Conducir (to drive) conjugation

139 examples

Conjugation of conducir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I drive
you drive
he/she/it drives
we drive
you all drive
they drive
Present perfect tense
he conducido
I have driven
has conducido
you have driven
ha conducido
he/she/it has driven
hemos conducido
we have driven
habéis conducido
you all have driven
han conducido
they have driven
Past preterite tense
I drove
you drove
he/she/it drove
we drove
you all drove
they drove
Future tense
I will drive
you will drive
he/she/it will drive
we will drive
you all will drive
they will drive
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would drive
you would drive
he/she/it would drive
we would drive
you all would drive
they would drive
Past imperfect tense
I used to drive
you used to drive
he/she/it used to drive
we used to drive
you all used to drive
they used to drive
Past perfect tense
había conducido
I had driven
habías conducido
you had driven
había conducido
he/she/it had driven
habíamos conducido
we had driven
habíais conducido
you all had driven
habían conducido
they had driven
Future perfect tense
habré conducido
I will have driven
habrás conducido
you will have driven
habrá conducido
he/she/it will have driven
habremos conducido
we will have driven
habréis conducido
you all will have driven
habrán conducido
they will have driven
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I drive
(if/so that) you drive
(if/so that) he/she/it drive
(if/so that) we drive
(if/so that) you all drive
(if/so that) they drive
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya conducido
I have driven
hayas conducido
you have driven
haya conducido
he/she/it has driven
hayamos conducido
we have driven
hayáis conducido
you all have driven
hayan conducido
they have driven
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have driven
(if/so that) you have driven
(if/so that) he/she/it have driven
(if/so that) we have driven
(if/so that) you all have driven
(if/so that) they have driven
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have driven
(if/so that) you have driven
(if/so that) he/she/it have driven
(if/so that) we have driven
(if/so that) you all have driven
(if/so that) they have driven
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera conducido
I had driven
hubieras conducido
you had driven
hubiera conducido
he/she/it had driven
hubiéramos conducido
we had driven
hubierais conducido
you all had driven
hubieran conducido
they had driven
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese conducido
I had driven
hubieses conducido
you had driven
hubiese conducido
he/she/it had driven
hubiésemos conducido
we had driven
hubieseis conducido
you all had driven
hubiesen conducido
they had driven
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have driven
(if/so that) you will have driven
(if/so that) he/she/it will have driven
(if/so that) we will have driven
(if/so that) you all will have driven
(if/so that) they will have driven
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere conducido
I will have driven
hubieres conducido
you will have driven
hubiere conducido
he/she/it will have driven
hubiéremos conducido
we will have driven
hubiereis conducido
you all will have driven
hubieren conducido
they will have driven
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's drive!
Imperative negative mood
no conduzcas
do not drive!
no conduzca
let him/her/it drive!
no conduzcamos
let us not drive!
no conduzcáis
do not drive!
no conduzcan
do not drive!

Examples of conducir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
! Aprende a conducir!Learn how to drive!
! Vas a tener que conducir un poco más rápido!(moaning) You're gonna have to drive a little faster!
" El único problema es que tienes conducir hasta el río en cuestión,"The only trouble is that you have to drive to the river in question,
" Su cliente de las celebridades Requiere un coche Eso es fácil de entrar y fuera de Y franco para conducir "."Your celebrity client requires a car that's easy to get in and out of and straightforward to drive."
" Su primer reto Debe conducir 100 patios,"Your first challenge is to drive 100 yards,
"Ahí estoy al volante cosiendo un botón mientras conduzco."'There's me at the wheel sewing a button on as I drive.'
"Si, por eso conduzco un Ferrari amarillo" "¿A sí?""Yes, that's why I drive a yellow Ferrari." "Do you?"
"Y eso que conduzco un camión,"And I drive a truck too.
"Yo conduzco mejor que todos los demás ""I drive everything better than everybody else.
