Asignar (to assign) conjugation

90 examples

Conjugation of asignar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I assign
you assign
he/she/it assigns
we assign
you all assign
they assign
Present perfect tense
he asignado
I have assigned
has asignado
you have assigned
ha asignado
he/she/it has assigned
hemos asignado
we have assigned
habéis asignado
you all have assigned
han asignado
they have assigned
Past preterite tense
I assigned
you assigned
he/she/it assigned
we assigned
you all assigned
they assigned
Future tense
I will assign
you will assign
he/she/it will assign
we will assign
you all will assign
they will assign
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would assign
you would assign
he/she/it would assign
we would assign
you all would assign
they would assign
Past imperfect tense
I used to assign
you used to assign
he/she/it used to assign
we used to assign
you all used to assign
they used to assign
Past perfect tense
había asignado
I had assigned
habías asignado
you had assigned
había asignado
he/she/it had assigned
habíamos asignado
we had assigned
habíais asignado
you all had assigned
habían asignado
they had assigned
Future perfect tense
habré asignado
I will have assigned
habrás asignado
you will have assigned
habrá asignado
he/she/it will have assigned
habremos asignado
we will have assigned
habréis asignado
you all will have assigned
habrán asignado
they will have assigned
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I assign
(if/so that) you assign
(if/so that) he/she/it assign
(if/so that) we assign
(if/so that) you all assign
(if/so that) they assign
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya asignado
I have assigned
hayas asignado
you have assigned
haya asignado
he/she/it has assigned
hayamos asignado
we have assigned
hayáis asignado
you all have assigned
hayan asignado
they have assigned
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have assigned
(if/so that) you have assigned
(if/so that) he/she/it have assigned
(if/so that) we have assigned
(if/so that) you all have assigned
(if/so that) they have assigned
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have assigned
(if/so that) you have assigned
(if/so that) he/she/it have assigned
(if/so that) we have assigned
(if/so that) you all have assigned
(if/so that) they have assigned
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera asignado
I had assigned
hubieras asignado
you had assigned
hubiera asignado
he/she/it had assigned
hubiéramos asignado
we had assigned
hubierais asignado
you all had assigned
hubieran asignado
they had assigned
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese asignado
I had assigned
hubieses asignado
you had assigned
hubiese asignado
he/she/it had assigned
hubiésemos asignado
we had assigned
hubieseis asignado
you all had assigned
hubiesen asignado
they had assigned
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have assigned
(if/so that) you will have assigned
(if/so that) he/she/it will have assigned
(if/so that) we will have assigned
(if/so that) you all will have assigned
(if/so that) they will have assigned
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere asignado
I will have assigned
hubieres asignado
you will have assigned
hubiere asignado
he/she/it will have assigned
hubiéremos asignado
we will have assigned
hubiereis asignado
you all will have assigned
hubieren asignado
they will have assigned
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's assign!
Imperative negative mood
no asignes
do not assign!
no asigne
let him/her/it assign!
no asignemos
let us not assign!
no asignéis
do not assign!
no asignen
do not assign!

Examples of asignar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Ella creía en la rehabilitación y trataba de asignar a los imputados a programas carcelarios que podrían ayudarles a cambiar sus vidas.- She believed in rehabilitation and tried to assign defendants to prison programs that could help them turn their lives around.
- No cuando se refiere a asignar un equipo de seguridad, no lo eres.- Not when it comes to assigning a security detail, you're not.
A Shirley le gusta asignar casos a los brillantes. Yo soy brillante.Shirley likes to assign cases to the hot hand, and right now I'm hot.
Ah, leí el libro, Su Señoría, y dice claramente en la página 53, párrafo seis, que el sheriff tiene derecho a asignar salas y despachos a los jueces.Oh, I read the book, Your Honor, and it clearly states on Page 53, paragraph six, that the sheriff has the right to assign courtrooms and judges' chambers.
Al ritmo que va este tipo, tendremos que asignar más vigilancia.At the rate this guy's going, we're gonna have to assign another protection detail.
"Como albacea testamentario de Red Stevens... ejecuto y asigno por la presente... el control y dominio total a Jason Stevens... del resto del patrimonio de Red... incluyendo todas sus propiedades, su cartera de acciones... e inversiones en el extranjero... con un valor total de más de dos mil millones de dólares"."As executor of the estate of Red Stevens... "I hereby execute and otherwise assign... "complete and controlling interest to Jason Stevens...
- Bueno, a los nombres de todos los adultos... de Conneticut se les asigno un número al azar en este computador...- Well, the names of all adults... Of Connecticut were assigned a random number on this computer...
- Rios me asigno esto esta mañana.- Rios assigned it to me this morning.
- entonces, por eso nos asigno contigo.- So, that's why he assigned us to you.
Alan, te asigno a Lorraine como asistente... en tu caso contra la Junta Escolar.Alan, I'm assigning Lorraine to second chair you on your case against the school board.
