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Strike down (to ) conjugation

40 examples
This verb can also mean the following: cause, knock, cause to suddenly die, invalidate, pulp fiction, knock down

Conjugation of strike down

you all
Present Simple
strike down
strike down
strikes down
strike down
strike down
strike down
Future Simple
will strike down
will strike down
will strike down
will strike down
will strike down
will strike down
Past Simple
struck down
struck down
struck down
struck down
struck down
struck down
Conditional Simple
would strike down
would strike down
would strike down
would strike down
would strike down
would strike down
you all
Present Progressive
am striking down
are striking down
is striking down
are striking down
are striking down
are striking down
Future Progressive
will be striking down
will be striking down
will be striking down
will be striking down
will be striking down
will be striking down
Past Progressive
was striking down
were striking down
was striking down
were striking down
were striking down
were striking down
Conditional Progressive
would be striking down
would be striking down
would be striking down
would be striking down
would be striking down
would be striking down
you all
Present Perfect
have struck down
have struck down
has struck down
have struck down
have struck down
have struck down
Future Perfect
will have struck down
will have struck down
will have struck down
will have struck down
will have struck down
will have struck down
Past Perfect
had struck down
had struck down
had struck down
had struck down
had struck down
had struck down
Conditional Perfect
would have struck down
would have struck down
would have struck down
would have struck down
would have struck down
would have struck down
Present Perfect Progressive
have been striking down
have been striking down
has been striking down
have been striking down
have been striking down
have been striking down
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been striking down
will have been striking down
will have been striking down
will have been striking down
will have been striking down
will have been striking down
Past Perfect Progressive
had been striking down
had been striking down
had been striking down
had been striking down
had been striking down
had been striking down
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been striking down
would have been striking down
would have been striking down
would have been striking down
would have been striking down
would have been striking down

Examples of strike down

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"He is very offended, and ready to strike down upon you!"
"He said, 'I will strike down upon them with great vengeance and furious anger... those who attempt to poison and destroy thy brothers.'"
"I will strike down with furious vengeance"
"Now, the NAACP made a decision to strike down segregation.
"Or I shall strike down those dearest to you.
"He is very offended, and ready to strike down upon you!"
"He said, 'I will strike down upon them with great vengeance and furious anger... those who attempt to poison and destroy thy brothers.'"
"I will strike down with furious vengeance"
"Now, the NAACP made a decision to strike down segregation.
"Or I shall strike down those dearest to you.
Fate strikes down your torturers You should be glad.
He strikes down the enemy and blows the trumpet.
He strikes down them that have blood on their hands.
He who strikes down the grocery goblin who jacks up prices.
It took me nine moons to recover and all for this lunacy called love this mad distemper, that strikes down both beggar and king.
Fate strikes down your torturers You should be glad.
He strikes down the enemy and blows the trumpet.
He strikes down them that have blood on their hands.
He who strikes down the grocery goblin who jacks up prices.
It took me nine moons to recover and all for this lunacy called love this mad distemper, that strikes down both beggar and king.
And the gods have punished me by striking down my father.
And ultimately depicts it as a deadly device capable of striking down anyone who does not follow God's rules.
God is striking down all who have fallen off the paths of righteousness!
He cleaned this ... after striking down ... his victim.
He's striking down gay marriage bans, she's defending him.
"All who gaze on the face of the Mayan king shall be struck down by his wrath."
"But there is a sadder experience, "that of the gallant hero struck down in the hour of... "..hour of victory."
"Joe Carmichael, their son, at age three was struck down by atrophic arthritis--"
"The architects of human extinction must be struck down"
"The architects of human extinction must be struck down."
And the gods have punished me by striking down my father.
And ultimately depicts it as a deadly device capable of striking down anyone who does not follow God's rules.
God is striking down all who have fallen off the paths of righteousness!
He cleaned this ... after striking down ... his victim.
He's striking down gay marriage bans, she's defending him.
"All who gaze on the face of the Mayan king shall be struck down by his wrath."
"But there is a sadder experience, "that of the gallant hero struck down in the hour of... "..hour of victory."
"Joe Carmichael, their son, at age three was struck down by atrophic arthritis--"
"The architects of human extinction must be struck down"
"The architects of human extinction must be struck down."

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