Putrezi (to rot) conjugation

47 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: decay, putrefy

Conjugation of putrezi

Present tense
I rot
you rot
he/she/it rots
we rot
you all rot
they rot
Present perfect tense
am putrezit
I have rotted
ai putrezit
you have rotted
a putrezit
he/she/it has rotted
am putrezit
we have rotted
ați putrezit
you all have rotted
au putrezit
they have rotted
Past preterite tense
I rotted
you rotted
he/she/it rotted
we rotted
you all rotted
they rotted
Future tense
voi putrezi
I will rot
vei putrezi
you will rot
va putrezi
he/she/it will rot
vom putrezi
we will rot
veți putrezi
you all will rot
vor putrezi
they will rot
Conditional mood
aș putrezi
I would rot
ai putrezi
you would rot
ar putrezi
he/she/it would rot
am putrezi
we would rot
ați putrezi
you all would rot
ar putrezi
they would rot
Subjunctive present tense
să putrezesc
(so that/if) I rot
să putrezești
(so that/if) you rot
să putrezească
(so that/if) he/she/it rot
să putrezim
(so that/if) we rot
să putreziți
(so that/if) you all rot
să putrezească
(so that/if) they rot
Subjunctive past tense
să fi putrezit
(so that/if) I have rotted
să fi putrezit
(so that/if) you have rotted
să fi putrezit
(so that/if) he/she/it have rotted
să fi putrezit
(so that/if) we have rotted
să fi putrezit
(so that/if) you all have rotted
să fi putrezit
(so that/if) they have rotted
Past impf. tense
I was rotting
you were rotting
he/she/it was rotting
we were rotting
you all were rotting
they were rotting
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu putrezi
do not rot!
nu putreziți
do not rot!
Past pluperfect tense
I had rotted
you had rotted
he/she/it had rotted
we had rotted
you all had rotted
they had rotted
Future alternative 1 tense
am să putrezesc
I am going to rot
ai să putrezești
you are going to rot
are să putrezească
he/she/it is going to rot
avem să putrezim
we are going to rot
aveți să putreziți
you all are going to rot
au să putrezească
they are going to rot
Future alternative 2 tense
o să putrezesc
I am going to rot
o să putrezești
you are going to rot
o să putrezească
he/she/it is going to rot
o să putrezim
we are going to rot
o să putreziți
you all are going to rot
o să putrezească
they are going to rot
Future perfect tense
voi fi putrezit
I will have rotted
vei fi putrezit
you will have rotted
va fi putrezit
he/she/it will have rotted
vom fi putrezit
we will have rotted
veți fi putrezit
you all will have rotted
vor fi putrezit
they will have rotted
Future in the past tense
aveam să putrezesc
I was going to rot
aveai să putrezești
you were going to rot
avea să putrezească
he/she/it was going to rot
aveam să putrezim
we were going to rot
aveați să putreziți
you all were going to rot
aveau să putrezească
they were going to rot
Conditional past tense
aș fi putrezit
I would have rotted
ai fi putrezit
you would have rotted
ar fi putrezit
he/she/it would have rotted
am fi putrezit
we would have rotted
ați fi putrezit
you all would have rotted
ar fi putrezit
they would have rotted
Presumptive tense
oi putrezi
I might rot
oi putrezi
you might rot
o putrezi
he/she/it might rot
om putrezi
we might rot
oți putrezi
you all might rot
or putrezi
they might rot
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi putrezind
I might be rotting
oi fi putrezind
you might be rotting
o fi putrezind
he/she/it might be rotting
om fi putrezind
we might be rotting
oți fi putrezind
you all might be rotting
or fi putrezind
they might be rotting
Presumptive past tense
oi fi putrezit
I might have rotted
oi fi putrezit
you might have rotted
o fi putrezit
he/she/it might have rotted
om fi putrezit
we might have rotted
oți fi putrezit
you all might have rotted
or fi putrezit
they might have rotted

