Hankimme sohvan tilalle hyperbolisen lepokammion. | What do you mean- -I say we get rid of this couch, and buy a hyperbolic resting chamber like normal beings have. |
Muistan yhä, miten kysyit mielipidettäni- - Taylorin hyperbolisen kosinin jäännöstermin suhteen. | You know, I still remember the time when you asked me for, um, an estimate on the remainder term for a Taylor expansion of the hyperbolic cosine. |
Käännä voimat ja siirry hyperboliseen väistöön. | Divert all power to starboard engine and plot a hyperbolic fly-by. |
Se ei liikkunut asteroidimaisessa ellipsissä. Sen kiertorata oli hyperbolinen, ja se liikkui aurinkokuntamme läpi. | It was notable for the fact that it was not moving in an asteroidal ellipse, but rather, it had a hyperbolic orbit and was shooting through our solar system. |