Conspirar (to conspire) conjugation

79 examples

Conjugation of conspirar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I conspire
you conspire
he/she/it conspires
we conspire
you all conspire
they conspire
Present perfect tense
he conspirado
I have conspired
has conspirado
you have conspired
ha conspirado
he/she/it has conspired
hemos conspirado
we have conspired
habéis conspirado
you all have conspired
han conspirado
they have conspired
Past preterite tense
I conspired
you conspired
he/she/it conspired
we conspired
you all conspired
they conspired
Future tense
I will conspire
you will conspire
he/she/it will conspire
we will conspire
you all will conspire
they will conspire
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would conspire
you would conspire
he/she/it would conspire
we would conspire
you all would conspire
they would conspire
Past imperfect tense
I used to conspire
you used to conspire
he/she/it used to conspire
we used to conspire
you all used to conspire
they used to conspire
Past perfect tense
había conspirado
I had conspired
habías conspirado
you had conspired
había conspirado
he/she/it had conspired
habíamos conspirado
we had conspired
habíais conspirado
you all had conspired
habían conspirado
they had conspired
Future perfect tense
habré conspirado
I will have conspired
habrás conspirado
you will have conspired
habrá conspirado
he/she/it will have conspired
habremos conspirado
we will have conspired
habréis conspirado
you all will have conspired
habrán conspirado
they will have conspired
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I conspire
(if/so that) you conspire
(if/so that) he/she/it conspire
(if/so that) we conspire
(if/so that) you all conspire
(if/so that) they conspire
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya conspirado
I have conspired
hayas conspirado
you have conspired
haya conspirado
he/she/it has conspired
hayamos conspirado
we have conspired
hayáis conspirado
you all have conspired
hayan conspirado
they have conspired
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have conspired
(if/so that) you have conspired
(if/so that) he/she/it have conspired
(if/so that) we have conspired
(if/so that) you all have conspired
(if/so that) they have conspired
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have conspired
(if/so that) you have conspired
(if/so that) he/she/it have conspired
(if/so that) we have conspired
(if/so that) you all have conspired
(if/so that) they have conspired
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera conspirado
I had conspired
hubieras conspirado
you had conspired
hubiera conspirado
he/she/it had conspired
hubiéramos conspirado
we had conspired
hubierais conspirado
you all had conspired
hubieran conspirado
they had conspired
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese conspirado
I had conspired
hubieses conspirado
you had conspired
hubiese conspirado
he/she/it had conspired
hubiésemos conspirado
we had conspired
hubieseis conspirado
you all had conspired
hubiesen conspirado
they had conspired
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have conspired
(if/so that) you will have conspired
(if/so that) he/she/it will have conspired
(if/so that) we will have conspired
(if/so that) you all will have conspired
(if/so that) they will have conspired
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere conspirado
I will have conspired
hubieres conspirado
you will have conspired
hubiere conspirado
he/she/it will have conspired
hubiéremos conspirado
we will have conspired
hubiereis conspirado
you all will have conspired
hubieren conspirado
they will have conspired
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's conspire!
Imperative negative mood
no conspires
do not conspire!
no conspire
let him/her/it conspire!
no conspiremos
let us not conspire!
no conspiréis
do not conspire!
no conspiren
do not conspire!

Examples of conspirar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Eddie y yo tenemos que conspirar.- Eddie and I need to conspire.
- ¿Comenzó a conspirar entonces?- Then he started to conspire?
Alguien con quien conspirar.Someone to conspire with.
Bueno, sólo estaba pensando que este podría ser el lugar perfecto para conspirar el derrocamiento del gobierno.Well, I was just thinking that this would be the perfect place to conspire to overthrow the government.
Chicos, ¿cuándo habéis tenido tiempo para conspirar?When do you guys have time to conspire?
El director conspiro con el maquillador para gastarle una broma a los actores.The director conspired with the make-up artist to prank the cast.
El hombre con quien ella conspiro para matarlo,The man she conspired with,
No conspiro con los Cylons, soy un hombre inocente que es condenado por opinión publica sin una corte.I did not conspire with the Cylons. I am an innocent man... who is being convicted in the court of public opinion without trial.
Sra. Raines, sabemos que conspiro junto con el Sr. Cummings.Ms. Raines,nwe know you conspired with Mr. Cummings.
Él conspiro con esos dos.He conspired with these men.
Así que, ¿por qué es que te reúnes con Dre... conspiras con Dre, os cogéis de la mano... y saltáis por su bodega juntos... pero no sabes quién somos?So, why is it that you meet with Dre, you conspire with Dre, you hold hands and skip around in his wine cellar together, but you don't know who we are?
Dicen que conspiras contra mi vida.They say you conspire against my life.
Necesitarás un milagro cuando diga a los votantes que conspiras con criminales para encubrir el sabotaje de la plataforma de mi familia.[Chuckles] You will need a miracle when I tell the voters that you conspired with criminals to cover up the sabotage of my family's rig.
