerte a la puerta.Yo, I figure if I chain you to that cot, I could set you in the doorway.
Hago café y encadeno al efe a la cama.I make coffee and chain the boss to the bed.
Lo encadeno y le doy carne cruda.I keep him chained to the wall. I feed him raw meat. - Hey!
Yo también, cuando encadeno a los hombres.So am I, when I... chain guys up.
"A veces tú... te encadenas a un árbol y a veces vas tras un hombre con una sierra""Sometimes you... you chain yourself to the tree, And sometimes you go after the guy with the saw."
- Porqué no lo encadenas? O le sedamos?Why don't you just chain him up, huh?
Bueno, si esto es lo que leí en internet encontrarse con el sol es cuando tomas a un vampiro y lo encadenas a la cruz justo antes del alba.Well, if it's what I read about on the Internet, meeting the sun is when you take a vampire and you chain him to the cross just before dawn.
Los encadenas como animales.Of all people, you chain them up like animals.
Si encadenas a un perro, sabe que no puede pelear entonces actúa tan feroz como puede.When you chain a dog, he knows he can't fight so he acts as ferocious as he can.
Cuento de venganza, el villano Montressor... se siente tan agraviado por su enemigo, Fortunato... que lo encadena en su bodega... para que muera de hambre... luego construye una pared... - alrededor de él.Revenge tale-- the villain, Montressor, feels so wronged by his enemy, Fortunato, that he imprisons him in chains in his cellar, leaving him to starve, and then he builds a wall around him.
Dime que quien te retiene dime que lo que te encadena,Who keeps you from me now? What chains must I break
Es difícil que te agrade alguien que te secuestra y te encadena.It's kind of hard to like someone who kidnaps you and chains you up.
Este sueño que me duele y me encadena.# This dream that pains me and enchains me #
Joffrey encadena a mi padre, ¿ahora quiere que le bese el culo?Joffrey puts my father in chains; now he wants his ass kissed?
"Primero, no encadenamos a nadie al techo", eso es lo que dice."First, not chained to anyone the ceiling, "that's what it says.
*Nos agarramos, encadenamos nuestros corazones en vano*♪ We clawed, we chained our hearts in vain ♪
La encadenamos.We've chained her up.
Lo encadenamos como a un animal en el altillo y le dimos de comer cabezas de pescado una vez por semana.We chained Hugo up in the attic like an animal and fed him a bucket of fish heads once a week.
Los encadenamos juntos y los dejamos dormirWe're going to put these guys to bed, we've chained them up.
48 naipes te encadenan a tu cuarto y te sientes feliz de que un 10 esté en su sitio, de que un rey no pueda alzarse contra ti, o infeliz de que tus pacientes cálculos conduzcan al mismo resultado imposible.forty-eight cards keep you chained to your room, and you feel almost happy when a ten happens to fall into place or when a king is unable to thwart you, and you feel almost unhappy when all your patient calculations lead to the impossible outcome.
Activó rastreadores de códigos... programas pirateados que interceptan de una manera tan fuerte los datos de pago que encadenan la ruta hasta llegar a los bancos, acreedores y Wall Street.He set off sniffer codes... hacking programs that intercept payment data so high up that it chained its way all the way up to banks, creditors and Wall Street.
Ahora, hizo al acusado, como anteriormente dijo, te encadenan a un radiador y quemar con cigarrillos ¿Cuando le dijiste que querías ir a casa?Now, did the defendant, as you have previously stated, chain you to a radiator and burn you with cigarettes when you told him you wanted to go home?
Al final de cada jornada, encadenan a los hombres en grupos de seis.At the end of each work day, the men are chained to each other by the ankle, by a group of six.
Así que, o me encadenan en la celda de seguridad o me dices cómo detener todo esto.So you either chain me up in the shoe or you tell me how I can stop all this.
- Me encadené a una puerta.- I chained myself to a gate.
Acabo de darme cuenta, me encadené en el lado de los visitantes del campo.I just realized, I chained myself to the visitors end of the field.
La encadené antes para probar la puerta.I chained it earlier to test the door.
La encadené y ella se estranguló a sí misma.I beat her, she tried to bite me. I chained her and she strangled herself.
La gente dice que encadené a mis niñas, pero no es verdad.People say l chained my children up, but it's not true.
Devuélvemelas y olvidaré lo que juré con cada golpe de los remos a los que me encadenaste.Restore them to me, and I'll forget what I vowed with every stroke of that oar you chained me to.
Dime, ¿por qué me apartaste del sospechoso y me encadenaste a esta silla?Now tell me why you pulled me away from the suspect and chained me to this chair?
En realidad, le encadenaste en su apartamento y dejaste el horno encendido.Actually, you chained him in his apartment and left the oven on.
Lo encadenaste.You've chained him.
Pensé que ya lo habíamos aclarado cuando me encadenaste a la cama y me llamaste "mami".I think we established that when you chained me to the bed... and called me Mommy.
"Y Proteus trajo a la bestia erguida al jardín, la encadenó al árbol y los niños se burlaron de ella"."And Proteus brought the upright beast into the garden and chained him to a tree, - and the children did make sport of him."
...luego la encadenó al poste y la violó?And then he chained you to a post and then he raped you?
Al contrario que mi amigo Lafayette, al que Eric encadenó como a un animal. - Y lo dejó para que muriese desangrado.Unlike my friend Lafayette who Eric chained up like an animal and left to bleed to death.
