Observa (to observe) conjugation

46 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to notice, to perceive, to remark

Conjugation of observa

Present tense
I observe
you observe
he/she/it observes
we observe
you all observe
they observe
Present perfect tense
am observat
I have observed
ai observat
you have observed
a observat
he/she/it has observed
am observat
we have observed
ați observat
you all have observed
au observat
they have observed
Past preterite tense
I observed
you observed
he/she/it observed
we observed
you all observed
they observed
Future tense
voi observa
I will observe
vei observa
you will observe
va observa
he/she/it will observe
vom observa
we will observe
veți observa
you all will observe
vor observa
they will observe
Conditional mood
aș observa
I would observe
ai observa
you would observe
ar observa
he/she/it would observe
am observa
we would observe
ați observa
you all would observe
ar observa
they would observe
Subjunctive present tense
să observ
(so that/if) I observe
să observi
(so that/if) you observe
să observe
(so that/if) he/she/it observe
să observăm
(so that/if) we observe
să observați
(so that/if) you all observe
să observe
(so that/if) they observe
Subjunctive past tense
să fi observat
(so that/if) I have observed
să fi observat
(so that/if) you have observed
să fi observat
(so that/if) he/she/it have observed
să fi observat
(so that/if) we have observed
să fi observat
(so that/if) you all have observed
să fi observat
(so that/if) they have observed
Past impf. tense
I was observing
you were observing
he/she/it was observing
we were observing
you all were observing
they were observing
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu observa
do not observe!
nu observați
do not observe!
Past pluperfect tense
I had observed
you had observed
he/she/it had observed
we had observed
you all had observed
they had observed
Future alternative 1 tense
am să observ
I am going to observe
ai să observi
you are going to observe
are să observe
he/she/it is going to observe
avem să observăm
we are going to observe
aveți să observați
you all are going to observe
au să observe
they are going to observe
Future alternative 2 tense
o să observ
I am going to observe
o să observi
you are going to observe
o să observe
he/she/it is going to observe
o să observăm
we are going to observe
o să observați
you all are going to observe
o să observe
they are going to observe
Future perfect tense
voi fi observat
I will have observed
vei fi observat
you will have observed
va fi observat
he/she/it will have observed
vom fi observat
we will have observed
veți fi observat
you all will have observed
vor fi observat
they will have observed
Future in the past tense
aveam să observ
I was going to observe
aveai să observi
you were going to observe
avea să observe
he/she/it was going to observe
aveam să observăm
we were going to observe
aveați să observați
you all were going to observe
aveau să observe
they were going to observe
Conditional past tense
aș fi observat
I would have observed
ai fi observat
you would have observed
ar fi observat
he/she/it would have observed
am fi observat
we would have observed
ați fi observat
you all would have observed
ar fi observat
they would have observed
Presumptive tense
oi observa
I might observe
oi observa
you might observe
o observa
he/she/it might observe
om observa
we might observe
oți observa
you all might observe
or observa
they might observe
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi observând
I might be observing
oi fi observând
you might be observing
o fi observând
he/she/it might be observing
om fi observând
we might be observing
oți fi observând
you all might be observing
or fi observând
they might be observing
Presumptive past tense
oi fi observat
I might have observed
oi fi observat
you might have observed
o fi observat
he/she/it might have observed
om fi observat
we might have observed
oți fi observat
you all might have observed
or fi observat
they might have observed

