Completar (to complete) conjugation

109 examples

Conjugation of completar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I complete
you complete
he/she/it completes
we complete
you all complete
they complete
Present perfect tense
he completado
I have completed
has completado
you have completed
ha completado
he/she/it has completed
hemos completado
we have completed
habéis completado
you all have completed
han completado
they have completed
Past preterite tense
I completed
you completed
he/she/it completed
we completed
you all completed
they completed
Future tense
I will complete
you will complete
he/she/it will complete
we will complete
you all will complete
they will complete
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would complete
you would complete
he/she/it would complete
we would complete
you all would complete
they would complete
Past imperfect tense
I used to complete
you used to complete
he/she/it used to complete
we used to complete
you all used to complete
they used to complete
Past perfect tense
había completado
I had completed
habías completado
you had completed
había completado
he/she/it had completed
habíamos completado
we had completed
habíais completado
you all had completed
habían completado
they had completed
Future perfect tense
habré completado
I will have completed
habrás completado
you will have completed
habrá completado
he/she/it will have completed
habremos completado
we will have completed
habréis completado
you all will have completed
habrán completado
they will have completed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I complete
(if/so that) you complete
(if/so that) he/she/it complete
(if/so that) we complete
(if/so that) you all complete
(if/so that) they complete
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya completado
I have completed
hayas completado
you have completed
haya completado
he/she/it has completed
hayamos completado
we have completed
hayáis completado
you all have completed
hayan completado
they have completed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have completed
(if/so that) you have completed
(if/so that) he/she/it have completed
(if/so that) we have completed
(if/so that) you all have completed
(if/so that) they have completed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have completed
(if/so that) you have completed
(if/so that) he/she/it have completed
(if/so that) we have completed
(if/so that) you all have completed
(if/so that) they have completed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera completado
I had completed
hubieras completado
you had completed
hubiera completado
he/she/it had completed
hubiéramos completado
we had completed
hubierais completado
you all had completed
hubieran completado
they had completed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese completado
I had completed
hubieses completado
you had completed
hubiese completado
he/she/it had completed
hubiésemos completado
we had completed
hubieseis completado
you all had completed
hubiesen completado
they had completed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have completed
(if/so that) you will have completed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have completed
(if/so that) we will have completed
(if/so that) you all will have completed
(if/so that) they will have completed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere completado
I will have completed
hubieres completado
you will have completed
hubiere completado
he/she/it will have completed
hubiéremos completado
we will have completed
hubiereis completado
you all will have completed
hubieren completado
they will have completed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's complete!
Imperative negative mood
no completes
do not complete!
no complete
let him/her/it complete!
no completemos
let us not complete!
no completéis
do not complete!
no completen
do not complete!

Examples of completar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"El no completar y presentar la documentación a término es una inmediata ofensa"."failure to complete and file paperwork "is an immediate sackable offence."
"Esperan completar su maratónico viaje en cinco meses, justo a tiempo para festejar los 30 años del juvenil Dr. Granados".They hope to complete their trip in a record time of five months, just in time to celebrate the 30th birthday of the youthful Dr. Granados
"Estoy aquí para completar los votos, que dejaste a medio camino..."I'm here to complete the vows you left half way..
"Incapaz de completar carreras de obstáculos "."Unable to complete obstacle courses."
"Me queda tan poco tiempo para completar mi historia... que es difícil escoger por dónde empezar. ""With so little time remaining to complete my story... "it is difficult to choose where to begin it.
"...y a las 8:30, un informe completo de la situación de surf".And then at 0830, I want a complete briefing on the whole surf situation."
"...y completo lo que falta a los sufrimientos de Cristo...""and in my flesh I complete what is lacking in Christ's afflictions
"Acabo de darle mis entradas a un completo desconocido,..""I've just given my tickets to a complete stranger"
"Agito la Tierra con ensordecedores truenos," "derribo los propios árboles y casas por completo""I shake the earth with booming thunder, fell forest whole and homes complete.
"Ahora sabíamos el número de dientes de todos los engranes, lo que antes era un completo misterio, y no se comprendía."'We knew now what all the numbers in the tooth counts were, 'which had been a complete mystery before, and not understood.
"Harman, tu me completas"'Harman, you complete me.'
"Más completas", ¿no?"You completely," right?
- Ella es una completas "Rain Man".She's a complete "Rain man".
- Ellas están tan completas en cuerpo como lo están en espíritu.They're as complete in body as they are in spirit.
- Me completas.- You complete me.
"Me completa" Eso es cruel."he completes me." That's mean.
- Con él se completa la compañía.This completes our company.
- Dile que te completa.Dave! - Now she completes you.