Al parecer un tipo le debía dinero y el lo encadenó a su moto y lo arrastró por toda la Autopista de Long Island.Apparently some guy owed him money, so he chained him to the back of his bike and dragged him down the L.I.E.
Así que te encadenó, te liberaste, te apuñaló, y entonces lo golpeaste hasta la muerte.So he chained you up, you got free, he stabbed you, and then you beat him to death.
La encerrasteis en esta celda. La encadenasteis al muro. ¿Y olvidaron que estaba aquí?You put her in this cell you chained her to the wall and then simply forgot that she was here?
- Me encadenaron a una roca.They chained me to a big rock.
- Se encadenaron a la puerta de la clínica, y les dieron la condicional.They chained themselves to the door of the clinic last year. Got 12 months probation.
A mí me encadenaron, a él no.I get chained. He don't.
Asesinaron a muchos de nuestros hombres, encadenaron al resto, y se aprovecharon de las mujeres.They slaughtered many of our men, chained the rest, and have their way with the women.
Cuando se cansaron de Ud., lo encadenaron a una de éstas... y...When they got tired of you, they just chained you to one of these, ...and down you went.
Pero si tratas de escapar, te encadenaré al techo y te destriparé.But if you try to escape, I will chain you to the ceiling and gut you.
Te encadenaré a este escritorio hasta tener algunas respuestas... que no pueda utilizar para fertilizar mi césped.I will chain you to this desk until I get some answers I cannot fertilize my lawn with.
Lo encadenarán a una roca... como a Prometeo.They will chain you - - Like Prometheus to a rock.
Te encadenaría a la pared de mi sótano para que no vieras a nadie excepto a mí.I would chain you to my basement wall so you wouldn't see anyone but me.
Agente, encadene al monoOfficer, just chain the monkey up in there, will you?
Antes que usted diga otra palabra, Javert antes que me encadene como un esclavo de nuevo ¡escúcheme!Before you say another word, Javert Before you chain me up like a slave again Listen to me!
Los tomaré prisioneros a todos hasta que encadene a todo el reino de los bebés del agua ¡para que sean mis esclavos en el Castillo Tiburón!You'll be kept prisoners, all of you till we get the entire water baby kingdom in chains ready to be my slaves in Shark Castle!
Pero no te preocupes esta vez lo encadene muy bien.But don't you worry-- I chained him up but good this time.
Se lo pido. No encadene la puerta.Please never chain the door.
Espero que no te encadenes a las verjas, y termines alimentándote de sémola.I hope you won't chain yourself to the railings, and end up being force-fed semolina.
Necesito que me encadenes aquí.I need you to chain me here.
No me encadenes con tus modales.Don't chain me down with your manners.
Te diría que la encadenes en la pared de un sótano, pero eso nunca me dio resultado.I would say chain her to a basement wall, but that never worked out for me.
¿Crees que voy a dejar que me las pongas y me encadenes como a un perro?You think I'm gonna let you put these on and chain me up like a dog?
Al menos que las encadenemos, lo cual por alguna razón es ilegal.Unless you chain 'em to a radiator, which for some reason is illegal.
Oh, Erica, Erica, nuestra última protesta me ha inspirado tanto que he decidido que nos encadenemos todos enfrente de la oficina de registro mañana.I was so inspired by our last protest, that I've decided to get everyone to chain themselves to the front doors of the registrar's office tomorrow.
¿Ahora, no querrá el Obispo que nos encadenemos a las barandillas?Now, didn't the Bishop want us to chain ourselves to the railings?
Ordeno que le encadenéis.Put this man in chains.
Déjales que me encadenen.Let them chain me up,
El Capo quiere que les pida que encadenen a sus gorilas por algunos meses.Now, the Big Boy wants me to tell you guys to put the chains on your gorillas for the next few months.
Lo que digo es que no quiero que me encadenen a un asesino.- Man, I'm just saying, I don't wanna be chained to a murderer.
Me extraña que no me encadenen a la cama.l'm surprised they don't chain you.
Mi problema es que no quiero que me encadenen a un demente... que descargó su estrés postraumático sobre un pobre infeliz en un bar.My problem is I don't wanna be chained to a whack job... who went all post-traumatic stress on some poor asshole in a bar.
"Juro ser quemado, encadenado, aporreado, o morir por la espada"."I swear to be burned, chained, beaten, or die by the sword.
"No estar encadenado a tu mesa" muy en serio."Not being chained behind your desk" thing seriously.
"Prefiero verte muerto antes que... encadenado a la pobreza de tus tradiciones"."I would rather see you dead, than chained to the poverty of your tradition."
"Querida Dorothy, Soy un hombre en su treintena, que ha pasado estos últimos meses encadenado a una cama de hospital."Dear Dorothy, I'm a man in his thirties, who has spent the past months chained to a hospital bed.
"Te veré muerto antes que encadenado a la pobreza de tus tradiciones"."I'll see you dead afore you're chained to the poverty of your tradition."
Hablando de tu novia, ¿no es esa de ahí, la que se está encadenando a esa puerta?Speaking of your girlfriend, isn't that her over there, chaining herself to that door?
No... están encadenando cuentas de correo electrónico... enviando desde una a otra y a otra.No... They're daisy-chaining e-mail accounts together... sending one from another to another.
Si consideras a una mamá encadenando a su hija a la cama "atenderla".If you consider a mom chaining her daughter to a bed "caring."
¿Por qué estoy encadenando a buenos soldados?Tell me. Why am I chaining up good soldiers?

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