Slug it out (to ) conjugation

28 examples
This verb can also mean the following: fight until one side prevails, have

Conjugation of slug it out

you all
Present Simple
slug it out
slug it out
slugs it out
slug it out
slug it out
slug it out
Future Simple
will slug it out
will slug it out
will slug it out
will slug it out
will slug it out
will slug it out
Past Simple
slugged it out
slugged it out
slugged it out
slugged it out
slugged it out
slugged it out
Conditional Simple
would slug it out
would slug it out
would slug it out
would slug it out
would slug it out
would slug it out
you all
Present Progressive
am slugging it out
are slugging it out
is slugging it out
are slugging it out
are slugging it out
are slugging it out
Future Progressive
will be slugging it out
will be slugging it out
will be slugging it out
will be slugging it out
will be slugging it out
will be slugging it out
Past Progressive
was slugging it out
were slugging it out
was slugging it out
were slugging it out
were slugging it out
were slugging it out
Conditional Progressive
would be slugging it out
would be slugging it out
would be slugging it out
would be slugging it out
would be slugging it out
would be slugging it out
you all
Present Perfect
have slugged it out
have slugged it out
has slugged it out
have slugged it out
have slugged it out
have slugged it out
Future Perfect
will have slugged it out
will have slugged it out
will have slugged it out
will have slugged it out
will have slugged it out
will have slugged it out
Past Perfect
had slugged it out
had slugged it out
had slugged it out
had slugged it out
had slugged it out
had slugged it out
Conditional Perfect
would have slugged it out
would have slugged it out
would have slugged it out
would have slugged it out
would have slugged it out
would have slugged it out
Present Perfect Progressive
have been slugging it out
have been slugging it out
has been slugging it out
have been slugging it out
have been slugging it out
have been slugging it out
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been slugging it out
will have been slugging it out
will have been slugging it out
will have been slugging it out
will have been slugging it out
will have been slugging it out
Past Perfect Progressive
had been slugging it out
had been slugging it out
had been slugging it out
had been slugging it out
had been slugging it out
had been slugging it out
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been slugging it out
would have been slugging it out
would have been slugging it out
would have been slugging it out
would have been slugging it out
would have been slugging it out

Examples of slug it out

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"on the winner's podium, slug it out." Yeah. I'd watch that, would you watch that?
- Yeah, you know. brawling, you slug it out.
A car that would stand toe-to-toe and slug it out with Ferrari and any other European supercar.
Afraid to get in close? Afraid to slug it out?
Best man from each gang to slug it out.
"on the winner's podium, slug it out." Yeah. I'd watch that, would you watch that?
- Yeah, you know. brawling, you slug it out.
A car that would stand toe-to-toe and slug it out with Ferrari and any other European supercar.
Afraid to get in close? Afraid to slug it out?
Best man from each gang to slug it out.
Harry went to bat for us. He slugged it out with the front office!
Look, did Benny tell you we slugged it out at the golden gloves one year?
They slugged it out with a pesky poltergeist... then stayed on to dance the night away... with some of the lovely ladies who witnessed the disturbance.
You and I slugged it out for real over there.
A couple of train wrecks were slugging it out over this crap sandwich.
A soldier like you or me, walking out on his own two feet and slugging it out.
As opposed to you and Jeffrey slugging it out in the men's room?
As opposed to you and Jeffrey slugging it out in the men's room?
Battlewagons, slugging it out.
Harry went to bat for us. He slugged it out with the front office!
Look, did Benny tell you we slugged it out at the golden gloves one year?
They slugged it out with a pesky poltergeist... then stayed on to dance the night away... with some of the lovely ladies who witnessed the disturbance.
You and I slugged it out for real over there.
A couple of train wrecks were slugging it out over this crap sandwich.
A soldier like you or me, walking out on his own two feet and slugging it out.
As opposed to you and Jeffrey slugging it out in the men's room?
As opposed to you and Jeffrey slugging it out in the men's room?
Battlewagons, slugging it out.

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Not found
We have none.


Not found
We have none.

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Not found
We have none.


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