- Sí, madre, que me completa.Yes, Mother, it completes me.
A continuación se lava todo lo que hasta ahora ha tocado su cuerpo completa un libro de 200 páginas de crucigramas y mira 8 episodios de 'Ray Mears Extremes de supervivencia en una cinta de vídeo.Next he washes everything that has so far touched his body completes a 200-page book of bumper crosswords and watches 8 episodes of Ray Mears' Extreme Survival on video tape.
Ahora ya completamos los Rs. 150.000.Now we have the complete amount of 150,000
Ahora, vamos tomar los paquetes de reconocimiento, y completamos la misión.Now, let's get The survey packs, And complete the mission.
Ahora... al igual que la modesta oruga se convierte en la majestuosa mariposa, igual que la diminuta bellota se convierte en el poderoso roble, así también, nosotros completamos nuestra... metamorfosis.Okay. Now... As the lowly caterpillar becomes the majestic butterfly, as the tiny acorn becomes the mighty oak, so, too, do we complete our... metamorphosis.
Así que después de recoger el teléfono de Brick.... múltiples paradas para ir al baño... incluyendo una parada en la carretera donde no había baño... completamos el viaje de 42 minutos... en cinco horas.So after picking up Brick's phone... multiple bathroom breaks-- including one stretch of highway where there was no bathroom-- we completed the 42-minute drive... in five hours.
Así que si ponemos todos estos hechos juntos, y completamos el rompecabezas, de lo que la verdad a veces es, luego, sólo hay una conclusión.So if we put all these facts together and complete the puzzle, which is what the truth sometimes is, then there is only one conclusion.
"Ellos te completan"."They complete you."
'Hoy su viaje dará un paso más mientras completan un reto "Háganlo ustedes mismo" por la recompensa aquí en vuestro campamento.'Today your journey will go one step further as you complete a do it yourself reward challenge here at your camp.
- ¿Por qué ustedes no completan mi oración? - ¿Somos el equipo siete?Why don't you guys complete my sentence.
Al principio son blancas y blandas, pero antes del amanecer completan su transformación.At first they're white and soft, but they have until dawn to complete their transformation.
Así que me fui antes de que pudieran conseguirlo, y ahora no me queda tiempo porque después de la cosecha viene la siega, y si no completan la cosecha, no habrá siega.So I left before they could get it, and now they're running out of time because after the harvest comes the reaping, and if they don't complete the harvest, there won't be a reaping.
"Cuando completé el invento se me ocurrió, primero como un simple tema para la imaginación, después como un increíble proyecto, dar perpetua realidad a mi fantasía sentimental. ""When I completed my invention, it came to me first as a folly for the imagination, then as an incredible project, which gave a permanent reality to my sentimental fantasy."
"Hoy completé para vosotros vuestra Fe y me complazco en vosotros con el Islam como religión""This day I have perfected your religion for you and completed my favour to you and I have chosen for you Islam as your religion"
- Dicho eso... completé mis diagnósticos... en las funciones orgánicas de Gabriel... y determiné que el envenenamiento ocurrió... hace aproximadamente 15 días atrás.That said, I've completed my diagnostics on Gabriel's organ functions, and I've determined when the poisoning occurred-- approximately 15 days ago.
Al menos completé mi misiónAt least I completed my mission.
Anoche completé una misión.I completed a mission last night.
- Si estoy en lo cierto, completaste tu castigo esta semana.If i'm correct, you completed your detention this morning.
Ahora que completaste tu primera hora de vuelo ... vamos a ver cuánto tiempo tienes de vida.Nowthat you've completed yourfirst hour of flying... let'sjust see howmuch longeryou've got to live.
Amigo, nunca completaste una canción.Dude, you never even completed one song.
Así que completaste las pruebas escritas y psicológicasSo you completed the written and physical tests
Dime que completaste tu misión.Tell me, you've completed your assignment.
"El hombre, Michael Ellis, completó una condena de 15 años en prisión"The man, Michael Ellis, completed a 15-year prison sentence
"La sombra de la nieve" nunca se completó y jamás volvió a dirigir.Shadow Show was never completed, and he never directed a movie again.
"Según la delegación local del Almirantazgo, el Somerset completó con éxito su último viaje descargando melaza en Bristol.'According to the local Admiralty Office, the Somerset'successfully completed its last voyage, delivering molasses to Bristol.
- Pero completó todo el papeleo, ¿verdad?- But she completed all the paperwork?
- ¿Todavía no completó la misión?- He hasn't completed the mission yet?
(Locutor) Las mujeres completaron órdenes del equipo azul...(Announcer) The women completed the blue team's orders...
