Det finns många olika saker att beakta, Raymond... | Well, there's a great number of things to consider, Raymond... |
Det är värt att beakta att vänskap växer sakta... när det endast får klagomål. | Then it may be well to consider friendship grows slowly... when nurtured only by complaints. |
Din deltakvadrant-hypotes är måhända värd att beakta ytterligare. | Perhaps your Delta Quadrant hypothesis deserves further consideration. |
För att beakta detta problem. | To consider this problem. |
Jag älskade Elisabeth, men det fanns större frågor att beakta. | I loved Elisabeth, but there were larger issues to consider. |
-Att arbeta för domstolen innebär perifera följder som du måste beakta. | Is there something else? Working for the Court, there are... tangential ramifications that you must take into consideration. |
Blir jag vald, skulle jag beakta alla perspektiv... och inte ignorera motsatta synpunkter. | I'll take this. If elected, I would consider all perspectives, and I would not ignore opposing viewpoints. |
De skulle beakta mitt önskemål... | - They said they'd consider my request. And that was 10 minutes ago. |
Det finns många olika saker att beakta, Raymond... | Well, there's a great number of things to consider, Raymond... |
Det finns skrivningar i den som säger att om dna-bevisningen utesluter att dna: t kommer från den åtalade som i vårt fall måste rätten beakta all bevisning för att bedöma hur en jury skulle agera. | There's language in that statute that says that if the d.N.A. Evidence excludes the defendant as the source of the d.N.A., which it did in our case, then the trial court has to consider all the evidence, whether it was admitted at trial or not, to see what a reasonable juror would do today. |
- Vart för ni honom? - Jag beaktar alltid - - patientens anständighet. | - I always consider the modesty of my patients. |
At ers majestät beaktar frieriet från hennes brorson - hertigen av Anjou. | That Your Majesty considers the proposal of her nephew the Duke of Anjou. |
Jag föreslår att ni beaktar det. | I suggest you take the matter under serious consideration. |
Jag ska ge dig en chans till, din sista så jag föreslår att du beaktar mitt erbjudande. | So I'm gonna give you one more chance, your last chance, so I suggest you reconsider my offer. |
Kungen vill att ni beaktar ett frieri från hans bror - hertigen av Anjou. | The King expects that you will consider the suit of his brother, the Duke of Anjou. |
Publicera den om du vill bli beaktad. | Publish it if you want to be considered. |
Alla förtjänar att bli beaktade. | Well, everyone deserves to be considered. |
Erbjöd de dig kommissarietjänsten utan att ta nån annan i beaktande? | - Weird. They just offered you Captain without considering anyone else? |
Spelar inte längre någon stor roll med beaktande på vad som skett idag. | don't make much sense any more considering what's taking place today. |
-Du borde ha beaktat möjligheten. | You should've considered that before you killed him. |
De hade beaktat återverkningarna, de visste att hon jagades. | They certainly considered the repercussions. They knew someone was after her. |
Det har inte beaktat mina åsikter. | It has not considered how I feel. |
Du har säkert beaktat dem allihop. | And I'm sure you've considered them all. |
Han måste ha beaktat alla dessa. | He must have considered all these. |