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Denunciar (to denounce) conjugation

81 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: accuse, to accuse

Conjugation of denunciar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I denounce
you denounce
he/she/it denounces
we denounce
you all denounce
they denounce
Present perfect tense
he denunciado
I have denounced
has denunciado
you have denounced
ha denunciado
he/she/it has denounced
hemos denunciado
we have denounced
habéis denunciado
you all have denounced
han denunciado
they have denounced
Past preterite tense
I denounced
you denounced
he/she/it denounced
we denounced
you all denounced
they denounced
Future tense
I will denounce
you will denounce
he/she/it will denounce
we will denounce
you all will denounce
they will denounce
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would denounce
you would denounce
he/she/it would denounce
we would denounce
you all would denounce
they would denounce
Past imperfect tense
I used to denounce
you used to denounce
he/she/it used to denounce
we used to denounce
you all used to denounce
they used to denounce
Past perfect tense
había denunciado
I had denounced
habías denunciado
you had denounced
había denunciado
he/she/it had denounced
habíamos denunciado
we had denounced
habíais denunciado
you all had denounced
habían denunciado
they had denounced
Future perfect tense
habré denunciado
I will have denounced
habrás denunciado
you will have denounced
habrá denunciado
he/she/it will have denounced
habremos denunciado
we will have denounced
habréis denunciado
you all will have denounced
habrán denunciado
they will have denounced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I denounce
(if/so that) you denounce
(if/so that) he/she/it denounce
(if/so that) we denounce
(if/so that) you all denounce
(if/so that) they denounce
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya denunciado
I have denounced
hayas denunciado
you have denounced
haya denunciado
he/she/it has denounced
hayamos denunciado
we have denounced
hayáis denunciado
you all have denounced
hayan denunciado
they have denounced
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have denounced
(if/so that) you have denounced
(if/so that) he/she/it have denounced
(if/so that) we have denounced
(if/so that) you all have denounced
(if/so that) they have denounced
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have denounced
(if/so that) you have denounced
(if/so that) he/she/it have denounced
(if/so that) we have denounced
(if/so that) you all have denounced
(if/so that) they have denounced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera denunciado
I had denounced
hubieras denunciado
you had denounced
hubiera denunciado
he/she/it had denounced
hubiéramos denunciado
we had denounced
hubierais denunciado
you all had denounced
hubieran denunciado
they had denounced
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese denunciado
I had denounced
hubieses denunciado
you had denounced
hubiese denunciado
he/she/it had denounced
hubiésemos denunciado
we had denounced
hubieseis denunciado
you all had denounced
hubiesen denunciado
they had denounced
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have denounced
(if/so that) you will have denounced
(if/so that) he/she/it will have denounced
(if/so that) we will have denounced
(if/so that) you all will have denounced
(if/so that) they will have denounced
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere denunciado
I will have denounced
hubieres denunciado
you will have denounced
hubiere denunciado
he/she/it will have denounced
hubiéremos denunciado
we will have denounced
hubiereis denunciado
you all will have denounced
hubieren denunciado
they will have denounced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's denounce!
Imperative negative mood
no denuncies
do not denounce!
no denuncie
let him/her/it denounce!
no denunciemos
let us not denounce!
no denunciéis
do not denounce!
no denuncien
do not denounce!

Examples of denunciar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Lo declararon culpable sin juicio y le dijeron que si quería mantener su trabajo debía denunciar a su padre y a su hermana.- He was declared guilty without a trial and told if he wanted to keep his job he had to denounce his father and his sister. Thank you, Natalie.
-¿Hoynes? -Les prometió denunciar la ley del carné de conducir con el gobernador.- He promised to denounce the driver's license bill side by side with the governor.
Al ser rechazado, Osama salió a las calles y mezquitas a denunciar la alianza profana entre la Familia Real y EEUU#His offer rejected,# #Osama took to the streets and mosques to denounce the U.S.,# #The Royal Family and their unholy alliance.#
Bueno, entonces usted podría utilizar su libertad de expresión para denunciar esta intrusión de gran dinero en nuestra elección.Well, then you could use your free speech to denounce this intrusion of big money into our election.