*Así que conduzco sin rumbo*♪ So I just drive around ♪
"Así que conduces un camión""So you drive a truck."
"Pareces un poco fuera de lugar." "¿Qué conduces?""You look a bit out of place What do you drive?"
"conduces rápido, pero la hipocresía te atrapará.""You drive fast, but hypocrisy will catch up to you."
- ...sino cómo conduces.- it's the drive home.
- 21, ¿qué conduces?- 21, what do you drive?
"La esperanza empuja la oruga a través del capullo y conduce al salmón a contracorriente.""Hope pushes the caterpillar through the cocoon and drives the salmon upstream."
"Mi inquietud me conduce a amarte"My restlessness drives me to love you
(Con acento argentino) Mi padre es licenciado en psicología, pero ahora conduce un taxi catorce horas al día y le vemos poco en casa."My dad has a degree in Psychology but he drives a taxi 14 hours a day and we never see him."
- ...igual a la que conduce Trip.- just like the one Trip drives.
- De ninguna manera esto conduce.- No way this thing drives.
"Pido disculpas oficial, pero en Inglaterra conducimos por el lado izquierdo. ""I do apologize officer, but in england we drive on the left side."
"¿Por qué no vamos a la Luna y conducimos ahí?""why don't we fly up to the Moon and drive around?"
- Bueno, en Chicago, cuando le decimos a alguien que conduzca, así es como conducimos.Well, in Chicago, when we tell somebody to drive, this is how we drive.
- Está bien. En Nueva Zelanda conducimos del otro lado de la calle.In New Zealand we always drive on the other side of the street.
- Se puede sentar en el maletero... si conducimos con cuidado.- But... - She can sit in the trunk if we drive carefully.
"B", los fakires no conducen..."B," swamis can't drive...
"Todos los carniceros por aquí conducen camionetas""All the butchers round here drive vans."
- Allí conducen del otro lado de la calle.They drive on the other side of the road there.
- Los adultos, si beben, no conducen.- When grownups drink, they don't drive.
- Te conducen a la desesperación, ¿verdad?- They drive you to despair, don't they?
" Tengo que ir " y le di un beso de despedida y conduje 450 millas a la frontera entre Vermont y New Hampshire y traté de encontrarlo."I've gotta go," and I kissed her goodbye and drove 450 miles to the Vermont/New Hampshire border and tried to find him.
* Destrocé la ventanilla de tu coche * *sabes que lo hice para dejar mi marca* * escribi mis iniciales con un rotulador * * y después conduje hacia la oscuridad * * Destrocé la ventanilla de tu coche * * hey, deberías sentirte afortunado de que eso sea todo lo que hiciese *wrote my initials with the crowbar and then i drove off into the dark i bust the windows out your car hey, you should feel lucky that that's all i did after five whole years of this bull-- shh!
- ...yo conduje.I drove you.
- Bueno, yo conduje hasta el aviso.- Well, I drove to the call.
- En el ejército conduje un tanque.- In the Army, I drove a tank. Nicely.
- Brenda, ¿tú condujiste?- Brenda, you drove?
- Jesucristo... ¿condujiste desde Indianapolis?- Jesus Christ... you drove down from Indianapolis?
- Lo condujiste por el jardín botánico.You drove it through the Botanical Garden.
- Sé que condujiste el coche.- I know you drove that car.
- ¿No condujiste ni un poco?- Didn't you drove a bit?
" y condujo..."And drove off,
"Nunca nombré a mi socio, Riley Manning, que me ayudó a planear el atraco, condujo la furgoneta y vigiló mientras los huesos eran cargados.""I never named my partner, Riley Manning, "who helped me plan the heist, drove the van, and kept watch as the bones were loaded."
"pienso que el amor me condujo a el último paso""I think that love drove me to the ultimate step"
- Bueno, probablemente pertenecían al último que condujo el auto.- Well, they probably belonged to whoever drove the car last.