Ni la Primera ni ninguna otra enmienda te protege cuando conspiras a cometer traición.Neither the First nor any other amendment protects you when you conspire to commit treason.
Si conspiras con cada persona que se acerca a tí realmente no estás conspirando con nadie.If you conspire with every person that approaches you, you're not even really conspiring with anyone.
"Jefe de la policía conspira con la mafia".Police Chief conspires with the mafia.
- Entonces, Shampagne conspira con el Sr. 0160, quienquiera que sea, para matar a Berg y culpar a Lloyd.So, Shampagne conspires with Mr. 0-1-6-0, whoever he is, to kill Berg and pin it on Lloyd.
- ¿Está sugiriendo que él conspira en contra mía?- Are you suggesting that he conspires against me?
Además de ser posiblemente un traidor, que conspira contra su país.In addition to possibly being a traitor, who conspires against his country.
Al no ser posible permitir la continuación de la situación esdrújula de flagrante ilegalidad, que conspira contra la paz pública... y la seguridad nacional, decido, en base al artículo 528... de la Consolidación de las Leyes de Trabajo, determinar:Whereas it is not possible to allow this extravagant and flagrantly illegal situation to continue, since it conspires against the peace and the Nation's security, I have decided, based on Art. 128 of the CLT (Labor Code):
Asi que, juntos conspiramos para destruirlos.So, together we conspired to destroy them.
Cree que conspiramos en su contra y ya no vendrá más.He thinks we conspired against him. He'll never come here again.
En la cual conspiramos sobre el falso testimonio y amenaza con usarla a menos que dé un paso al costado.The one where we conspire to commit perjury, and he's threatening to use it against me unless I step down.
Entonces, Warren y yo conspiramos para hacerlo desaparecer unos días para beneficiarnos de la reducción de acciones de Linch Pin, ¿no?So Warren Lynch and I conspired to disappear him for a few days, so that we could profit from shorting Lynchpin's stock, huh?
Espíritus desgraciados que caímos con Lucifer,... ....que conspiramos contra nuestro Dios junto con Lucifer,... ....y que estamos condenados para siempre junto con Lucifer.We are unhappy spirits who fell with Lucifer who conspired against our God with Lucifer and are forever condemmed to suffer the same fate as Lucifer.
¡Los dos conspiráis para hacerme quedar como un idiota!You both conspire to play me a fool.
¿De quién fue el plan... tuyo, de Sue Ellen, o conspiráis para arruinar esta compañía? ¿Arruinarla?Whose plan was it... yours, Sue Ellen's, or did you both conspire to ruin this company?
"Los poderes del dinero acosan a la nación en tiempos de paz y conspiran contra ella en tiempos de adversidad.The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity.
"conspiran contra su fervor visionario.""conspire against his visionary zeal."
*Siento el piso haciéndose líquido* *algo va mal* *los elementos conspiran* *para ver que me convierto en la víctima* *algo malo en este proscenio* *la muerte del optimismo*♪ I feel the ground becoming liquid ♪ ♪ something's wrong ♪ ♪ the elements conspire ♪
- Son ellos los que conspiran en contra vuestra.- It is they who conspire against you.
Ahora conspiran para mantener a la gente como yo fuera.Now I conspire to keep people like me out.
Bueno, no iba a dejar que se pudriera allí, así que soborné, soborné y conspiré.Well, I wasn't going to let him decay in there, so I bribed. I bribed, and I conspired.
Hasta entiendo por qué tus celos estarían dirigidos a mí, aunque nunca conspiré para alejar a Jamie de ti.I even understand why your jealousy would be directed at me, even though I never conspired to take Jamie from you.
Nunca conspiré con él.I never conspired with him.
¿Estás sugiriendo que conspiré para matar al alcalde Hopkins?Are you suggesting I conspired to kill Mayor Hopkins?
¿Que yo conspiré con Torben y Herreshoff?That I conspired with Torben and Herreshoff?
- Tu padrastro dice que conspiraste para que lo encarcelaran por una violación falsa.-Your stepfather alleges that you conspired to get him falsely imprisoned for rape.
- Y tú conspiraste con ella...-And you conspired with her--
Cuando conspiraste con un loco para arruinar nuestras ya patéticas vidas.This is the moment you conspired with a psycho to ruin whatever was left of our pathetic little lives.
Entonces si lo hiciste, o si conspiraste con Emma, sabrías cuál cogió Lindsay.So if you did it, or if you conspired with emma, You would know which ones lindsay took.
Fuiste a mis espaldas, conspiraste con mi mejor amiga, tomaste la clínica, y ahora crees que puedes tomar decisiones unilateralmente, o peor... compartir ideas conmigo como si nada hubiese pasado.You went behind my back, conspired with my best friend, took over the practice, and now you think you can just unilaterally make decisions, or ideas by me like none of it ever happened.
"El ex veterano de Vietnam Douglas Elders afirmó que el gobierno de EE.UU. conspiró para engañar a los estadounidenses para realizar una guerra ilegal en Vietnam" ."Former Vietnam veteran Douglas Elders claimed the U.S. government... has conspired to deceive the American people... in order to pursue an illegal war in Vietnam."