Cualquier grupo subversivo lo consideraría una hazaña propagandística. convertir a uno de nuestros pilotos mejorados. remover su red neuronal en una operación secreta y entonces correr a denunciar a la milicia.Any number of subversive Luddite groups would consider it a propaganda coup to turn one of our enhanced pilots, remove her neural network in a secret operation and then trot her out to denounce the military on some bleeding-heart liberal news outlet.
"... es así que denuncio y prohíbo... ""... do hereby denounce and forbid... "
Debe hacer su deber, si no, lo denuncio.You must do your duty or else I'll denounce you!
Eso es lo que denuncio cuando afirmo que el ímpetu es del norte pero que el ladrón es local, contando con nuestra complicidad.That is what I denounce when I say the impetus is northern but the theft is local, done with our complicity.
Fui yo quien denuncio a ese bufón. Asi fue, ¡yo!It was I who denounced that jester then.
Lo denuncio y lo deshonro.I denounce him and attaint him.
Muchas personas que oyen tus denuncias me han dicho que eres el Mesías.Many people who hear you denounce me say you are the Messiah.
O te vas y lo denuncias, o lo haré yo.Either you go and denounce him, or I will.
Pero cuando denuncias a su hermano...But when you denounce his brother...
Pero para hacer eso. necesitamos que denuncias al IRA.But to do that, we need you to denounce the IRA.
Pero si no la denuncias, moriremos todos.But if you don't denounce her, we will die, all four of us.
- El Rebaño de los Justos denuncia...- The Righteous Flock denounces this...
Al día siguiente, hace una conferencia de prensa denuncia a su propia gente por salirse de control y luego se lleva con él a la mitad del movimiento a un mucho más amigable con la prensa, Polk 2.0. Bien.Okay, so the next day, he has a press conference, denounces his own people for getting out of hand, and then takes half of the movement with him to a much more media-friendly polk 2.0.
Créame, no soy alguien que denuncia a las personas, pero usted debe admitir que es algo embarazoso.Believeme,Iamnotsomeone who denounces people, butyoumustadmit which is embarrassing.
El 18 / 6, denuncia el armisticio.On June 18, he denounces the armistice.
En otro informe, el Comité del Senado detalla la conducta impropia del IRS el FBI, la CIA y el Departamento de Justicia, denuncia a los Fontaneros y eleva la cuestión de si los EE.UU.In a separate report, the Senate Select committee... details the misuse ofthe I.R.S. The F.B.I., the C.I.A. And the justice department. It denounces the plumbers and it raises the question... ofwhetherthe United States had a valid election in 1972.
- Lo denunciamos.- We'll denounce him.
- Y os denunciamos.- And we will denounce.
Cuando se negaron a servirnos, denunciamos a la autoridad estatal de alcohol.When denied service, we denounced the state liquor authority.
El abuelo se eludía, le denunciamos, eso es 1 entradaThe grandpa wanted to dodge, we denounce him, so it's one ticket.
Hoy, denunciamos al Shogunato y únicamente abrazamos la filosofía del Culto al Emperador.As of today, we denounce the Shogunate and solely embrace the philosophy of Emperor Worship.
- Incluso si todos los líderes religiosos del mundo te denuncian, estaré aquí para ti.Even if all the religious leaders in the world denounce you, I'll be there for you.
-¿ Y si mi denuncian?- What if I'm denounced?
Ellos nos denuncian.They denounce us.
Esas personas que creen ser rebeldes y que denuncian a la autoridad, simplemente porque está de moda.People who think that they are rebels because they denounce authority, simply because it's the latest fashion.
Los zelotes lo denuncian como un títere... entronizado por el emperador romano... contra la voluntad del pueblo judío.The zealots denounce you as a puppet. Enthroned by the Roman Emperor against the will of the Jewish people.
