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Stitch up (to ) conjugation

38 examples
This verb can also mean the following: close, close by sewing, set up a person

Conjugation of stitch up

you all
Present Simple
stitch up
stitch up
stitches up
stitch up
stitch up
stitch up
Future Simple
will stitch up
will stitch up
will stitch up
will stitch up
will stitch up
will stitch up
Past Simple
stitched up
stitched up
stitched up
stitched up
stitched up
stitched up
Conditional Simple
would stitch up
would stitch up
would stitch up
would stitch up
would stitch up
would stitch up
you all
Present Progressive
am stitching up
are stitching up
is stitching up
are stitching up
are stitching up
are stitching up
Future Progressive
will be stitching up
will be stitching up
will be stitching up
will be stitching up
will be stitching up
will be stitching up
Past Progressive
was stitching up
were stitching up
was stitching up
were stitching up
were stitching up
were stitching up
Conditional Progressive
would be stitching up
would be stitching up
would be stitching up
would be stitching up
would be stitching up
would be stitching up
you all
Present Perfect
have stitched up
have stitched up
has stitched up
have stitched up
have stitched up
have stitched up
Future Perfect
will have stitched up
will have stitched up
will have stitched up
will have stitched up
will have stitched up
will have stitched up
Past Perfect
had stitched up
had stitched up
had stitched up
had stitched up
had stitched up
had stitched up
Conditional Perfect
would have stitched up
would have stitched up
would have stitched up
would have stitched up
would have stitched up
would have stitched up
Present Perfect Progressive
have been stitching up
have been stitching up
has been stitching up
have been stitching up
have been stitching up
have been stitching up
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been stitching up
will have been stitching up
will have been stitching up
will have been stitching up
will have been stitching up
will have been stitching up
Past Perfect Progressive
had been stitching up
had been stitching up
had been stitching up
had been stitching up
had been stitching up
had been stitching up
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been stitching up
would have been stitching up
would have been stitching up
would have been stitching up
would have been stitching up
would have been stitching up

Examples of stitch up

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
- An amateur will stitch up a professional.
- I can stitch up your cervix.
...stitch up her eyes, sew her mouth shut.
And at one point, Gunny Mullin wanted to stitch up a couple of hadjis 'cause they kept, like, driving back and forth in front of us, but the call never came.
By the same token, the criminal needs the drug squad... to have the inclination to continue helping them perpetrate Step 3, so, every now and then, a big chimp will stitch up a little monkey.
- An amateur will stitch up a professional.
- I can stitch up your cervix.
...stitch up her eyes, sew her mouth shut.
And at one point, Gunny Mullin wanted to stitch up a couple of hadjis 'cause they kept, like, driving back and forth in front of us, but the call never came.
By the same token, the criminal needs the drug squad... to have the inclination to continue helping them perpetrate Step 3, so, every now and then, a big chimp will stitch up a little monkey.
Even when you've got your legs up in stirrups and 3,000 stitches up your...
If you refuse or don't answer she stitches up your mouth.
Of course, it not being a tailor's shop any more rather stitches up our inquiry.
Yeah, yeah, I tore some stitches up in gym.
Even when you've got your legs up in stirrups and 3,000 stitches up your...
If you refuse or don't answer she stitches up your mouth.
Of course, it not being a tailor's shop any more rather stitches up our inquiry.
Yeah, yeah, I tore some stitches up in gym.
'The eyelid seems stitched up, the nose broken, 'the mouth painted or transplanted.
* I was stitched up by the hands of fate said *
- Getting stitched up, for Pete's sake.
- No, you gotta get that stitched up.
- Not you. You need to be stitched up.
- I-I was stitching up nosedive.- nosedive?
A doctor? The doctor's busy stitching up Greene!
And I am stitching up your body like a seamstress, A lovely criss-cross pattern - sleep, my princess!
And he volunteers at Harlem Hospital Center, stitching up Negro children.
And they're stitching up the other one right now.
'The eyelid seems stitched up, the nose broken, 'the mouth painted or transplanted.
* I was stitched up by the hands of fate said *
- Getting stitched up, for Pete's sake.
- No, you gotta get that stitched up.
- Not you. You need to be stitched up.
- I-I was stitching up nosedive.- nosedive?
A doctor? The doctor's busy stitching up Greene!
And I am stitching up your body like a seamstress, A lovely criss-cross pattern - sleep, my princess!
And he volunteers at Harlem Hospital Center, stitching up Negro children.
And they're stitching up the other one right now.

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