"El tiempo conspiró con nosotros y nos ha unido.""The moments conspired and brought us together."
- Ella conspiró con el muchacho--- She conspired with the boy...
- Sé pocos detalles o quién conspiró.- I know few details or who conspired.
- ¿Y usted conspiró con él?- And you conspired with him?
- Has derramado sangre presidencial. - Verna y tú me distéis la espalda cuando conspirasteis para salvar a Lindsay Dwyer a mis espaldas.You and Verna turned on me when you conspired to save Lindsay Dwyer behind my back.
En cuanto a la acusación de que conspirasteis en la prisión con obispo Fisher, un traidor convicto?What of the charge that you conspired in prison with Bishop Fisher, a convicted traitor?
Juntos conspirasteis para arruinar mi negocio.Together you conspired to ruin my business
O quizás ambos conspirasteis contra mí.Or maybe you both conspired against me.
- Entonces, ¿usted tiene un caso circunstancial de que los acusados conspiraron?- So you have a circumstantial case that the defendants conspired?
- Si, yo estoy... - Entonces, naturalmente, 20 años atrás... cuando mi hijo Richard, descendiente directo de este excelente guerrero... apareció en Brighton, lugar de la más grande matanza de Guillaume... los nativos conspiraron para atacarlo, dejándolo... como lo ve y terminando nuestra línea familiar.Yes, I'm - So, naturally, when, 20 years ago, my son, Richard, a direct descendent of this fine warrior, appeared in Brighton, scene of Guillaume's greatest butchery, the local natives conspired to attack him, leaving him
- Todos los hechos conspiraron para...- All these events conspired to...
A decir verdad, bajo los ojos de Dios, ¿admites que estos hombres conspiraron contigo para crear la ilusión de curación, y simular lo que ellos aseguran es un milagro?Truthfully, under the eyes of God, do you admit these men conspired with you to create the illusion of healing, a pretense which they claimed to be a miracle?
Al parecer, no soy el único que puede demostrar que elementos de su gobierno conspiraron para socavar el proceso de paz.Apparently I'm not the only one who can prove that elements in your government conspired to undermine the peace process.
Y conspirarán,And they will conspire,
Y las personas conspirarán para mantenerte abajo.People will conspire to keep you down.
Nadie sospecharía de ti y yo conspiraría después de todo lo que hemos pasado.No one would suspect you and I would conspire after everything we've been through.
Entonces, dime porque 3 oficiales conspirarían para matar a su capitán y encubrirlo.So, tell me why three officers would conspire to kill their captain and cover it up.
Construye cimientos de una amistad, y espera que el destino conspire y construya el momento perfecto.He builds that foundation of friendship, and he waits for the fates to conspire to create that perfect moment.
Later on, we'll conspireLater on, we'll conspire
Lo que esta diciendo es que yo conspire con alguien para asesinar a mi socia haciendo ver que desapareció en Londres.What you're really saying is I conspired with someone to murder my partner, but make it look like she vanished in London.
Me pides que conspire contra mi cliente.You're asking me to conspire against my own client.
Me pides que conspire contra mi propio cliente.You're asking me to conspire against my own client.
Contra los que conspiren para lastimarte.Against those who conspire to harm you.
Cuando nos aprueben oficialmente como máxima prioridad, desenterraremos... a todos los desgraciados que conspiren porque tienen miedo de un escándalo.When we're officially approved as top priority, we'll root out all the sorry bastards who conspire because they're afraid of a scandal.
Puede que conspiren contra nosotros.They can conspire against us.
¿Es posible que las fuerzas del tiempo conspiren de manera natural para deshacer mis nuevos resultados?Is it possible that the forces of time Naturally conspire to undo any new outcomes?
"Ha conspirado para secuestrar y matar," dijo"She conspired to kidnap and murder, " he said,
"Han conspirado las nubes ...""Have the clouds conspired..."
"de haber conspirado con malicia y traicion..."for having maliciously and traitorously conspired...
- Ahora viene y cuenta... esta historia de horror gótica donde la maquinaria de la medicina moderna... parece haber conspirado para destruir a un pobre paciente.- Now you come to me with this gothic horror story in which the entire machinery of modern medicine has apparently conspired to destroy one lousy patient.
- Habéis conspirado con él...- For years you've conspired ...
"La industria farmacéutica y la FDA están conspirando para mantener enferma a la gente norteamericana. ""Pharmaceutical industry and the fda are conspiring to keep the American people sick."
- Estaba conspirando contra ti.- They were conspiring against you.
- Klingons... - y miembros de la Federación conspirando juntos.Klingons and Federation members conspiring together.
- Will. Bueno, para un Gran Jurado, va a parecer como dos testigos conspirando para encubrir un fraude electoral.Well, to a grand jury, it's going to look like two witnesses conspiring to cover up election fraud.
- tuvieron una conversación, susurrando, conspirando. - ¿En verdad?- had a little conversation, whispering, conspiring. - Really?

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