- Darren demostró lo mayor que es dejando la casa, viendo el BMW serie 7 de su vecino y haciéndole un puente pero su valentía no acabó ahí condujo el M6 a 110 millas por hora en dirección contraria eres un crío especial, ¿qué pasó luego?- Darren showed he was grown-up by leaving' de house, seeing his neighbour's 7 Series BMW and hot-wiring it. But 'is bravery didn't stop there. He then drove it up the M6 at 110 miles per hour in the wrong direction.
' - No condujimos directamente.-No, cos we drove straight out.
-May y yo condujimos con el ya familiar clima Chileno como nuestro constante compañero.May and I drove on with the now familiar Chilean weather our constant companion.
Adam y yo condujimos hasta el trabajo esta mañana temprano para ponernos al día con el papeleo.Adam and I drove into work early this morning to catch up on some paperwork.
Apestaban tan mal, que condujimos 4.000 kilometros con las ventanillas abiertas.They stank so bad we drove 4,000 km with all the windows open.
Así que Jacob y yo condujimos nuestras manadas a la cala y cortamos las vallas.So, Jacob and I drove our herds down to the creek and cut the fences.
En tu 16 cumpleaños, ambos condujisteis a Las Vegas y os casasteis y nunca se lo dijisteis a vuestros padres.On your 16th birthday, you both drove to Las Vegas and got married and never told your parents.
No quiero ser insistente ni nada parecido, pero sé que condujisteis el coche y solo quería saber qué os pareció.I don't want to be pushy or anything like that, but I know that you drove the car and I just wanted to know how you felt about it.
Teniais al hombre equivocado. Teniais los hechos equivocados, y condujisteis a un hombre inocente a su tumba.You had the wrong man, you had the wrong facts, and you drove an innocent man to his grave.
11 millones de personas bombardearon a esta chica con odio, y la condujeron a quitarse la vida.11 million people bombarded this girl with hate, and it drove her to take her own life.
Así que condujeron a casa tan rápido como podían.And they drove home as fast as they could.
Aún así, cariño, condujeron hasta aquí.Still, babe, I mean, they drove all this way.
Bien, condujeron por 40 minutos pasando dos vías.(Sam) Okay, we drove for about 40 minutes across two sets of tram tracks.
Busca coches con cámara en el salpicadero que condujeron por allí.Find cars with dash cam that drove there.
- Lo conduciré.- I will drive it
- Tranquilo, yo conduciré.- It's alright, I will drive.
- Yo conduciré.- I will drive. I will drive.
-No, conduciré mi propio auto.- No, l will drive my own car.
Antes de que lleve a los bebés a casa... conduciré hasta Babyco.Before I take the babies home... I will drive to Babyco.
- Nunca regresarás y volverás a tu auto y conducirás a casa.You will never come back here. You will get back in your car and you will drive home.
A las 21 horas, conducirás hasta el acceso del aeropuerto de Dulles y esperarás por más instrucciones.At 2100 hours, you will drive to Dulles Airport Access Road and you will wait for further instructions.
A las 21, conducirás hasta la carretera de acceso del aeropuerto de Dulles.At 2100 hours, you will drive to Dulles Airport Access Road.
Porque ahora tú sabes que lo conducirás a la muerte, tal y como hiciste con los otros:Because you now know you will drive him to death, just as you did the others:
¿Cuánto tiempo nos conducirás por ese camino?How long will drive us that way ?
- DiNozzo te conducirá.DiNozzo will drive you.
Ahora, lo encaminaré hacia la reja le daré un beso de despedida y usted conducirá fuera de aqui en su nuevo auto el cual debería ser mio y luego tendre mi entrevista con la Comisión de Sanidad.Now, I will walk you to the gate... and I will kiss you good-bye... and you will drive off in your new car... which should rightfully be mine... and then I will have my interview with the sanity commission.
Alguien de KEG conducirá.One of the KEG pledges will drive.