Examples of observa

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
"Mami" se face bine, voi observa de zi cu zi de repede!'Mummy' gets well, I'll observe a fast everyday!
"Recepţionat, vom urmări şi vom observa."Roger, we'll track and observe.
"Veti observa că Aklon de cercetare ..."Valio, cycle, info 4... "You will observe that Aklon research...
- A venit aici pentru a ne observa...- He's here to, um, to observe.
- Aceasta flexare a cotului se observa exclusiv la victimele cu arsuri.This degree of limb flexion... is observed exclusively in burn-related victims.
# Ca s-o observ♪ To observe her
- Am vrut să îi observ antebraţul, Hastings.I wished to observe his forearm, Hastings.
- Dle May, în cele 2 luni de când sunt aici am putut să observ cum munciţi şi nu-ncape nicio îndoială că sunteţi foarte meticulos.- Mr May, in the two months I've been here I've been able observe you at work and there's no doubt you are very thorough.
- Doar observ.- I merely observe.
- Doar, să te observ şi să-i raportez, dar după aceea m-a pus să pun aceste mici camere de supraveghere - prin casa ta.Just, like, observe you and report back to him, and then he had me put tiny surveillance cameras around your house.
"Ethan, partea ta de scriitor te face sa observi oamenii, dar tu faci mai mult decat sa ii observi;"Ethan, your writer side makes you an observer of people, "but you do more than observe;
"Vezi, dar nu observi.""You see, but you do not observe.
' nu are sens acest fapt - ca vedem mingea intr-o pozitie definita - este o incalcare evidenta a acestor legi ale miscarii si exact aici apar problemele masurarii cind observi, lucrurile se intimpla, cind nu observi, ele nu se intimpla!The fact that we always see it in some definite location... is an explicit violation of these equations of motion. And it's exactly there that the measurement problem comes up. When you observe, things happen.
- Bine, Castle, dar însoţeşti şi observi.Okay, castle, but it's accompany and observe,
- Te rog sa observi.Please observe.
Ai observat că atunci când te tin pentru observaţii, nu te observă?Ever noticed when they keep you for observation no one really observes you?
Dacă cineva observă şi studiază o altă persoană fără ca mai întâi să se fi studiat pe sine, de unde ştim dacă instrumentele noastre sunt corespunzătoare?If one observes and studies another person without having first studied oneself, how do we know whether our instruments are appropriately set?
De aici, S.W.O.R.D. observă şi răspunde la situaţii ce ţin de prezenţa extraterestră şi, dacă-i posibil, încercăm să facem un prim-contact paşnic cu...From here, S.W.O.R.D. observes and responds to situations involving any extra-terrestrial presence. And if possible, we trying to make peaceful first contact with...
Doar observă.He just observes.
După 30 de zile, André pune înapoi şoricelul în carusel şi observă că acesta nu a uitat să se păzească.30 days later, André puts the rat back in the chamber and observes that it still remembers to stay away.
"De ce, " a spus el, "Învăţătorul nostru Isus Cristos, ai cărui cuvinte am promis să le observăm, spune că cel sănătos nu are nevoie de doctor, ci cel bolnav."Wherefore," said he, "Our Master Jesus Christ, whose word we have promised to observe, says that the whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.
- Avem voie să observăm.We are allowed to observe.
- Exact ăsta a fost planul. Ai spus să-l observăm pe şofer şi apoi să luăm medicamentele la momentul potrivit.You said to observe the delivery driver and then take the drugs at the easiest time.
- Ne-au adus aici ca să observăm. Nimic mai mult.We were brought here to observe, nothing more.
Am venit aici să observăm cum reacţionează la necunoscut, nu să-i privim cum suferă.We came to observe their response to the unexpected... not to watch them suffer.
"Aşa cum Micul Tim a observat..."So as Tiny Tim observed....
"Recent, am observat... nişte personaje dubioase care au intrat ilegal pe proprietatea mea.""Recently, I have observed some unsavory characters trespassing on my lands. "
"S-a observat răspândirea rapidă a lor în multe orase europene distruse de război""Their rapid and widespread growth was even observed in many of the war-torn cities of Europe."
"nu trebuie să ignorăm ce au observat mai mulţi colegi, inclusiv eu,""and the brightest of our residents, "we should not ignore what I and several of his colleagues observed
- Ai observat...- Have you observed...
Acum observați, domnișoarelor.Now observe, young ladies.
Am auzit, de asemenea, el a cerut să observați pe unele vizite la domiciliu.I also heard he asked to observe you on some house calls.
Dacă observați acest lucru la nou-nascutul , doamnelor, nu intrati in panica.If you observe this in your newborn, ladies, do not panic.
Nu o urmăream, o observam.I wasn't stalking; I was observing.
Ultimul raport primit spunea că observau cordonul la rază medie.The last report says they were observing at medium range.
Numai că Galileo observase Universul pentru el însuşi.But Galileo had observed the universe for himself.
"Nu reuşeşte să observe limitele între ce-i permis sau adecvat.""Failing to observe the limits "of what is permitted or appropriate."
"Se dezbrăca să facă baie," "şi călugărul îndrăgostit a avut ocazia să observe formele voluptoase..." "şi simetria ei..."She was undressing to bathe herself and the amorous monk had full opportunity to observe the voluptuous contours and admirable symmetry of her person as she drew off her last garment.
- Bravo. Guinan, Lal are nevoie sa observe comportamentul uman.Guinan, Lal needs to observe human behaviour.
- Puteai s-o laşi măcar să observe.You could've let her scrub in or stand in the back and observe.
- Vreau doar sa observe .- I just wanna observe.
A aşteptat, observând momentul potrivit să-şi răzbune moartea.She was waiting, observing for the right moment to avenge her death.
Ai petrece două ore observând un pacient dacă tratamentul greşit ar însemna invaliditate sau deces?Would you spend two hours observing a patient if the wrong treatment meant disability or death?
Am petrecut ani uitându-mă în jos la ei, observând ce îi face să râdă şi să plângă, ce îi face să fie şocaţi sau speriaţi.I've spent years looking down on them, observing what makes them laugh and cry, be shocked or scared.
Am petrecut într-adevăr o scurtă perioadă, observând.We did spend a brief period observing.
Ar trebui să-mi petrec ziua observând de pe platformă.I shall spend today observing from the platform.

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