Razonar (to reason) conjugation

77 examples

Conjugation of razonar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I reason
you reason
he/she/it reasons
we reason
you all reason
they reason
Present perfect tense
he razonado
I have reasoned
has razonado
you have reasoned
ha razonado
he/she/it has reasoned
hemos razonado
we have reasoned
habéis razonado
you all have reasoned
han razonado
they have reasoned
Past preterite tense
I reasoned
you reasoned
he/she/it reasoned
we reasoned
you all reasoned
they reasoned
Future tense
I will reason
you will reason
he/she/it will reason
we will reason
you all will reason
they will reason
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would reason
you would reason
he/she/it would reason
we would reason
you all would reason
they would reason
Past imperfect tense
I used to reason
you used to reason
he/she/it used to reason
we used to reason
you all used to reason
they used to reason
Past perfect tense
había razonado
I had reasoned
habías razonado
you had reasoned
había razonado
he/she/it had reasoned
habíamos razonado
we had reasoned
habíais razonado
you all had reasoned
habían razonado
they had reasoned
Future perfect tense
habré razonado
I will have reasoned
habrás razonado
you will have reasoned
habrá razonado
he/she/it will have reasoned
habremos razonado
we will have reasoned
habréis razonado
you all will have reasoned
habrán razonado
they will have reasoned
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I reason
(if/so that) you reason
(if/so that) he/she/it reason
(if/so that) we reason
(if/so that) you all reason
(if/so that) they reason
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya razonado
I have reasoned
hayas razonado
you have reasoned
haya razonado
he/she/it has reasoned
hayamos razonado
we have reasoned
hayáis razonado
you all have reasoned
hayan razonado
they have reasoned
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have reasoned
(if/so that) you have reasoned
(if/so that) he/she/it have reasoned
(if/so that) we have reasoned
(if/so that) you all have reasoned
(if/so that) they have reasoned
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have reasoned
(if/so that) you have reasoned
(if/so that) he/she/it have reasoned
(if/so that) we have reasoned
(if/so that) you all have reasoned
(if/so that) they have reasoned
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera razonado
I had reasoned
hubieras razonado
you had reasoned
hubiera razonado
he/she/it had reasoned
hubiéramos razonado
we had reasoned
hubierais razonado
you all had reasoned
hubieran razonado
they had reasoned
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese razonado
I had reasoned
hubieses razonado
you had reasoned
hubiese razonado
he/she/it had reasoned
hubiésemos razonado
we had reasoned
hubieseis razonado
you all had reasoned
hubiesen razonado
they had reasoned
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have reasoned
(if/so that) you will have reasoned
(if/so that) he/she/it will have reasoned
(if/so that) we will have reasoned
(if/so that) you all will have reasoned
(if/so that) they will have reasoned
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere razonado
I will have reasoned
hubieres razonado
you will have reasoned
hubiere razonado
he/she/it will have reasoned
hubiéremos razonado
we will have reasoned
hubiereis razonado
you all will have reasoned
hubieren razonado
they will have reasoned
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's reason!
Imperative negative mood
no razones
do not reason!
no razone
let him/her/it reason!
no razonemos
let us not reason!
no razonéis
do not reason!
no razonen
do not reason!

Examples of razonar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
" La suya no crea respuesta, Lo suyo no es razonar por qué,"Theirs not to make reply, Theirs not to reason why,
"Akshay, traté de razonar,"Akshay, I tried hard to reason.
"Es difícil razonar con él""It's difficult to reason with it"
"Es imposible razonar con una persona irrazonable"."It's impossible to reason with an unreasonable person."
"No debes razonar...""Theirs not to reason why..."
Dígame si usted cree que razono como un ladrón.Please tell me if you think I reason like a thief.
Eh...¡Me comunico muy bien, no estoy paranoico, ...no practico actos extraños ¡razono perfectamente!I'm talking, not paranoid, not acting strangely... I have all my reason.
Los celos y la desilusión amorosa me han partido el alma y ya no razono.Jealous madness, love deceived, ravaged my soul, destroyed my reason.
No me vengas con esas cosas Yo razono, pero... si no me lo quitan de las manos, lo destrozo.I reason but... heh... if they didn't take him away I would really have strangled him
No, razono, y razono muy bien.- No, I reason and reason fine.
, esos proscritos fueron desterrados por algo, Jacob... tu no razonas con basura como esa.No! These outcasts were banished for cause, Jacob. You don't reason with trash like that.
Ahora razonas como una mujer, como una tonta.Now you reason like a woman, foolishly.
Ahora, ahora ¿qué te parece si lo razonas un poc...Now, now, what you say we just be reasonable here...
Bien, veo que razonas.Good, you're seeing reason.
Déjame escuchar cómo razonas.Let's hear how you reason.
