Transforma (to transform) conjugation

40 examples

Conjugation of transforma

Present tense
I transform
you transform
he/she/it transforms
we transform
you all transform
they transform
Present perfect tense
am transformat
I have transformed
ai transformat
you have transformed
a transformat
he/she/it has transformed
am transformat
we have transformed
ați transformat
you all have transformed
au transformat
they have transformed
Past preterite tense
I transformed
you transformed
he/she/it transformed
we transformed
you all transformed
they transformed
Future tense
voi transforma
I will transform
vei transforma
you will transform
va transforma
he/she/it will transform
vom transforma
we will transform
veți transforma
you all will transform
vor transforma
they will transform
Conditional mood
aș transforma
I would transform
ai transforma
you would transform
ar transforma
he/she/it would transform
am transforma
we would transform
ați transforma
you all would transform
ar transforma
they would transform
Subjunctive present tense
să transform
(so that/if) I transform
să transformi
(so that/if) you transform
să transforme
(so that/if) he/she/it transform
să transformăm
(so that/if) we transform
să transformați
(so that/if) you all transform
să transforme
(so that/if) they transform
Subjunctive past tense
să fi transformat
(so that/if) I have transformed
să fi transformat
(so that/if) you have transformed
să fi transformat
(so that/if) he/she/it have transformed
să fi transformat
(so that/if) we have transformed
să fi transformat
(so that/if) you all have transformed
să fi transformat
(so that/if) they have transformed
Past impf. tense
I was transforming
you were transforming
he/she/it was transforming
we were transforming
you all were transforming
they were transforming
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu transforma
do not transform!
nu transformați
do not transform!
Past pluperfect tense
I had transformed
you had transformed
he/she/it had transformed
we had transformed
you all had transformed
they had transformed
Future alternative 1 tense
am să transform
I am going to transform
ai să transformi
you are going to transform
are să transforme
he/she/it is going to transform
avem să transformăm
we are going to transform
aveți să transformați
you all are going to transform
au să transforme
they are going to transform
Future alternative 2 tense
o să transform
I am going to transform
o să transformi
you are going to transform
o să transforme
he/she/it is going to transform
o să transformăm
we are going to transform
o să transformați
you all are going to transform
o să transforme
they are going to transform
Future perfect tense
voi fi transformat
I will have transformed
vei fi transformat
you will have transformed
va fi transformat
he/she/it will have transformed
vom fi transformat
we will have transformed
veți fi transformat
you all will have transformed
vor fi transformat
they will have transformed
Future in the past tense
aveam să transform
I was going to transform
aveai să transformi
you were going to transform
avea să transforme
he/she/it was going to transform
aveam să transformăm
we were going to transform
aveați să transformați
you all were going to transform
aveau să transforme
they were going to transform
Conditional past tense
aș fi transformat
I would have transformed
ai fi transformat
you would have transformed
ar fi transformat
he/she/it would have transformed
am fi transformat
we would have transformed
ați fi transformat
you all would have transformed
ar fi transformat
they would have transformed
Presumptive tense
oi transforma
I might transform
oi transforma
you might transform
o transforma
he/she/it might transform
om transforma
we might transform
oți transforma
you all might transform
or transforma
they might transform
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi transformând
I might be transforming
oi fi transformând
you might be transforming
o fi transformând
he/she/it might be transforming
om fi transformând
we might be transforming
oți fi transformând
you all might be transforming
or fi transformând
they might be transforming
Presumptive past tense
oi fi transformat
I might have transformed
oi fi transformat
you might have transformed
o fi transformat
he/she/it might have transformed
om fi transformat
we might have transformed
oți fi transformat
you all might have transformed
or fi transformat
they might have transformed

