Sfătui (to advise) conjugation

40 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to admonish, dissuade, to dissuade, to recommend, recommend, admonish, counsel

Conjugation of eiti

Present tense
I advise
you advise
he/she/it advises
we advise
you all advise
they advise
Present perfect tense
am sfătuit
I have advised
ai sfătuit
you have advised
a sfătuit
he/she/it has advised
am sfătuit
we have advised
ați sfătuit
you all have advised
au sfătuit
they have advised
Past preterite tense
I advised
you advised
he/she/it advised
we advised
you all advised
they advised
Future tense
voi sfătui
I will advise
vei sfătui
you will advise
va sfătui
he/she/it will advise
vom sfătui
we will advise
veți sfătui
you all will advise
vor sfătui
they will advise
Conditional mood
aș sfătui
I would advise
ai sfătui
you would advise
ar sfătui
he/she/it would advise
am sfătui
we would advise
ați sfătui
you all would advise
ar sfătui
they would advise
Subjunctive present tense
să sfătuiesc
(so that/if) I advise
să sfătuiești
(so that/if) you advise
să sfătuiască
(so that/if) he/she/it advise
să sfătuim
(so that/if) we advise
să sfătuiți
(so that/if) you all advise
să sfătuiască
(so that/if) they advise
Subjunctive past tense
să fi sfătuit
(so that/if) I have advised
să fi sfătuit
(so that/if) you have advised
să fi sfătuit
(so that/if) he/she/it have advised
să fi sfătuit
(so that/if) we have advised
să fi sfătuit
(so that/if) you all have advised
să fi sfătuit
(so that/if) they have advised
Past impf. tense
I was advising
you were advising
he/she/it was advising
we were advising
you all were advising
they were advising
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu sfătui
do not advise!
nu sfătuiți
do not advise!
Past pluperfect tense
I had advised
you had advised
he/she/it had advised
we had advised
you all had advised
they had advised
Future alternative 1 tense
am să sfătuiesc
I am going to advise
ai să sfătuiești
you are going to advise
are să sfătuiască
he/she/it is going to advise
avem să sfătuim
we are going to advise
aveți să sfătuiți
you all are going to advise
au să sfătuiască
they are going to advise
Future alternative 2 tense
o să sfătuiesc
I am going to advise
o să sfătuiești
you are going to advise
o să sfătuiască
he/she/it is going to advise
o să sfătuim
we are going to advise
o să sfătuiți
you all are going to advise
o să sfătuiască
they are going to advise
Future perfect tense
voi fi sfătuit
I will have advised
vei fi sfătuit
you will have advised
va fi sfătuit
he/she/it will have advised
vom fi sfătuit
we will have advised
veți fi sfătuit
you all will have advised
vor fi sfătuit
they will have advised
Future in the past tense
aveam să sfătuiesc
I was going to advise
aveai să sfătuiești
you were going to advise
avea să sfătuiască
he/she/it was going to advise
aveam să sfătuim
we were going to advise
aveați să sfătuiți
you all were going to advise
aveau să sfătuiască
they were going to advise
Conditional past tense
aș fi sfătuit
I would have advised
ai fi sfătuit
you would have advised
ar fi sfătuit
he/she/it would have advised
am fi sfătuit
we would have advised
ați fi sfătuit
you all would have advised
ar fi sfătuit
they would have advised
Presumptive tense
oi sfătui
I might advise
oi sfătui
you might advise
o sfătui
he/she/it might advise
om sfătui
we might advise
oți sfătui
you all might advise
or sfătui
they might advise
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi sfătuind
I might be advising
oi fi sfătuind
you might be advising
o fi sfătuind
he/she/it might be advising
om fi sfătuind
we might be advising
oți fi sfătuind
you all might be advising
or fi sfătuind
they might be advising
Presumptive past tense
oi fi sfătuit
I might have advised
oi fi sfătuit
you might have advised
o fi sfătuit
he/she/it might have advised
om fi sfătuit
we might have advised
oți fi sfătuit
you all might have advised
or fi sfătuit
they might have advised