Bueno, te puedo dar un bro - Zilian razona por qué.Well, I can give you a bro-zilian reasons why.
El hombre que habla, el hombre que razona, el hombre que miente, va a encontrase con su respuesta perfecta.The man who talks, the man who reasons, the man who lies will meet the perfect answer.
Madre, no hables así, razona.Mother, do not talk like he reasons.
Pero razona un poco, Genny.But some reasons, Genny.
Quien razona no puede creer en Dios.Someone who reasons can't believe in God.
100.000 millones de neuronas en constante comunicación sináptica destinadas a generar y regular nuestras sensaciones y percepciones cómo razonamos, cómo pensamos las emociones, las representaciones mentales la atención, el aprendizaje, la memoria.100,000 million neurons in constant synaptic communication geared to generating and regulating our sensations and perceptions. How we reason, how we think, our emotions, our mental images, our attention span, learning, memory.
Ahora por favor, ¿por qué no nos sentamos y razonamos un poco sobre esto?Now, please, why don't we sit down and reason this thing together?
Lo razonamos... Oré por el durante toda su enfermedad ... Y, finalmente, él pidió ser confesado.I reasoned with him... and prayed for him for weeks while he was ill... and eventually he asked to be confessed.
Mientras razonamos aquí, puede ganarse o perderse una batalla.While we reason here, a royal battle might be won and lost.
No somos esclavos de nuestros instintos. Como seres humanos, aprendemos, razonamos y elegimos.As human beings we learn, we reason and we choose.
Vos razonáis más que los demás, espero más de vos.You have more reason than the rest.
Ellos no razonan usando la razón permitir que el conocimiento acabe, en aquello que no puede entenderseThey do not reason by using reason. To let understanding stop at what cannot be understood is a high attainment.
Ellos siempre razonan así por coincidencia, sus conclusiones inevitables.They always reason so as to match their foregone conclusions.
Esto son máquinas, no son hombres que razonan.Those are machines, not reasoning men.
Los animales no razonan.Animals can't reason.
Muéstrenme cómo razonan.Show me how you reason.
Cuando razoné que la Urraca sólo estaría cotizando en huesos de especies que eran raras o extintas, rápidamente desarrollé una teoría sobre lo que significaba.When I reasoned that the Magpie would only be trading in bones of species which were rare or extinct, I quickly developed a theory as to what it meant.
De ahí razoné que la víctima no usó un cortacigarros, sino sus dientes.From that I reasoned that the victim did not use a cigar-cutter, but his teeth.
Me di cuenta de la distancia entre las tapas de alcantarilla... razoné que debe haber una... directamente bajo la plataforma de guillotina... tomé nota de la tabla suelta bajo los aros... calculado el ángulo en que el sol poniente... le rebotan las gafas... momentáneamente cegadora verdugo... y eligí ese momento para birlar melón del verdugo... darme el peso añadido para inclinar las tablas, facilitar mi salida.I noticed the distance between the sewer lids... reasoned that there must be one directly under the guillotine platform... noted the loose board under the basket... computed the angle at which the setting sun would bounce off your glasses... momentarily blinding the executioner... and chose that moment to swipe the executioner's melon... giving me the added weight to tip the boards, facilitating my exit.
Sí, pero razoné que el impacto acumulado en ello se reduciría si fuera simultánea en lugar de escalonada.Yes, but I reasoned that the cumulative impact on them would be reduced if it were simultaneous rather than staggered.
Yo razoné con ella, Pero ella se siente él vendrá algún día, no pude ayudarlaI reasoned with her. But she feels he'll come someday. Can't help it.
Aunque poco convencional, Emerson razonó que de todas formas seguía vigilando mucho a Emily.While unconventional, Emerson reasoned he was still very much keeping an eye on Emily.
EL amigo, mentor y astrónomo colega de Digges, un hombre llamado John Dee, razonó con él que este fenómeno podía tratarse de una estrella en movimiento, algo que antes se pensaba que era imposible.Digges' friend, mentor and fellow astronomer, a man named John Dee, reasoned with him that this phenomenon could be a moving star, something previously thought to have been impossible.
El juez lo razonó.The judge reasoned us.
El razonó que si no puedes ver el fondo, no habría forma de saber que la bola y las plumas están siendo aceleradas hacia la Tierra.He reasoned that if you couldn't see the background, there'd be no way of knowing that the ball and the feathers were being accelerated towards the earth.
Es absolutamente increíble cuando se piensa... que este cerebro una vez pensó, razonó.It is utterly unbelievable when you think that this brain once thought, it reasoned.
Cuando los vulcanos adoptaron la lógica... razonaron que debían conservar las pruebas de coraje y fortaleza... para evitar que la lógica pura los volviera débiles e indefensos.When Vulcans turned to logic, they reasoned they must maintain the tests of courage and strength to keep pure logic from making them weak and helpless.