"... denuncié a la Gestapo..."denounced to the Gestapo,
- Jesús, ten piedad de mi... denuncié a gente inocente.- Jesus, be merciful to me. I denounced innocent people.
A ti te denuncié más de 10 veces por mercado negro.Listen, I've denounced you, more than 10 times for black-marketing.
Cuando rechazó mis avances, lo denuncié.When he refused my advances, l denounced him as a lecher.
Es por eso que cada día pienso en ellos, pido a los dioses, que si yo los denuncié y ellos han sufrido las consecuencias, no me castiguen con un mal karma.This is why... each day, I think of them, I request the gods, if I denounced them, if they underwent the consequences of them, not to inflict to me a bad karma.
- ¡Tú lo denunciaste!You denounced him.
Esas personas a las que denunciaste, ¿viste que las trajeran aquí?These people whom you denounced, you saw them brought here?
Los denunciaste y los reemplazaron.You denounced them and had them replaced.
Y tú denunciaste a muchas personas.And you denounced many people.
¿No habrás sido vos el que me denunciaste para quedar bien delante de algún amiguito tuyo?Maybe you denounced me, to ingratiate yourself with some friend?
- Pero que posteriormente la denunció.- But that you later denounced it.
- ¿Me denunció?I was furious and I denounced you.
- ¿No tiene idea de quién le denunció?- You have no idea who denounced him?
- ¿Ud. me denunció?- You denounced me?
Ahora los conspiradores estaban a salvo. Fue entonces que mademoiselle Claudia denunció a la policía a la pauvre mademoiselle Norma Restarick.Whereupon Mademoiselle Claudia denounced to the police la pauvre Mademoiselle Norma Restarick.
- La última vez que te vi... ustedes me encintaron medio millón en el estómago y me denunciaron al inglés.- The last time I saw you... You stuck half a million on my stomach and you denounced me to the English.
En su libro usted menciona los dos sacerdotes que denunciaron el comerciante judío por la traición, pero no nos dicen sus nombres.In your book you mention the two priests who denounced the Jewish merchant for treachery, but you didn't tell us their names.
Estas son muchas disposiciones las cuales Harry Reid y otros demócratas denunciaron formalmente en la administración de Bush y la semana pasada como usted dijo, sin siquiera debatirlo la misma gente votó para reautorizar estas terribles disposiciones.These are very provisions that Harry Reid and other Democrats properly denounced during the Bush years and this past week as you said, with barely any debate the same people just voted to reauthorize these terrible provisions.
Hacia el final del año, 1985, Simón Peres, el Primer Ministro Israelí vino a Washington y Reagan y Peres denunciaron el azote maligno del terrorismo, refiriéndose al Medio Oriente.Right towards the end of that year, 1985, Shimon Peres, Israel's Prime Minister, came to Washington and Reagan and Peres denounced the evil scourge of terrorism, referring to the Middle East.
La gente en Estados Unidos siguen diciendo que los Polacos denunciaron a los Judíos.People in America keep saying that Poles denounced Jews to the Germans -
Lo denunciaré por divulgar falsas buenas noticias.I will denounce you for spreading false good news.
Pero yo los denunciaré ante la opinión pública.But I will denounce them publicly!
Si ahora te niegas a ayudarme, te denunciaré por traidor.If you refuse to help me now, I will denounce you as a traitor.
Al Sharpton le denunciaría en una conferencia de prensa en la calle, porque Al Sharpton no tiene oficina.Al Sharpton would denounce him at a press conference on the street, because Al Sharpton doesn't have an office.
Creímos que denunciaría a Gisborne.We thought he would denounce Gisborne.
Hay algo de los Rastas quienes denunciarían usar los frutos de Babilonia, como quien dice, para aumentar cualquier clase de organización.There are some Rasta men who would denounce using the fruits of Babylon, so to speak, to build up any kind of organisation.
"Debería matarla antes de que me denuncie.""I should kill her before she denounces me.
- ¿Tienes miedo que te denuncie?- Afraid that I denounce you?