- Los equipos de cirugía se completaron.The surgery teams completed overnight.
- Los planes nunca se completaron.- The plans were never completed.
Ahora, si completaron correctamente todos los pasos anteriores naturalmente ella querrá llevar la relación al siguiente nivel pero no harán eso.Now, if you completed all the other steps properly up to this point, she'll naturally want to take the relationship to the next level, but you're not gonna do that.
Ahora, su ya completaron su venganza, entonces lo último es mas probable.Now, if they've completed their vendetta, then the latter is more likely.
Juro solemnemente que completaré los 25 eventos.I solemnly swear that I will complete all 25 of these events.
Lo completaré mañana y se lo llevaré.I will complete it tomorrow and bring it to you.
Pronto, Batman, completaré el ritual que nos conduzca a la Era del Caos.Soon, Batman, I will complete the ritual that ushers in the Age of Chaos.
Y pronto completaré mi super transmisor de microondas.So soon I will complete my Super Microwave Transmitter.
Únete a mí y completaré tu entrenamiento.Join me... and I will complete your training.
"Primero, completarás tu investigación. "'First, you will complete your research.'
Negociaciones que tú completarás.Negotiations that you will complete.
Si quieres sobrevivir, completarás tu tarea.If you want to survive, you will complete your task.
Tú completarás la colección.You will complete the set.
(traductor) La nación completará la ronda final de este conflicto.(translator) The nation will complete the final round of this conflict.
Con una promesa de 500 años, cuando caiga la oscuridad, ¡El espíritu de Vee completará la espada sagrada que nos liberará de las cadenas de la montaña sagrada!With a 500-year-old promise, when the darkness falls the spirit of Vee will complete the holy sword that will free us from the chains of Mt. Holy!
David la completará.David will complete it.
En que Dios, quien ha comenzado algo bueno en tu ser, ¡Lo completará!That God, who has begun a good thing in you will complete it!
Eso tan pequeño completará el cuadro.That little something that will complete the picture.
Ahora completaremos tu iniciación.Now we will complete your initiation.
Como nuestro maestro ordenó, completaremos esta misión.As our master commanded, we will complete the mission
Mis amigos, completaremos este proyecto a tiempo, ¡y lo haremos por Jenkins! - Por Jenkins.- My friends, we will complete this project on time, and we will do it for Jenkins!
No se estropeó nada, simplemente se prolongó, y ahora, con vuestra ayuda, completaremos la destrucción.Nothing is spoiled, merely prolonged, and now, with your help, we will complete the destruction.
Y hoy completaremos su viaje.And today we will complete his journey.
Con Bonito y Carnaval, la historia del jangadero completaría su trilogía latino-americana. Pero las actividades políticas de Jacaré eran causa de preocupación para el gobierno de Vargas.With 'Bonito' and 'Carnival' the Jangederos story would complete his Latin America trilogy... but Jacaré's political activities had made him a cause of concern for the Vargas governement.
Eso completaría el círculo.That would complete the circle.
Eso completaría nuestro sonido.That would complete our sound.
Qué divertido en realidad estaba pensando que lo que completaría esta experiencia sería congelarme con el agua de mar del compartimiento cantidades de agua ya que ahora la cosa de la implosión está fuera de cuestión.It's funny, because actually... I was just, you know, thinking, what would complete this experience? Would be... freezing cold sea water in the compartment, lots of it, and because now that the whole imploding thing is kind of off the table, drowning should really be brought back into the equation.
Sólo pensé que completaría el disfraz.I just thought it would complete the disguise.
"... tan pronto como la reparación de la red eléctrica se to when repairs to the electrical grid will be completed.
"Espero que con el dinero que le mando se complete el ajuar de Giuliana, y así tendremos menos preocupaciones en nuestra familia."I hope that with this money that I'm sending.. the trousseau for Giuliana is completed, and that we'll have less worries, we,.. as a family.
* You make my life complete* You make my life complete
* no estoy seguro de cómo va *but it´s sad and it´s sweet* pero es triste y dulce *and I knew it complete* y la sabía entera *when I wore a younger man´s clothes* cuando llevaba ropa de joven♪ "but it's sad and it's sweet ♪ ♪ "and I knew it complete ♪ ♪ when I wore a younger man's clothes" ♪
- ...pase de nuevo y complete su órbita.- to come around again and complete its orbit.
"Lara, te pido que completes mi tarea.So, Lara, I am asking you to complete my work.
- ¿ Y si necesito que me completes?And what if I need you to complete me?
-Que completes tu misión.- For you to complete your mission.
Angela, no completes el ciclo jettison.Angela, don't complete the jettison cycle.