Los físicos de partículas razonaron que si rebobinamos la película cósmica hasta unos momentos antes del Big Bang, hace unos 14.000 millones de años, cuando el Universo era trillones de veces más caliente, las partículas portadoras para el electromagnetismo y la fuerza nuclear débil habrían sido indistinguibles.Particle physicists reasoned that if we rewind the cosmic film to the moments just after the Big Bang, some 14 billion years ago when the universe was trillions of degrees hotter, the messenger particles for electromagnetism and the weak force would have been indistinguishable.
Otros estimaron el tamaño de la Tierra y la Luna y la distancia entre ellos, y razonaron que ambas debían ser esferas.Others estimated the sizes of the Earth and the moon and the distances between them, and reasoned both were spheres.
Y si esto es verdadero para un agujero negro, razonaron, que probablemente es cierto para cualquier región del espacio.And if this is true for a black hole, they reasoned, it's probably true for any region in space.
Él y Julien razonaron juntos.He and Julien reasoned together.
Y cuando los hombres del Patrón Trelawney vuelvan, razonaré con él.And when Squire Trelawney's men comes again, I will reason with him.
lré a hablarle, razonaré con él.l will go to him. l will reason with him.
"Señor, razone con ella""Sir, reason with her"
Debe decidir, Wyatt, o si no, razone con nosotros.Decide you must, Wyatt or else reason with us.
Dejemos que McCoy razone con él.Let McCoy reason with him...
Estoy encantado de ofrecerle una sesión privada si quiere que razone con él.I'd be happy to offer a private session if you'd like me to reason with him.
Para mí, el libro del Presidente es un ejercicio diario... para que la gente piense, razone... y así pueda cambiar su vida para mejor.In my own opinion, the chairman's book is only a form of daily exercise— to help people to think, to reason... and therefore to change their lives for the better.
! - Por razones secretas, Pilaf.- For secret principal reasons, Pilaf!
! Aqui vienen las razones!Here comes reason!
" Si te doy todas las razones de la separación,"If I gave you all the reasons for the separation,
"'como si tuvieran razones sociológicas válidas para lo que hacen."having valid sociological reasons for what they do.
"28 razones del porque soy mezquina."28 reasons why I am setup-able.
"Vengan y razonemos juntos, dijo el señor aunque sus pecados sean como escarlata los haré tan blancos como la nieve""Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord... "...though your sins be as scarlet... "...they shall be as white as snow."
- Sí, razonemos. - Entonces...- Yes, let's reason..
Ahora, razonemos juntos, y hagamos planes.Now, let us reason together and make plans.
Bien, razonemos...Fine, let's reason...
Está bien, razonemos, escucho...Let's reason then...
- Pero sólo quiero que razonen.But I just want to keep it within reason.
Así que depende de nosotros; no aceptéis sin más todo lo que os razonen.So it's up to us; just don't accept everything the reasonable ones say.
Está bien, razonen lejos.All right, reason away.
Él...y, finalmente, él dijo, ellos esperarán que los medios de comunicación piensen y razonen por ellos.The... and, eventually, he said, they will expect the media to do all their thinking and reasoning for them.
A lo mejor nadie ha razonado con él aún.Perhaps no one's simply reasoned with him yet.
Asumo que el debate continuará en un foro tranquilo y razonado mucho después de que este juicio y sus actividades sean olvidados.I assume the debate will continue In a calm and reasoned forum long after this trial And your activities have faded from the public memory.
Bien razonado.Well reasoned.
Como habran podido apreciar, siempre me gusta presentar un argumento cuidadosamente razonado...As you may have noticed I always like to present a carefully reasoned argument.
Erróneo me temo,pero muy bien razonado sin embargo.Wrong aspect, but very well reasoned nonetheless.
- Estoy razonando.- I'm reasoning.
Cada vez que ibas a Hope Road 56 veías a mucha gente reunida con Bob razonando, hablando de política de Dios, de historia ya sabes, hablando de todo.(Mowatt): Every time you go to 56 Hope Road, you would see a lot of people gather with Bob... reasoning, talking about politics, talking about God, talking about history. You know, talking about everything.
Digamos, ha estado Ud. razonando... fuera del recipiente.Let us say, you have been reasoning... outside the pot.
En la conversión de Europa, los monjes y misioneros se habían enfocado en la nobleza, razonando que todo el resto los seguiría.In converting Europe, monks and missionaries had chiefly targeted the nobility, reasoning that the rest would follow.
Entonces, una tarde, un estudiante al que había sido encomendado barrer el laboratorio después de una fiesta particularmente poco fructífera, se encontró a sí mismo razonando de este modo...'Then, one evening, a student, who had been left to sweep up the lab 'after a particularly unsuccessful party, 'found himself reasoning this way...

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