"... but" there's a lot of other people out there who look up to you. | |
"Because the truth is that most of the time,I look up to her. | |
"Everything they possess is on loan, still they look up to date." | |
"I look up to you... because you let me down." | |
"So do not look up to me, my friend, for now I realise That growing up is nothing more than knowing your own size." | |
"... but" there's a lot of other people out there who look up to you. | |
"Because the truth is that most of the time,I look up to her. | |
"Everything they possess is on loan, still they look up to date." | |
"I look up to you... because you let me down." | |
"So do not look up to me, my friend, for now I realise That growing up is nothing more than knowing your own size." | |
"Nothing bothers Ozone. "Everybody always looks up to Ozone. He knows everything." | |
# And one stands in front of her house, # looks up to her windows, # and one sighs heavily and wanders up and down # in front of the window. | |
# When she looks up to me | |
- But he looks up to you. | |
- Fine. You see how he looks up to Jessie. | |
"Nothing bothers Ozone. "Everybody always looks up to Ozone. He knows everything." | |
# And one stands in front of her house, # looks up to her windows, # and one sighs heavily and wanders up and down # in front of the window. | |
# When she looks up to me | |
- But he looks up to you. | |
- Fine. You see how he looks up to Jessie. | |
"The shy, talented vampire looked up to his centuries-old mentor. | |
"Your daughter Elizabeth, it is presumed, will not long bear the name of Bennet," "after her elder sister has resigned it, and the chosen partner of her fate" "may be reasonably looked up to as one of the most illustrious personages in the land." | |
"may be reasonably looked up to as one of "the most illustrious personages in the land." | |
# You used to be the one # # That we looked up to # | |
# You used to be the one that we looked up to # | |
"You clown! Quit looking up to the sky and get back to your books!" | |
(Ray) Voros was in the middle of a crop circle looking up to the heavens hoping for some sort of close encounter, probably. | |
- I mean pretty soon, you could be managing thousands of employees who are all looking up to you. | |
- People looking up to me. | |
- So,ozzy,we're looking up to you right now. | |
"The shy, talented vampire looked up to his centuries-old mentor. | |
"Your daughter Elizabeth, it is presumed, will not long bear the name of Bennet," "after her elder sister has resigned it, and the chosen partner of her fate" "may be reasonably looked up to as one of the most illustrious personages in the land." | |
"may be reasonably looked up to as one of "the most illustrious personages in the land." | |
# You used to be the one # # That we looked up to # | |
# You used to be the one that we looked up to # | |
"You clown! Quit looking up to the sky and get back to your books!" | |
(Ray) Voros was in the middle of a crop circle looking up to the heavens hoping for some sort of close encounter, probably. | |
- I mean pretty soon, you could be managing thousands of employees who are all looking up to you. | |
- People looking up to me. | |
- So,ozzy,we're looking up to you right now. | |