- Y me asignas a la mujer del pato.Yes? And you assign me the duck lady.
Así es como asignas los casos.That's how you assign cases.
Así que mientras yo estoy ocupado con él, ¿por qué no asignas aSo while I'm busy with him, why don't you assign
Bueno, tomas la primer letra de cada nombre, le asignas un número, los juntas todos, y métetelo en el trasero!Well, you take the first letter from each name, assign it a number, add 'em all up, and shove it up your butt!
Contando este caso BB, es la segunda misión que asignas a Naomi.Following the B. B. case, this is the 2nd time you're assigning Naomi.
"Por la presente asigna todos los intereses en la voluntad de Edward M. Reed a Kate Reed.""Hereby assigns all the interests "in the will of Edward m. Reed.
Barb generalmente nos asigna nuestras tareas.Barb usually assigns us our duties.
Cuando tu supervisor te asigna un caso, no te quejas, lo tomas, él lo sabe.When your supervisor assigns you a case, you don't whine about it, you take it; he knows that.
De modo que el Comandante del Batallón nos asigna 35 prisioneros alemanes para usarlos como camilleros.So the battalion commander assigns us 35 German prisoners to use as litter bearers.
El Asignador asigna uno a cada paciente.The Allocator assigns one to every patient.
- Bien, una vez al año hacemos una lista de las 365 personas más influyentes en los medios de comunicación y asignamos a cada uno de ellos un día entero y rezamos por ellos.- Well, once a year we identify the 365 most influential people in media and we assign each of them a calendar day and we pray for them.
- Nunca asignamos hombres para...- We never assign men for--
...y asignamos a una agente para protegerlo....and assigned an agent to protect him.
- Se asignan al azar.- The leads are assigned randomly.
- Si me lo asignan, sí.- Um, if that's my assignment, yeah.
-Por tanto, la asistencia a los ancianos sirve a las familias, las viviendas municipales se asignan sólo a parejas casadas, o a mujeres solas con hijos a su cargo, duplicamos los impuestos a los locales nocturnos y, naturalmente, ayudas a familias numerosas.Families need assistance for the elderly, municipal housing assigned only to married couples, or single women with children, then taxes on night clubs and food stamps for large families.
A diferencia de los grandes simios, que asignan toda la crianza de sus hijos a las hembras, generalmente los seres humanos se emparejan para criar al joven.Freeman: Unlike the great apes, who assigned all child-rearing to females, human beings usually pair up to raise young.
A estas alturas, solo le asignan casos de mierda, porque tiene más de 70.She mostly gets garbage assignments now 'cause she's in her 70s.
- Le asigné ese hospital para protección personalizada.- I assigned him to that hospital protection detail.
- Le asigné una nota la semana pasada.Just a puff piece I had assigned him last week.
- Les asigné a Trish por el día de hoy.- You're assigned to Trish for the day
- ¿Qué? - Le asigné una misión tan importante para nuestro país que temo por la seguridad nacional si lo relevo de ella.- I've assigned him to a mission so important for our country that I fear for our national security if he was taken off it.
Al azar, les asigné los papeles, prisioneros o de guardias.I randomly assigned them roles of inmates and guards.
Es lo que me asignaste, ¿recuerdas?That's what you assigned me to do, remember?
Eso es solo porque tú nos asignaste a trabajar juntos.That's only because you assigned us to work on it together.
Incluso me asignaste el sector de búsqueda donde apareció el cuerpo de Malcolm.You even assigned me the search sector where Malcolm's body ended up.
La asignaste a seguirme.You assigned her to shadow me.
La asignaste como mí sombra.You assigned her to shadow me.
- Chen lo asignó a Morris.- Chen assigned him to Morris.
- Lo aceptó, se le asignó otro abogado.- He went for it. - He's been assigned another attorney.
- Me asignó el agente Doggett.- Agent Doggett assigned me, sir.
- ¿Quién los asignó?- Who assigned them?
- ¿Y qué es eso? - La enfermera que asignó a nuestros bebés había trabajado 48 horas seguidas.- The nurse assigned to our babies that night had worked 48 hours straight.
- Traje al ayudante que le asignasteis.I have brought the aide you assigned to him.
*Son mi tipo favorito* *eres la historia que nos asignaron y estamos encantados con ello*♪ are my favorite kind all: ♪ you're the story that we're glad we're assigned ♪
- A diferencia de ti, a mí me asignaron.- Unlike you, I was assigned. - Yeah?
- Aquí fue donde nos asignaron.- This is where they assigned us.
- Es la que me asignaron.- I was assigned this seat.
- Hace 6 años... cuando fui a la oficina de la CIA... ¿Por qué asignaron a Vaughn a mi caso?Six years ago, when I walked into that C.I.A. office, why was Vaughn assigned to my case?
O le asignaré a un pueblo que hará que Western Mass parezca París.Or I will assign you to a town that will make Western Mass feel like Paris.
Se lo asignaré a alguien.I will assign it to somebody.