Allí un amigo le conducirá a Yojanesburgo.There a friend will drive you to Johannesburg.
Benjamín nos conducirá a casa.Benjamin will drive us home.
Juntos, conduciremos grúas y haremos un hogar para nuestros bebés.Together we will drive tow trucks and make a home for our babies.
Pero cuando nosotros invadamos, les conduciremos hacia el centro.But when we invade, we will drive them into the center.
Si comemos hombre, robaremos su fuerza y conduciremos otros hombres fuera de aquí.If we eat the human, we will steal his strength, and we will drive the other humans away.
Y adelante conduciremos nuestro trineo...And onward we will drive our sleigh...
"Ustedes conducirán desde la fábrica de Lotus, ahora propiedad de los Malayos"You will drive from the Lotus factory, now owned by the Malaysians
"Y las cosas que hago..." "...te conducirán a la muerte."And the things I do... will drive you to death
Así que ahora todos conducirán ebrios de un funeral de conducción ebria.So now everybody will drive drunk from a drunk driving funeral.
Mis asistentes sentados conducirán.My sitting assistants will drive car.
Tus padres conducirán hasta la escuela y descubrirán que no hay reunión.- Your parents will drive all the way out to the school, discovering that no meeting is actually taking place.
A lo mucho parece como algo que Elton John conduciría por los Everglades.If anything it looks like something Elton John would drive through the Everglades.
Digo, quien conduciría así de, ¿Bob espere?I mean, who would drive this, Bob hope?
Hace un par de semanas dijo que podía probarlo, que conduciría en un circuito mientras cosía un botón de su camisa.We do, and a couple of weeks ago he said to prove that point, he would drive around a track while sewing a button onto his shirt.
Jerry conduciría, no tendrías que...Jerry would drive so you wouldn't have to do...
Pensé que conduciría hoy por lo que estaba pasando.I figured I would drive today because of what was going on.
Creía que eras un mal tipo, hasta que dijiste que conducirías.I thought you were a bad man, until you said you would drive.
Yo nunca... jamás imaginé que conducirías hasta aquí.I never, I never thought that you would drive all the way back here.
¡Ni tampoco conduciríais con neumáticos "La Tía Jemima"!Any more than you would drive on Aunt Jemima tires, right? It's just, you have feelings, you have expectations about it.
Chicos Frat conducirían por y tirar cervezas a nosotros y gritar "Devo" por la ventana.Frat boys would drive by and throw beers at us and yell "Devo" out the window.
Los contables de Enron conducirían este.- Enron accountants would drive this.
Sigo pensando que los contables no conducirían esto.I still don't think accountants would drive this.
! ¡¿Cómo se supone que conduzca?How am I supposed to drive?
"No conduzca con sus zapatos de payaso en!""Don't drive with your clown shoes on!"
"Que la gente conduzca menos,"Obviously, more people will drive less, and that will cause people to...
"Venga, conduzca mi soledad....""Come, drive my loneliness away..."
"Ya no tendrás temor cada vez que un policía conduzca tras de ti..."No more fear every time a cop drives up behind us...
"Es muy barato". - "No conduzcas". "Tu madre me odia "."You can't drive." "Your mother hates me."
"Nunca conduzcas detrás de un anciano con sombrero.""Never drive behind an old man wearing a hat. "
- ...necesito que conduzcas la Ferrari.- l need you to drive the Ferrari.
- He dicho que entres y conduzcas.-I said, get in and drive.
- Necesito que conduzcas.- I need you to drive.
Caminemos o conduzcamos hacia la solución obvia.We'll walk or drive to the obvious solution.
De acuerdo, conduzcamos.All right, let's drive.
La República nos pidió que conduzcamos con el temple de nuestra antigua fe a aquellos que la profanaron que pusiéramos fin con acción, incansable y valerosa al estancamiento y la desesperación de ese día.We of the Republic pledged ourselves to drive from the temple of our ancient faith those who had profaned it, to end by action, tireless and unafraid, the stagnation and despair of that day.
