Rerouter (to reroute) conjugation

4 examples

Conjugation of rerouter

Present tense
je reroute
I reroute
tu reroutes
you reroute
il/elle/on reroute
he/she/it reroutes
nous reroutons
we reroute
vous reroutez
you all reroute
ils/elles reroutent
they reroute
Present perfect tense
j’ai rerouté
I rerouted
tu as rerouté
you rerouted
il/elle/on a rerouté
he/she/it rerouted
nous avons rerouté
we rerouted
vous avez rerouté
you all rerouted
ils/elles ont rerouté
they rerouted
Past impf. tense
je reroutais
I was rerouting
tu reroutais
you were rerouting
il/elle/on reroutait
he/she/it was rerouting
nous reroutions
we were rerouting
vous reroutiez
you all were rerouting
ils/elles reroutaient
they were rerouting
Future tense
je rerouterai
I will reroute
tu rerouteras
you will reroute
il/elle/on reroutera
he/she/it will reroute
nous rerouterons
we will reroute
vous rerouterez
you all will reroute
ils/elles rerouteront
they will reroute
Past perfect tense
j’avais rerouté
I had rerouted
tu avais rerouté
you had rerouted
il/elle/on avait rerouté
he/she/it had rerouted
nous avions rerouté
we had rerouted
vous aviez rerouté
you all had rerouted
ils/elles avaient rerouté
they had rerouted
Past preterite tense
je reroutai
I rerouted
tu reroutas
you rerouted
il/elle/on rerouta
he/she/it rerouted
nous reroutâmes
we rerouted
vous reroutâtes
you all rerouted
ils/elles reroutèrent
they rerouted
Past anterior tense
j’eus rerouté
I had rerouted
tu eus rerouté
you had rerouted
il/elle/on eut rerouté
he/she/it had rerouted
nous eûmes rerouté
we had rerouted
vous eûtes rerouté
you all had rerouted
ils/elles eurent rerouté
they had rerouted
Future perfect tense
j’aurai rerouté
I will have rerouted
tu auras rerouté
you will have rerouted
il/elle/on aura rerouté
he/she/it will have rerouted
nous aurons rerouté
we will have rerouted
vous aurez rerouté
you all will have rerouted
ils/elles auront rerouté
they will have rerouted
Present subjunctive tense
que je reroute
that I reroute
que tu reroutes
that you reroute
qu’il/elle/on reroute
that he/she/it reroute
que nous reroutions
that we reroute
que vous reroutiez
that you all reroute
qu’ils/elles reroutent
that they reroute
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie rerouté
that I have rerouted
que tu aies rerouté
that you have rerouted
qu’il/elle/on ait rerouté
that he/she/it have rerouted
que nous ayons rerouté
that we have rerouted
que vous ayez rerouté
that you all have rerouted
qu’ils/elles aient rerouté
that they have rerouted
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je reroutasse
that I would reroute
que tu reroutasses
that you would reroute
qu’il/elle/on reroutât
that he/she/it would reroute
que nous reroutassions
that we would reroute
que vous reroutassiez
that you all would reroute
qu’ils/elles reroutassent
that they would reroute
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse rerouté
that I had rerouted
que tu eusses rerouté
that you had rerouted
qu’il/elle/on eût rerouté
that he/she/it had rerouted
que nous eussions rerouté
that we had rerouted
que vous eussiez rerouté
that you all had rerouted
qu’ils/elles eussent rerouté
that they had rerouted
Conditional mood
je rerouterais
I would reroute
tu rerouterais
you would reroute
il/elle/on rerouterait
he/she/it would reroute
nous rerouterions
we would reroute
vous rerouteriez
you all would reroute
ils/elles rerouteraient
they would reroute
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais rerouté
I would have rerouted
tu aurais rerouté
you would have rerouted
il/elle/on aurait rerouté
he/she/it would have rerouted
nous aurions rerouté
we would have rerouted
vous auriez rerouté
you all would have rerouted
ils/elles auraient rerouté
they would have rerouted
Imperative mood
let's reroute!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie rerouté
have rerouted
ayons rerouté
let's have rerouted
ayez rerouté
have rerouted

Examples of rerouter

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Cela ne devrait pas prendre plus de quelques minutes pour le rerouter vers toi.Shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes to have it rerouted to your location.
Si je te donne accès au serveur, peux tu rerouter le traqueur ?If I gave you access to the server, could you reroute tracker control?
Il faut que je remplace le câble HDMI et reroute les éléments.Need to replace the hdmi and reroute the components.
♪ from the bottom, we packed up and reroute ♪♪ from the bottom, we packed up and reroute ♪

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