Antes de que completes el personal de la campaña, Soy miembro de la Partido Político Negro...Before you completely staff up your campaign office, I'm a member of the Black Caucus...
Aplazaremos el resto de las preguntas hasta que completemos el examen de nuestra escena del crimen.We'll defer the rest of our questioning until we complete the examination of our crime scene.
Aprieta los dientes y aguanta hasta que completemos la misión.Grit your teeth, and endure until our mission is complete.
Cuando completemos la operación...When we complete the operation...
En cuanto completemos nuestro negocio, ella es suya.As soon as we complete our business, she's yours.
Entienda que cuando completemos la misión lo llevaremos a la Base Estelar 4 donde enfrentará cargos muy serios.You understand that when we complete our mission, we'll take you to starbase, where you'll face a very serious charge.
Antes de entrar aquí... y de empezar vuestro año, nuestro Consejo... os pide que completéis una tarea.Before you can enter our world and begin your year... our council has a small task for you to complete. You might call it a test.
Cuando completéis los siete círculos, estaréis casados oficialmente.When you complete the seven circles, you will be officially married.
Porque no es válido hasta que completéis la misión.'Cause it's not good until you complete the mission.
Un vez completéis ese puente, lo desmontaréis de nuevo y usaréis las tablas para resolver un rompecabezas. Las dos primeras personas en hacerlo continúan con vida en este juego y siguen su camino por conseguir volver y tener una oportunidad con el millón de dólares. La última persona en terminar está fuera para siempre.first to complete the puzzle of the two survive continue to fight opportunity to re-compete for millions of dollars on the journey people will never finalized out your time at the end of the game
Una vez completéis los entrenamientos, estarán por aquí con frecuencia.Once you complete your training you will be here frequently.
Al volver los vianos, habrá suficiente información para que usted y el Capitán completen los ajustes.Should the Vians return, there is sufficient data for you and the captain to complete the adjustments.
Apenas hayan aterrizado los aviones, cambiaremos el curso 60 grados SE... para cubrirnos del chubasco hasta que se completen las reparaciones.As soon as planes have landed, changing course 60 degrees southeast for cover of rain squall till repairs are completed.
Asegúrese de que sus droides completen su misión.See that your droids complete their mission.
Así que Cheesa es el número 11 en el equipo de Cee Lo dejando solo un total de seis lugares para que los entrenadores completen sus equipos.So, cheesa makes number 11 for team Cee Lo, leaving a total of only six open spots for the coaches to complete their teams.
Bueno, cuando completen la tarea, irán automaticamente a almacenarse.Well, when they complete the task, they go into storage automatically.
"Certifico que Holling Gustav Vincoeur ha completado los estudios necesarios para el equivalente de un diploma de Segunda Enseñanza en el estado de Alaska"."This certifies that Holling Gustav Vincoeur has completed all necessary work for the equivalent of a High School Diploma in the State of Alaska."
"Cualquier entrenamiento de emergencia para ser completado por un grupo... puede ser realizado en cualquiera de los locales operativos del gobierno, sin excluir a aquellos que podrían ser asimismo blancos de un ataque terrorista. ""Any emergency training to be completed by said group may be conducted "in any and all government owned and operated venues, "not excluding those which might, themselves,
"Es nuestro deber informarle que el Codicilo suyo ha sido completado y firmado y se hará efectivo a partir del 4 de noviembre de 2002.""This is to inform you the codicil to your will has been completed and signed and is effective as of November 4, 2002."
"Estimado representante de Vincent Chase tras tres años de tumulto, hemos completado lo que creo le parecerá una historia completa y atrapante de hombres en un viaje para salvarse de un infierno literal y emocional"."dear Vincent Chase's manager. After three years of turmoil we have completed what we think you'll find to be a complex and riveting tale of men on a journey to save themselves from a literalo ?"
"Para que el demonio para entrar en el huésped, los hititas creían tres etapas tuvo que ser completado. ""In order for the demon to enter the host, the Hittites believed three stages had to be completed."
- Sargento Gagárin, completando el entrenamiento de vuelo!- Sergeant Gagarin, completing flight training!
A menos que haya vuelto a casa a la soleada Manchester, de vuelta a donde empezó todo, completando el círculo.Unless he's come home to sunny Manchester, back to where it all started, completing the circle.
Ahora, Marcel dijo, que si perdiamos el amanecer no estariamos completando nuestro cursoNow, Marcel said if we miss that sunrise, we will not be completing our course.
Ahora, completando esta operación pasarás de recluta a agente de campo.Now, completing this op will move you from recruit to field agent.
Aquí Kirk. Estamos completando la órbita final de Ariannus.- We're completing the final orbit of Ariannus, sir.

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