Planta (to plant) conjugation

45 examples

Conjugation of planta

Present tense
I plant
you plant
he/she/it plants
we plant
you all plant
they plant
Present perfect tense
am plantat
I have planted
ai plantat
you have planted
a plantat
he/she/it has planted
am plantat
we have planted
ați plantat
you all have planted
au plantat
they have planted
Past preterite tense
I planted
you planted
he/she/it planted
we planted
you all planted
they planted
Future tense
voi planta
I will plant
vei planta
you will plant
va planta
he/she/it will plant
vom planta
we will plant
veți planta
you all will plant
vor planta
they will plant
Conditional mood
aș planta
I would plant
ai planta
you would plant
ar planta
he/she/it would plant
am planta
we would plant
ați planta
you all would plant
ar planta
they would plant
Subjunctive present tense
să plantez
(so that/if) I plant
să plantezi
(so that/if) you plant
să planteze
(so that/if) he/she/it plant
să plantăm
(so that/if) we plant
să plantați
(so that/if) you all plant
să planteze
(so that/if) they plant
Subjunctive past tense
să fi plantat
(so that/if) I have planted
să fi plantat
(so that/if) you have planted
să fi plantat
(so that/if) he/she/it have planted
să fi plantat
(so that/if) we have planted
să fi plantat
(so that/if) you all have planted
să fi plantat
(so that/if) they have planted
Past impf. tense
I was planting
you were planting
he/she/it was planting
we were planting
you all were planting
they were planting
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu planta
do not plant!
nu plantați
do not plant!
Past pluperfect tense
I had planted
you had planted
he/she/it had planted
we had planted
you all had planted
they had planted
Future alternative 1 tense
am să plantez
I am going to plant
ai să plantezi
you are going to plant
are să planteze
he/she/it is going to plant
avem să plantăm
we are going to plant
aveți să plantați
you all are going to plant
au să planteze
they are going to plant
Future alternative 2 tense
o să plantez
I am going to plant
o să plantezi
you are going to plant
o să planteze
he/she/it is going to plant
o să plantăm
we are going to plant
o să plantați
you all are going to plant
o să planteze
they are going to plant
Future perfect tense
voi fi plantat
I will have planted
vei fi plantat
you will have planted
va fi plantat
he/she/it will have planted
vom fi plantat
we will have planted
veți fi plantat
you all will have planted
vor fi plantat
they will have planted
Future in the past tense
aveam să plantez
I was going to plant
aveai să plantezi
you were going to plant
avea să planteze
he/she/it was going to plant
aveam să plantăm
we were going to plant
aveați să plantați
you all were going to plant
aveau să planteze
they were going to plant
Conditional past tense
aș fi plantat
I would have planted
ai fi plantat
you would have planted
ar fi plantat
he/she/it would have planted
am fi plantat
we would have planted
ați fi plantat
you all would have planted
ar fi plantat
they would have planted
Presumptive tense
oi planta
I might plant
oi planta
you might plant
o planta
he/she/it might plant
om planta
we might plant
oți planta
you all might plant
or planta
they might plant
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi plantând
I might be planting
oi fi plantând
you might be planting
o fi plantând
he/she/it might be planting
om fi plantând
we might be planting
oți fi plantând
you all might be planting
or fi plantând
they might be planting
Presumptive past tense
oi fi plantat
I might have planted
oi fi plantat
you might have planted
o fi plantat
he/she/it might have planted
om fi plantat
we might have planted
oți fi plantat
you all might have planted
or fi plantat
they might have planted