Si no puede desempeñar este papel, se lo asignaré a La Forge. Le devolveré a su puesto de táctica y no se lo tome como un castigo, sino como un traspaso.If you cannot carry out this role, I will assign it to La Forge and return you to Tactical, recording it not as a reprimand, but as a transfer.
Si no, la asignaré yo.Or I will assign one.
Solo... te asignaré para vejigas impactadas durante un mesJust... I will assign you to impacted bowels for a month.
Con la esperanza de que la gestión asignará a otra persona para servir como el objeto de su afecto.Hoping that Management will assign someone else to serve as the object of your affection.
División asignará al más adecuado.Don't worry about it. I promise you Division will assign the right man for the job.
El JAG le asignará a alguien de oficio.JAG will assign someone to you for free.
El director de la torre les asignará a los guardagujas sus puestos.The tower director will assign the switchmen to their posts.
Entonces puede llamar al abogado que desee o la JAG le asignará uno de oficio.Then you can have the lawyer of your choice or JAG will assign one to you.
Les asignaremos un árbol, en Nochebuena - junto con la colecta de juguetes- y se iluminará a todos los árboles y entonces la noche terminará a las siete, con la decisión del juez.We will assign you a tree and then on Christmas Eve - along with the toy drive - we will light up all of the trees and then the night will end at seven o'clock with the judging.
Harris y Cotelli asignarán los equipos.Harris and Cotelli will assign teams.
Hoy, pruebas de aptitud basadas en su personalidad los asignarán a una facción.Today, aptitude testing based on your personality will assign you to one of the factions.
Le asignarán peso a una persona de la tribu contraria.You will assign weight to one person to the opposing tribe.
"Y será confinado en la casa de su orden "que le asigne el Santo Oficio,...that he be confined to the college of the order assigned him by the Holy Office.
- Dile que les asigne las tareas para mañana.Come this way, please. Tell him to give them their assignments for tomorrow.
- Estoy listo para lo que me asigne.- I'm ready for any assignment you have for me, General.
- Se llevará a quien asigne yo.- You'll take along who I assign.
- y te los asigne.- and assign them to you.
Quiero que asignes un equipo para repararlo.I want you to assign a team to repair it.
Quiero que asignes un equipo que haga una investigación sobre Will.I want you to assign a team to do opposition research on Will.
Comandante Axe, cuando nosotros reformulamos esta pregunta, estoy obligado a preguntarle si desearía que le asignemos un abogado militar.Commander Axe, as we reconvene this inquiry, I am obliged to ask you if you would like us to assign you a military lawyer.
Creo que tendremos la respuesta a esa pregunta... cuando le asignemos cien agentes al caso.I think we answered that question when we assigned a hundred agents to the case.
Pero podrían fácilmente representar cualquier valor que le asignemos.But they could easily represent any values we assign to them.
Seguirá aquí como camarero hasta que le asignemos otro cometido.You will continue here as a waiter until, we can get you through to your new assignment.
¿Está sugiriendo que asignemos este trabajo a personal menos calificado?Are you suggesting we assign this job to inferior personnel?
- Espera que le asignen en el Vaticano.- Hopes to be assigned to the Vatican.
Aprecio mucho... que intentes enseñarme todo esto, que hayas hecho que me asignen y eso...I really appreciate you trying to teach me all this, getting me assigned and every...
Bueno, asignen todos los agentes las 24 horas del día.Well, assign_BAR_every available agent_BAR_around the clock.
Chelsea ¿has olvidado que te estoy llevando al juzgado para que te asignen tu número de identificación?Chelsea, did you forget I'm driving you to the courthouse for your dui assignment?
Cualquier abogado al que le asignen este caso con solo dos semanas, lo dejaría todo.Any lawyer who got assigned this case with only two weeks to go would drop the whole thing.
"Cada estudiante tendrá asignado un estado diferente."Each student will be assigned a different state.
"Cuando vio la mirada del hombre, la rata supo que se le había asignado una forma de morir.""Meeting the man's eyes, the rat knew it had been assigned a kind of death."
"El objetivo del juego es eliminar su objetivo asignado".The object of the game is to eliminate your assigned target.
"Equipo de Investigación", ¿asignado a Tannai?"Investigation Team, assigned to Tannai"?
"Madison debe ser ya asignado a una unidad de demolición.""I want Madison immediately assigned to a demolition unit."
Como si su trabajo todavía sería leído si él... no lo hubiera estado asignando para los universitarios.- As if his work would still be read if he hadn't been assigning it to undergrads.
Coronel Lake, la estoy asignando de vuelta al Skydiver.Colonel Lake, I'm assigning you back on Skydiver.
El fondo opera con gran hermetismo asignando poderes extremos a sus miembros.The fund operates with great secrecy assigning extreme powers to its members.
Estamos asignando papeles.We're just assigning roles.
Estamos asignando valores numéricos a ciertos eventos en su vida.We're assigning numerical values to certain events in her life.

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