Examples of sfătui

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
"Ce m-aţi putea sfătui ? Ce ar trebui să fac ?""I can't even talk about any of that, what is your advise?"
- Atunci m-ai sfătui...- Then you'd advise me...
- Ca avocat al tău, te-aş sfătui să nu o faci.- As your lawyer, I would advise against it.
- Eu nu te-aş sfătui să faci asta.- I wouldn't advise that.
- Eu te-aş sfătui invers.I would advise against that.
"Avem o nouă, importantă dovadă, McFarland e sigur vinovatul, te sfătuiesc să renunţi la caz, Le Strade.""Important fresh evidence at hand, McFarland's guilt definitely established, advise you to abandon case, Le Strade."
"Practic, nu te pot da afară din echipă, dar te sfătuiesc să renunţi.""Technically, I can't kick you off the team, but I strongly advise you to quit."
"Te sfătuiesc să alegi un alt subiect."I strongly advise you to choose another subject.
"Te sfătuiesc să urci."I advise you to hop in."
"Trebuie să te sfătuiesc,"I must advise you,
- El sfătuiește, Doamne.- He advises, Lord.
Manere banii lui, îl sfătuiește pe afacerea lui.Handles his money, advises him on his business.
Ministrul de Interne sfătuiește locuitorii să stea acasă evita aglomerația.InteriorMinisteradvises residents to stay at home avoid crowds.
Siguranța Națională sfătuiește pe toată lumea să stea înăuntrul sălii de sport.MAN [ON PA]: Attention: Homeland Security advises everyone to stay inside the gymnasium.
"Până când talentata Bradshaw va reuşi să înţeleagă complexitatea vieţii în cuplu, o sfătuim să exploreze jurământul tăcerii.""until the talented Bradshaw is better able to grasp the complexities of married life she would be better advised to explore the vow of silence."
- În calitate de client, te sfătuim să...- As our client, we have to advise you to... - She's not your client.
Blank Rome ne-a trimis aici să înţelegem cât putem de bine situaţia, să vă sfătuim patronii sau pe voi, dacă e cazul, în privinţa unor posibile acţiuni legale împotriva voastră datorate aşa-zisei scene "Hot Coffee".We're here from Blank Rome to understand the situation as best we can so we can advise your owners, Take-Two, and yourselves if necessary, on any legal action you may be likely to face as a result of the so-called Hot Coffee scene that's come to light.
Cred cu tărie sfătuim să să plece chiar acum.I strongly advise you to leave right now.
D-le Anchovy, ne-ai cerut să te sfătuim... pentru care slujbă în viaţa te-ai potrivi mai bine.Mr. Anchovy, you asked us to advise you... which job in life you were best suited for.
- sfătuiți de producție pentru a le modifica.- advised the production to change them.
Călătorii sunt sfătuiți insistent să aștepte fie sau....Travelers are strongly advised to either wait or....
Sunteți sfătuiți să urmați instrucțiunile bărbaților înarmați.You are advised to follow the armed men's instructions.
Vremea se înrăutățește acolo, dar suntem sfătuiți este drivable.Weather's getting worse out there, but we're advised it's drivable.
De aceea, astăzi sfătuiam tehnicianul, pe Jimmy Palmer...Why, only today, I was advising my technician, Jimmy Palmer...
Îmi sfătuiam clientul, firma.I was advising my client, the firm.
Le sfătuia pe femei în legătură... cu planificarea familială.She was advising the women about... family planning.
Noaptea trecută, avocatul meu mă sfătuia să închei o înţelegere ca să scap de pedeapsa capitală.Last night my attorney was advising me to take a deal so that I could avoid going on trial for my life.
Poate el te sfătuia să mergi acolo.Perhaps he was advising you to go there.
Şi acum ce facem? Voi verifica fişele disciplinare şi psihologul şcolii ne-a dat o listă cu 5 copii pe care-i sfătuia Craig.I'm going to be checking disciplinary records, and the guidance counselor gave us a list of five kids Craig was advising.
Caiafa era cel care sfătuise autorităţile evreieşti... că era mai bine să moară un om, decât să moară toţi.It was Caiaphas who had advised the Jewish authorities... that it was better that one man should die for all the people.
Aş putea face o treabă mai bună sfătuind un conducător care să-şi merite numele.I could do an even better job advising a ruler worth the name.
De exemplu, să-i spui unei mame că fiul ei dispărut se va întoarce în viaţă sau să desparţi o familie sfătuind pentru divorţ.You know, for example, like telling a mother that her missing son would return alive or breaking up a family by advising for divorce.
I-am scris sfătuind-o să evite compania bărbaţilor şi femeilor puternice şi să stea acasă să se roage.I've written to her advising her to avoid the company of powerful men and women and to stay at home and pray.
Nu face nicio scofală sfătuind oamenii cum să-şi salveze căsniciile.She has no business advising people how to save marriages.
Setarea Kristen cu Michael, oferind grija, anularea în ultimul minut Și sfătuind-o să mă sune.Setting Kristen up with Michael, offering to babysit, canceling at the last minute and advising her to call me.
"Nicole mă sfătuit să-mi simplific viata"Nicole advised me to simplify my life
"şi sfătuit astfel Orfeu a călătorie în ţara de morţi"and so advised Orpheus to travel to the land of the dead
- Ai sfătuit personal...- You personally advised...
- Cred că te-am sfătuit bine, nu-i asa ?- I think I advised you well, huh? - Yes.
- Dar ati fost sfătuit.- but yοu have just been advised.

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