Push forward (to ) conjugation

38 examples
This verb can also mean the following: reschedule, do, do something, continue to act, continue

Conjugation of push forward

you all
Present Simple
push forward
push forward
pushes forward
push forward
push forward
push forward
Future Simple
will push forward
will push forward
will push forward
will push forward
will push forward
will push forward
Past Simple
pushed forward
pushed forward
pushed forward
pushed forward
pushed forward
pushed forward
Conditional Simple
would push forward
would push forward
would push forward
would push forward
would push forward
would push forward
you all
Present Progressive
am pushing forward
are pushing forward
is pushing forward
are pushing forward
are pushing forward
are pushing forward
Future Progressive
will be pushing forward
will be pushing forward
will be pushing forward
will be pushing forward
will be pushing forward
will be pushing forward
Past Progressive
was pushing forward
were pushing forward
was pushing forward
were pushing forward
were pushing forward
were pushing forward
Conditional Progressive
would be pushing forward
would be pushing forward
would be pushing forward
would be pushing forward
would be pushing forward
would be pushing forward
you all
Present Perfect
have pushed forward
have pushed forward
has pushed forward
have pushed forward
have pushed forward
have pushed forward
Future Perfect
will have pushed forward
will have pushed forward
will have pushed forward
will have pushed forward
will have pushed forward
will have pushed forward
Past Perfect
had pushed forward
had pushed forward
had pushed forward
had pushed forward
had pushed forward
had pushed forward
Conditional Perfect
would have pushed forward
would have pushed forward
would have pushed forward
would have pushed forward
would have pushed forward
would have pushed forward
Present Perfect Progressive
have been pushing forward
have been pushing forward
has been pushing forward
have been pushing forward
have been pushing forward
have been pushing forward
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been pushing forward
will have been pushing forward
will have been pushing forward
will have been pushing forward
will have been pushing forward
will have been pushing forward
Past Perfect Progressive
had been pushing forward
had been pushing forward
had been pushing forward
had been pushing forward
had been pushing forward
had been pushing forward
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been pushing forward
would have been pushing forward
would have been pushing forward
would have been pushing forward
would have been pushing forward
would have been pushing forward

Examples of push forward

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"It's a joy to push forward."
"To climb, pull back on the stick; to descend, push forward on the stick."
- I tm's not over. - People! Clifford, we need to push forward with this.
- I tm's not over. - People! Clifford, we need to push forward with this.
...gotta push forward...
"It's a joy to push forward."
"To climb, pull back on the stick; to descend, push forward on the stick."
- I tm's not over. - People! Clifford, we need to push forward with this.
- I tm's not over. - People! Clifford, we need to push forward with this.
...gotta push forward...
"poor Ambert pushes forward.
Jacob Wilson puts pressure as it pushes forward.
Jobs' pushes forward adding the mini, shuffle, and nano to his iPod empire.
Sham pushes forward to challenge for the rail.
"poor Ambert pushes forward.
Jacob Wilson puts pressure as it pushes forward.
Jobs' pushes forward adding the mini, shuffle, and nano to his iPod empire.
Sham pushes forward to challenge for the rail.
- Sorry ass to the outskirts of Frankfurt. We pushed forward deep into Westerwald.
Check if the steam pressure stands on 11, and that the lever is pushed forward...
Coming from his hometown in Tochigi to the Capital with just his Boston bag received his degree from Tokyo university shaking off various professional temptations single-mindedly pushed forward to a teaching career everybody will speak good of me
I always pushed forward, stuffing my feelings down, trying to get through it any way I could.
I got pushed forward through time.
- Keep pushing forward to the bridge.
-an unbelievable job over the last decade, culminating in Lion King, and pushing forward...
All we needed to do was keep pushing forward.
And I wasn't really into it tonight, but I just thought that if I kept pushing forward, I would get into it.
And in light of this heinous and cowardly act, compounded by the tragedy in California, I will be pushing forward an aggressive agenda of national security, one that will, out of necessity, suspend certain civil liberties.
- Sorry ass to the outskirts of Frankfurt. We pushed forward deep into Westerwald.
Check if the steam pressure stands on 11, and that the lever is pushed forward...
Coming from his hometown in Tochigi to the Capital with just his Boston bag received his degree from Tokyo university shaking off various professional temptations single-mindedly pushed forward to a teaching career everybody will speak good of me
I always pushed forward, stuffing my feelings down, trying to get through it any way I could.
I got pushed forward through time.
- Keep pushing forward to the bridge.
-an unbelievable job over the last decade, culminating in Lion King, and pushing forward...
All we needed to do was keep pushing forward.
And I wasn't really into it tonight, but I just thought that if I kept pushing forward, I would get into it.
And in light of this heinous and cowardly act, compounded by the tragedy in California, I will be pushing forward an aggressive agenda of national security, one that will, out of necessity, suspend certain civil liberties.

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