Examples of transforma

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
"...sunt mai puţini sălbatici şi se pot transforma atât înainte, în timpul cât şi după rotaţia lunii.""...are less feral and can transform before, during, and after the lunar cycle."
"Capacitatea de a transforma în voie.""The ability to transform at will."
"Călugării au abilitatea de a transforma energia, realitatea"."The monks possessed the ability to transform energy, bend reality."
"Dacă se va aproba de către comisia de urbanism," "afacerea ar transforma spitalul în apartamente de lux.""If approved by the city planning commission, the deal would transform one of New York's last public hospitals into condos."
"Oameni curajosi in fata mortii care vad dintr-o privire care-i transforma... asa cum retina unui orb ca un trecator meteor,... ar castiga furie, furie impotriva luminii care nu mai straluceste."The grave in the end to see at a glance that transforms as the retinal blind which fleeting meteor, would be happy hate, hate the light whose brightness no longer shines.
- Desigur.Acum vrei sa ma transform!Roe! Of course, now I want to transform!
- Mă transform în lucruri.- I transform into stuff.
- Spune-mi, Stan, înainte să mă transform, cine crezi că era responsabil de asta?Tell me, Stan, before I transformed, who'd you think was in charge?
- Trebuia să mă transform undeva.- We need to find somewhere to transform.
- Vreau să mă transform complet.-I want you to completely transform me.
- Te transformi in fata ochilor mei.- You're transforming before my eyes.
- Te-ai intrebat vreodata de ce Omnitrixul te lasa sa te transformi numai cate zece minute?as que cuando usas el Omnitrix s? lo te es permitido transformarte por 10 minutos cada vez? - Claro, infelizmente perd?
- Vreau să mă transformi în alt om.I want you to transform me.
- tu te transformi...- you transform...
- În mintea ta ameţită, chiar crezi că le ajuţi pe acele femei, că le perfecţionezi, că le transformi.- In your twisted mind, you actually believe that you're helping these women, that you're perfecting them, transforming them.
'Cum să devină un robot om' profesorul Allen Hobby scrie despre puterea care transformă Mecha în Orga.... ...Professor Allen Hobby writes of that which transforms Mecha into Orga.
- ... pentru că războiul te transformă.-...because war transforms you.
- Se transformă.He transforms.
Această creatură apoi se transformă, recoltează această energie de la gazdă, le păstrează în globuri membranoase... şi ascunde aceste globuri într-un cuib extern pentru consum ulterior.The creature then transforms, harvests that energy from its host, stores it in membrane orbs... and hides those orbs in an external nest for later consumption.
Acest cec se transformă în orice jucărie vrea el.This check transforms into any toy he wants.
Acum, către acoperiş, şi să-l transformăm pe Shaggy în vârcolac.Now, to the roof, and to transform him into a werewolf Salsicha.
Alegem o planetă fără viaţă şi încetul cu încetul o transformăm într-una de clasă M, capabilă să susţină viaţa.We take a lifeless planet and little by little, transform it to an M-Class environment capable of supporting life.
Alegem o planetă stearpă şi, încetul cu încetul, o transformăm într-una de clasă M, capabilă să susţină viaţa.We take a lifeless planet... ..and transform it to an M-Class environment, capable of supporting life.
Amândoi trebuie să ne transformăm problemele în lecţii de viaţă.We both have to transform our misfortunes into life enhancing events.
Bine aţi revenit la Mâncare pentru Iubire, unde transformăm cina într-o poveste de dragoste romantică.Welcome back to Food For Love, where we transform dinner into a romantic love affair.
" Câteva zile mai târziu acestea apar transformat, dezastru și răspândirea terorii,"Days later they emerge transformed, wreaking havoc and spreading terror,
"... cu atât el este eliberat, transformat..."...the sooner he is set free, transformed...
"... şi descoperi că s-a transformat..." discover that he had been transformed...
"Ati preluat de locuri de munca de a crea dorinta si s-au transformat oamenii in miscare in mod constant masini de fericire."You Have taken over the job of creating desire and have transformed people into constantly moving happiness machines.
"Cu camionul de sport complet încărcată, a fost transformat."'With the sports lorry fully loaded, it was transformed.'
Am putea să petrecem luni de zile, încercând să mă transformați pe mine în cineva complet diferit, sau, e posibil să avem pe cineva foarte plăcut, chiar aici.We could spend months trying to transform me into somebody completely different, or, it appears, we have somebody perfectly likable right there.
Băieții sunt transformați.The boys are transformed.
Te transformai pe stradă.You were transforming in the street.
Deşertul îl transformase.The desert had transformed him.
În câteva secunde, Pedro îi transformase sânii Titei din caşti în voluptuoşi, fără să fie nevoie măcar să-i atingă.In one instant Pedro had transformed Tita's breasts... from chaste to voluptuous... without even touching them.
A simţit că ar putea deveni cumva un cobai, că ar putea ajuta la descoperirea a ceea ce cauzează ororile care distrugeau insula noastră, transformând-o într-un pustiu al terorii.He felt that he could in some way become a guinea pig, that he could help in discovering what was causing the horrors that were destroying our island, transforming it into a wasteland of terror.
Am da drumul la un model cu totul nou, cunoscut sub numele de Fast Fashion, peste noapte, transformând modul în care hainele sunt cumpărate şi vândute.I give way to an entirely new model, known as Fast Fashion, the overnight, transforming how the clothes are bought and sold.
Buldozere, maşini de pavat, transformând cu grabă văgăuna asta în frumoase apartamente de lux.Bulldozers, paving machines busily transforming this dump into beautiful luxury condos.
Cartea îşi dezlănţuie forţa asupra lumii transformând-o în ceva ce majorităţii dintre noi nu le va place.The book is unleashing its force on the world, transforming it into something more to its liking.
Dar distrugerea oraşului New Orleans se amplifică, transformând dezastrul natural într-o tragedie naţională.But the destruction of New Orleans only gets worse, transforming the natural disaster into a national tragedy.

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