Examples of planta

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
! O , da , ahh, e o planta agatatoareIt's a, uh, hanging rubber plant.
"Am scris Constituţia şi am primit doar planta asta amărâtă.""I wrote the Constitution, and all I got was this lousy plant."
"Ia te uită la planta aceasta." Ăsta eşti tu."Oh, look at this plant." That's you.
"Sora, când vor fi flori floare pe aceasta planta?""Sister, when will flowers bloom on this plant?"
"Întotdeauna am vrut să ajut oamenii şi toate formele de viaţă animal fiind, planta sau mineral. " Suna cumva a fata de scena pentru tine? Da pagina."I always wanted to help people and value all life be it animal, plant or mineral." Does that sound like a showgirl to you?
"Eu aș continua să-mi plantez merii.""I would continue to plant my apple trees."
"Scuzaţi-mă, vă supăraţi dacă plantez un dispozitiv de ascultat"excuse me, do you mind if I plant a listening device...
"Stiu să plantez copaci, să scot buruieni, să strâng fân...."I can plant trees, weed flowers, dig bulbs....
"photoshopuiesc o poză şi o plantez într-o poză de colegiu veche"."A photo and planting it in an obscurecollege paper" type either.
- Acum plantez pruni, meri, peri şi altele.Now I'm planting plums, apples, pears and so on.
"O să ai destule să-ţi hrăneşti cei 10 copii dacă plantezi cartofi primăvara..."You'll have plenty to feed your 10 children if you plant potatoes in the spring...
"Ori îţi speli gâtul ori plantezi cartofi.""Either wash that neck or plant potatoes."
"Să vopseşti casa, să plantezi pajiştea,"Paint the house, plant the lawn,
"Vrea să-i plantezi întâi.""He wants you to plant them first."
"Vă rugăm să plantezi un copac în onoarea de viitorul nostru""Please plant a tree in honour of our future"
"Apoi le plantează ca pe nişte copaci."Then he plants 'em like trees.
- Nimeni nu plantează copaci în ianuarie!- Nobody plants trees in January.
Ai nu te întrebi ce fel de Dumnezeu plantează un copac purtând fructul cunoașterii adevărate, doar pentru a interzice creației sale să ia parte?Did you never ask yourself what kind of a God plants a tree bearing the fruit of true knowledge, only to forbid his creation to partake?
Apoi conduci o altă maşinărie acţionată de carburanţi, care merge şi plantează.Then you drive another oil-powered machine, and it drives along and it plants. And then you irrigate.
Aruncă-l, nimeni nu plantează copaci în ianuarie!Nobody plants trees in January, do they?
"Hai să plantăm o pădure", mă gândeam că dintr-o sămânţă aş putea face să crească un copăcel, o mică plantă..."We will plant a forest" I thought the route was a seed to a small tree, a plant... and that's it, but there is only a little plant, but a million.
# Copac al vieţii încărcat de fructe # # hrănindu-ne pe toţi # # când soarele devine tatăl, sus pe cer # # lasă-ne să luăm sămânţa de măr să o plantăm în pământ # # în curând vom vedea un măr crescând şi vom auzi sunetul magic ## tree of life bearing fruit # # nourishing us all # # as the sun will become the father standing tall # # let us take our appleseed and plant it in the ground # # soon we'll seen an apple tree and hear the magic sound #
- Ba nu. Nu doar le plantăm, tu vei documenta întreaga actiune.We not only plant it, you document us planting it.
- Dacă plantăm ceva pe maşina ei...If we plant something in her car--
"E asemeni boboului de muştar pe care omul l-a plantat în grădina sa, ""It's similar to a mustard seed, that a man took and planted in his garden."
"Noi am plantat dezinformarea.""We planted disinformation."
"Şi le-am plantat în cuiburi lungi, pe linie dreaptă," "Ca pe nişte rânduri de soldaţi.""and planted them in long, straight furrows, like the ranks of soldiers...
# Nu sari de pa acoperis, tată Vei face o gaură mare în curte # Mamă tocmai a plantat petunii # Udatul si însământatul au fost grele# don't jump off the roof, Dad # # you'll make a big hole in the yard # # mother's just planted petunias # # the weeding and seeding was hard # # if you must end it all, Dad #
- Acela pe care tocmai l-am plantat ?- The one we just planted?
Bandiţii nu cunosc această plantă, de aceea vor pierde oameni şi cai.The crooks know who planted not. That costs them men and horses.
Pentru o plantă aeriană, cu rădăcinile înfipte în vârful copacilor, asta nu e o opţiune.For an air plant, with their roots planted in the treetops, this isn't an option.
Tăind o parte dintr-o plantă şi transplantând-o... creşte un duplicat exact că planta donoare.A cutting taken from a plant and transplanted grew to be the exact duplicate of the donor plant.
Dar, de cate ori am venit sa iau aer curat, era primavara si plantam din nou flori.But each time I came up for air it was spring and I was planting again.
Ieri, plantam busuioc.So the other day I was planting some basil.
În timp ce eu goleam bazinul, tu plantai banii şi efedrina în dulapul lui Thumper.While I was having the ball pit drained, you were planting cash and ephedrine in Thumper's locker.
"Si lângă căsuta lor, Jack plantase un bob mare de fasole.""And by the side of their little cottage, Jack had planted a very large bean."
... fbi plantase un microfon în nordul sediului unui tip numit Jerry Angiulo.It was, um... The fbi had planted a bug in the north end headquarters of a guy named Jerry Angiulo.
Cenuşăreasa plantase o creangă la mormântul mamei ei.Cinderella had planted a branch at the grave of her mother.
Etern-frumoasele flori pe care ea le plantase cu propriile ei mâini au devenit nu mai mult decât roşul obrajilor ei.The ever-beautiful flowers she had planted... with her own hands... became nothing more than the lost roses of her cheeks.
În fiecare zi el făcea o plimbare prin această pădurice pe care o plantase în spatele grădinii sale.Every day, he took a walk in this small spinney that he had planted at the end of his garden.
- Îşi pierde vremea plantând crizanteme la o şcoală de fete.Spending his days planting chrysanthemums in a girls' school.
Am verificat breşa personal, aşa că le-am răspuns plantând o baliză pe invadator.I took the breach personally, so I back-hacked by planting a beacon on the invader.
Băiatul ăla făcea un lucru bun plantând copaci.He was doing a good job of planting trees
Connie a mers singură prin prerie... plantând seminţe de mere pe tot drumul.[Hobo] So Connie roamed the prairie alone... planting apples seeds all along the way.
Crede că ne abate atenţia, plantând fire de păr contrafăcute.He thinks he's throwing us off track by planting confederate hairs.

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