La próxima vez que conduzcamos 900 km para interrogar al ex compañero de celda de un tío muerto, iremos en mi coche.Next time we drive 500 miles to interrogate some dead guy's ex-cellmate, we're taking my car.
Metámosnos dentro y conduzcamos, sólo nosotros dos.Let's get in it and drive, Just the two of us.
- No bebáis y conduzcáis.- Don't drink and drive.
Le dije a los italianos: "No conduzcáis los camiones de Kreger".l told the wops "Don't drive the Kreger trucks."
Quedaos vivos, no bebáis y conduzcáis.Hey, stay alive. Don't drink and drive.
lo que me hace falta ahora es que robéis un trailer y lo conduzcáis directo a mi cara.It's just... What you need to do is hijack an 18-wheeler and just drive it in my face right now.
'Elijan uno y conduzcan a la Aldea Schwarz y búsqueda de su próxima pista'.Choose one and drive yourselves to Schlafwagen and search for your clue.
- Mejor que hablen y no conduzcan.Let's hope faster than they drive.
Ahora amigos no dejéis que las mujeres de otros amigos conduzcan borrachas.Now, friends don't let other friends' wives drive drunk.
Ahora, conduzcan con cuidado.Now, drive carefully.
Ahora, vayan a casa y conduzcan con cuidado.Now, go home and drive carefully.
Aunque no creo que condujera en ese estado.Though I can't think she'd have driven anywhere in her state.
Así que servid, proteged y conducid con cuidado. Tienen que durar.So serve, protect, and drive careful.
De acuerdo, conducid con cuidado... y realmente rápido.Oh, okay, drive safe... and really fast.
Vale, conducid con calma.Okay, drive safe.
Y chicos, conducid con cuidado.And, boys, drive carefully.
" Sin embargo, uno de esos regazos Será conducido por un copiloto."However, one of those laps will be driven by a co-driver.
" usted ha conducido aquí, así que cállate. ""you have driven here so shut up."
"El carrito de golf era conducido por...""The golf cart was being driven by..."
"Estaran en el asiento del acompañante, mientras el coche es conducido por un piloto imparcial.""You will be in the passenger seat "while the car is driven by a tame racing driver. "
" He estado conduciendo 18 ruedas , siempre y cuando ... ''I've been driving 18-wheelers as long as... '
" puedo permitir un Hummer, estoy conduciendo lo mejor.""I can afford the Hummer, I'm driving the best."
"Estaba conduciendo por West Pender cuando este coche me cortó el paso."I was driving on West Pender
"James May conduciendo a través de su ciudad.""James May driving through your town."
"La próxima vez que la vea, espero estar conduciendo mi camión.""'Next time I run into her, "'I hope I'm driving a truck. "'
No conducí dos horas para ver un melodrama con tu ex novio.I didn't drive two hours to watch some psychodrama with your ex-boyfriend.
Quiero añadir, cuando conducí el coche, Veritas me dio una dirección mas rápida, con la que se hace mas fácil ir rápidoI should add, since I drove the car, Veritas have given it a faster steering rack, which should make it easier to drive quickly.
Yo nunca lo conducí.I just never drive it.
- Vosotros conducís.- You guys drive.
En el norte todos conducís camiones, ¿verdad?You're all lorry drivers up there in the North, aren't you?
Es para poner detrás De tu espalda cuando conducís.It's to put behind your back when you drive.
Matt, Dennis, Charlie, vosotros alquilais la furgoneta,la conducís hasta las casas de los ricos y les decís que recogéis la basura por una tarifa.Matt, Dennis, Charlie, you rent the van, you drive to rich people's homes, you tell them that you'll pick up the trash for a fee.
Sois vosotros los que conducís en el lado equivocado.It's you guys who drive on the wrong side.

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