- ¿Y que nos denuncie?He'd denounce us. The doctor!
Alguien que se denuncie y denuncie a su cómplice. Fanny culo.- Someone who turns himself in and denounces his accomplice Ass Fanny.
Esperan que vaya a un mitin y denuncie el imperialismo británico.They're hoping I'll come to a prearranged meeting... and denounce British imperialism.
Ella quiere que denuncies a mi padre, que digas que él está equivocado con lo de Puerto Prosperidad, Dile al mundo que él ha perdido el camino, y ... no es adecuado para liderarnos.She wants you to denounce my father, say that he's wrong on port Prosperity, tell the world that he's lost his way, and... he's not fit to lead us.
Necesitamos que tú lo denuncies en tu discurso en La Palabra, mañanaWe need you to denounce it in your speech to La Palabra. I don't think I could do that, Eddie.
Quiero que me denuncies.- I want you to denounce me.
Todo lo que te pido es que no me denuncies ante el pueblo.All I ask is that you do not denounce me before the people.
Y si apenas conoces a los miembros del grupo, y no debes contárselo a nadie... es porque si te arrestan... te torturarán hasta que denuncies a tus compañeros.You will know only the members from this group. You must not divulge that you belong to SKOJ. If they arrest you you would be tortured until you denounce your comrades.
Aquellos que no denuncien a los Rojos o que los ayuden, serán inmediatamente ejecutados.Those who do not denounce the Reds or who assist them will be executed immediately.
La detonación fue rápidamente condenada por la Unión Soviética... que llamó a todas las naciones para que denuncien a los Estados Unidos... por llevar al mundo al borde de la destrucción... ¿Quién diablos autorizó la prueba?The blast was quickly condemned by the Soviet Union who called upon all nations to denounce the United States for bringing the world to the brink of destruction
Permitamos que los rusos se desasocien públicamente de nosotros... que se quejen con la ONU... que denuncien capitalismo racista y lo que quieran... pero secretamente extendamos el contrato .. en forma privada.If we allow the soviets to publicly disassociate with London Diamond, let them pound the table at the U.N., denounce racist capitalism and so on and so on, but secretly we extend our contract and keep it a strictly private matter,
Si voy a ser juzgado por mis parientes ¿le pedirán a mis hijos que me denuncien?If I am being judged on my relatives are my children going to be asked to denounce me?
¿Que no es suficiente temblar cuando viene el cartero? ¿Temer a diario que nos denuncien por cualquier cosa?Isn't it enough being scared of the postman, of being denounced for no good reason?
'El movimiento ha sido denunciado como un gesto audaz 'por parte de Herr Hitler, que podría estar haciendo avanzar a Europa 'un paso más hacia la guerra.'The move has been denounced as an audacious gesture 'on the part of Herr Hitler, 'and one that might be seen as leading Europe 'one step further towards war.
- Fue denunciado anónimamente.The man denounced in the letter.
- No, usted es el denunciado.~ No, you are the denounced.
- Nos han denunciado.We've been denounced.
- Parece que un gran escritor francés católico ha denunciado la represión franquista.- It seems that a famous French Catholic writer denounced Franco's repression.
...denunciando lo que llamó una renovada intervención militar de los EEUU en el sudeste asiático....denouncing what it called renewed United States military intervention in Southeast Asia.
Aun sin él denunciando al Rey... y con la cabeza de su hermano en juego, él no se quedará.Even without him denouncing the King, and with his brother's head on the chop, he won't stay.
Como un hijo... denunciando a su padreLike a son denouncing his father.
Cuando llegas a la cima, otros quieren un trozo del pastel... y pueden derrumbarte simplemente denunciando tu origen.When you arrive to the summit, others they want a piece of the cake... and they can simply collapse denouncing your origin.
El Santo Padre le pide escribir un panfleto en Inglés denunciando al Rey y sus asesores como herejes.The Holy Father asks you to write a pamphlet in English denouncing the King and his advisors as heretics.

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