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Galoppera (to gallop) conjugation

15 examples

Conjugation of galoppera

Present tense
I gallop
Future tense
ska galoppera
I will gallop
Conditional mood
skulle galoppera
I would gallop
Past perfect tense
har galopperat
I have galloped
Future perf.
ska ha galopperat
I will have galloped
Conditional perfect tense
skulle ha galopperat
I would have galloped
Imperative mood
Preterite past tense
I galloped
Past pluperfect tense
hade galopperat
I had galloped

Examples of galoppera

Example in SwedishTranslation in English
Kroppen värkte och det sista jag ville vara att galoppera i tuff terräng.My body still reeling from mistreatment, the last thing I felt like was a headlong gallop through the rough terrain of the highlands.
- Jag vill galoppera, pappa.- l want to gallop, Daddy.
Kroppen värkte och det sista jag ville vara att galoppera i tuff terräng.My body still reeling from mistreatment, the last thing I felt like was a headlong gallop through the rough terrain of the highlands.
Men hon gick bort innan jag ens kunde galoppera.But, um... she passed away before I even learned to gallop.
Shannon! Jag såg dig galoppera på fältet!Shannon, l saw you galloping in the fields.
Sprinta, galoppera eller skutta ut ur stan.Sprint, gallop, leap your way the hell out of this town.
- Måste det vara en vit häst? Som du galopperar med.. - Självklart!Does it have to be a white horse that you come galloping up on, and it neighs and makes the whole thing?
Charles griper tag om sin skadade axel när han galopperar in på borggården.Charles clutches his wounded shoulder - as he gallops into the courtyard!
Den bleka ryttaren galopperar in.Pale rider's galloping in.
Det galopperar mot sitt mal och inget kan stoppa det.It gallops towards its object - its sweet, sweet object - and then nothing in the world can hold it back.
Fadern galopperar nu, av terrorn halvt vild.The father now gallops, with terror half wild,
Mitt hjärta galopperade över himlen den natten tillbaka till min hjord, där jag hörde hemma.My heart galloped through the sky that night back to my herd where I belonged.
Den äldre generationen leder detta land mot en galopperande ruin.The older generation leading this country to galloping ruin.
Och han har knappt ridit iväg mer än en mil när hans vän kommer galopperande och skriker vilt -And he's barely riding a mile when his amigo comes galloping up shouting wildly--
Senast sedd hastigt galopperande söderut.Last seen galloping south in some haste.

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