Examples of putrezi

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
" și eu speri putrezi în iad."and I hope you rot in hell.
"Dacă-ţi umpli inima de răzbunare şi ură, " a mai zis... "n-o să rămână loc pentru dragoste... "râsete sau lacrimi şi inima ta va putrezi. "'If you fill it with vengeance and hate,' he said... 'there'll be no room left for love... 'or laughter or tears, and your heart will rot.'
"Oraşele cucerite sunt ca nişte copaci putrezi."The cities I have conquered are like a rotted tree.
"Vei putrezi în iad şi voi avea grijă de asta.""You will rot in hell, and I will make it happen." Wow.
"Şi va putrezi în interiorul unui mormânt"And rot inside a corpse's shell
", Atunci ar fi fost putrezesc în închisoare în loc domnule .."Then you would've been rotting in jail instead. Sir..
"Lucrez" pana putrezesc... si dupa aceea, altcineva ma va inlocui.I'll work till I rot away, then someone else will replace me.
- Eu putrezesc într-o închisoare !I am rotting in a prison!
- In timp ce eu putrezesc in junglă ?- while I'm rotting here in this jungle?
- Lasă-mă să putrezesc în pace.- Let me rot in peace.
Acest amândoi știm, așa stau aici până când putrezești!This we both know, so stand here until you rot!
Eu am să fac misiunea mea personala să vă asigurați că putrezești în închisoare pentru ce-ai făcut să fiicele tale.I'm gonna make it my personal mission to make sure that you rot in prison for what you did to your daughters.
Fie să putrezești în iad!May you rot in hell!
Sper să putrezești în această cușcă.I hope you rot in this cage.
Sper să putrezești în iad, nenorocitule mizerabil!I hope you rot in hell, you miserable bastard!
Orice ar fi că putrezește în interiorul de tine.Whatever it is that rots inside of you.
Sper ca, de mai sus speranta, că băiatul putrezește în iad.I hope, above hope, that that boy rots in hell.
[Nu este vina mărului că putrezește cu timpul.][It is not the apple's fault that it rots over time.]
- Orice e mai bine decât să putrezim aici.Anything is better than rotting here.
- Tu ne-ai lăsat să putrezim în puşcărie?- You? You let us rot inside that prison?
Apoi, căpitanul Bracegirdle pleacă şi e ucis, apoi suntem lăsaţi aici să putrezim de parc-am fi ciumaţi. Suntem blestemaţi.next, captain bracegirdle goes and gets himself killed, then we're left out here to rot as if we've got the plague. we're cursed.
Ar trebui sa putrezim cu totii in iadWe should all rot in hell
Asta a fost Bara Magna înainte ca Măreţele Fiinţe să ne lase să putrezim aici.This was Bara Magna before the Great Beings left us here to rot.
! 5 ani am putrezit în întuneric.Fifteen years I've rotted in the darkness.
"Ei stiu ca pomul este cunoscut dupa fruct, si acea nedreptate corupe un pom asa incat fructele lui palesc si se scorojesc si cad la sfarsit in adancurile istoriei unde alte mari sperante au putrezit si au murit unde egalitatea si libertatea raman inca unica solutie pentru implinire si soliditate intr-un om sau intr-o natiune.""They knew that the tree is known by its fruit, and that injustice corrupts a tree that its fruit withers and shrivels and falls at last to that dark ground of history where other great hopes have rotted and died where equality and freedom remain still the only choice for wholeness and soundness in a man or in a nation."
"Si rasuflarea ii putea a crap putrezit si a piele de gorila."And its breath stank gloriously "of rotted carp and matted gorilla skins.
"Suntem de la Harvard. Ce parere aveti de hambarul acela depresiv si copacul asta putrezit?""We're from Harvard, and what do you think of this depressing barn and this rotted-out tree here?"
"aproape că mi-au putrezit picioarele""my feet have half rotted off
Ai trădat secretele noastre ca să te salvezi? În timp ce eu putrezeam în această junglă?You gave away our secrets to save yourself... while I was rotting in this jungle?
Dar nu era nicio zi în care putrezeam în închisoarea aia şi să nu mă gândesc la faţa ei. Era o fetiţă foarte frumoasă.But there weren't a day, as I was rotting on that hulk, when I didn't think on her face and what a dear, pretty thing she were.
Voi v-aţi deranjat să-i spuneţi asta când putrezeam în închisoare ?Did y'all bother to tell him that to him that when I was rotting' away?
În timp ce eu putrezeam, lui i-ai dat o viaţă.While I was rotting away, you gave him a life.
Am auzit că putrezeai în temniţele din Dragonstone.I heard you were rotting in a dungeon in Dragonstone.
(Lucy) In zilele urmatoare, dupa ce apele s-au retras, orasul era murdar, si tot ce putea putrezi putrezea.(Lucy) in the coming days, when the waters receded, the city was filthy and everything that could rot was rotting.
- Băiatul o desena întruna în timp ce mama lui putrezea în cealaltă cameră...Well, he drew it over and over while his mother was rotting away in the other room, so...
- Carson putrezea din interior.- Carson was rotting from the inside.
A fost atunci când îţi putrezea fundu' în puşcărie şi te-am scos afară?Was it possibly when your ass was rotting in jail and l broke it out?
Cât timp am putrezit în şcoala de corecţie cu tine, iar tatăl meu putrezea în închisoarea federală, familia Grayson stătea în acea casă... trăindu-şi vieţile, cheltuindu-şi banii...While I was rotting away in juvie with you and my father was rotting away in federal prison, the Graysons were sitting in that house... Living their lives, spending their money...
Cadavrele putrezeau pe străzi.The corpses were rotting in the streets
Pentru că putrezeau pe gazon.Because they were rotting on the lawn.
Şi ei putrezeau în soare.They were rotting in the sun as well.
Suporţii nicovalei au cedat fiindcă o parte din lemn putrezise.I believe that the support structure on the anvil collapsed because some of the wood had rotted.
- Da. Dar, Huck-- Conform cu cele scrie aici, ar trebui sa fi mort si putrezind chiar acum.But, huck... according to this, you should be dead and rotting' right about now.
Acum în clipa asta el e pe câmp, putrezind ca o papaya, pe când noi suntem aici şi ne bucurăm de o viaţă bună.At this very moment, he's out in a field, rotting like a papaya, while we're in here, cozy and enjoying the good life.
Adică, putrezind şi fiind mâncată de coioţi şi având faţa sfâşiată de tine ?You mean, by rotting and being eaten by coyotes and having the face ripped off by you?
Ai idee cate zile de nastere si cate sarbatori de craciun am petrecut putrezind in jungla sau in desert, pentru ca tu sa te poti juca de-a razboiul ca ofiter in rezerva?You know how many birthdays and Christmases I missed, spent rotting in jungles or in the desert, just so you could play war at ROTC?
Am doi oameni de garda într-o groapă de obuz în "no man's land", de trei zile, cu picioarele putrezind în bocanci.I have two men on guard in a shell hole in no man's land for three days with their feet rotting in their boots.

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